happy april 1st;)
39 publicly visible posts • joined 15 May 2007
up until now i haven't really cared about the whole anonymous/scientology debacle but i'm sick and tired of scientology fucks censoring anything negative about them on the internet.
trying to shutdown alt.religon.scientology(very well documented), closing out critics youtube accounts(very recently) and creating shill accounts on youtube, sending cease and desist letters to wikileaks for posting the alien worshipping bullshit(this month), and now trying to pull the financial plug on an anti-scientology site(this week).
count me in on the next anti-scientology'll see me there with a sign that says 'go worship your aliens and leave my internets alone'.
you can get quicktime all by its' lonesome from here but you have to remember to check the radio button for the version that doesn't include iCrap and uncheck the 2 boxes below so you inbox is not overwhelmed with iSpam.
Another company cowers to the power of the people on the net. First scientology gets a drubbing over being a cult and goes into hiding, then walmart gets pounded and decides to let a brain-damaged woman keep her insurance settlement, now creative lets its users have working drivers that it can't even provide itself.
I've had quite a few issues over the past year with Vista Business and an 8800GTS card. Lockups, reduced driver functionality(where'd my old and powerful nvidia control panel go?-even in xp), along with the expected 'new game crashes' that require a driver patched up for the game(Crysis, COD:4, ...).
Network transfers now move at a brisk 40+mb/sec vs. pre-sp1 8-11mb/sec between my Vista Business desktop to SBS2003. It's odd that I got transfers like that between Vista and Server2008 beta 6 months ago. Did MS make the Vista TCP stack a bit more friendly towards XP/Server2003?
To the Vista sux, Ubuntu rules, bloated update, etc. crowd:
-Vista runs like a champ on my Q6600 with 2gb's of RAM, 10,000rpm drives, and 8800GTS video card. Maybe there should be a 'Proper Hardware Required' sticker on Vista OS boxes. I can see why you would complain when running Vista with yesteryear's PC.
-Ubuntu looks nice and is fun to play with in a window on my Vista desktop. PC-BSD is cool too.
-This bloated update took a whopping 4 mins to download on a 20mbit connection, it's 2008, lose the dialup.
Oh c'mon. Lets just pick the biggest easiest target and have make some fun of it instead of being a man about it and rising above., I'm just the guy that puts in the time to make it work because I know that eventually my clients may be buying it or somehow end up with it on a new PC. In the IT business it pays to keep up with the latest software instead of being suprised by it.
I fully expected there to be issues with Vista when it came out, just like XP, and 2000, and ME, and 98, and 95, and 3.1, and 6.22, and 5.0, and .......everytime there is a major shift in the kernel I expect vendors to take some time to catch up with drivers and software to make everything work peacefully together-ever notice that somehow MS stuff seems to work almost perfectly on the newest OS? I also expect each newer version of MS-whatever to require more hardware-this is not a new concept with MS OS's; it has been going on for 15+years.
Do I recommend Vista for my clients?-no, they are comfortable with XP and it does what they want. Do I recommend it to power users....yea, have a ball with it and your new overpowered quad core PC and double-wides(put that in the reg dictionary as a pair of 20" or larger widescreens hooked up to a single PC).
When too much is just right!-RockfordFosgate
If you'd get rid of your 486sx and step up to a nice dual core system with a couple gigs of RAM and a nice hard drive you might not have to make such silly statements. Personally I've been running Vista for over a year now and aside from the normal headaches of transitioning to a new MS OS it gets my work done. Then again a Q6600@3gHz, 3.6gb's of RAM, 8800GTS, and Raptors run Vista like a champ.
Why Paris? Cuz she is pretty like Vista!
don't forget to add the content filter at the gateway....I would hate to think about IT energy being wasted by users browsing non-business related sites.
I bet it would take less than a week of "This website has been blocked by Sonicwall Content Filtering Serivce because it is a waste of the IT department's energy budget to abolish this policy.
Paris Hilton?-for all the electricity I wasted downloading and watching her video! But it was worth it;)
"The company believes that GILA will become a true expert system, able to build up knowledge in a continual process"-and eventually it will realize that it no longer needs it's carbon based handlers.
-insert Terminator2 first scene clip here-
I'm right there with ya dude.....Kentucky CDW permit in the wallet and a Smith & Wesson 642 J with Crimson Trace laser grip in the pocket.
Some idiot would have ended up with a red laser dot on his forehead, ready to be traded out with something more substantial if he refused to put the shotty down.
We've been a Dell reseller for a couple of years now and have had good luck with our account reps, pricing, delivery, etc. I'm glad that Dell is finally 'coming out' with this program and giving partners some recognition-after all, we are moving close to $100,000/year of their kit.
I'm experiencing the same slow network transfers with Vista to/from SBS2003 and XP Pro. I'm dual booting Vista Business and XP Pro on my desktop PC, everything on our network is gigabit, and Vista is dead slow when transferring files across the network. The usual 1gb/min transfers I was used to with XP have been downgraded to 1gb/hour when I boot Vista on the same hardware.
UAC was the first thing to go, tcp autoscaling has been disabled on server and desktop, tried different gigabit NIC's(figured Intel Pro1000MT might have better drivers than onboard Yukon in desktop), spent hours reading forums about this problem, and no fix yet. I'm just dealing with this one for a while and using one of our tech PC's(XP Pro) whenever I have to move large files. Hopefully a fix will magically appear one day.
Otherwise Vista has been great, nice eye candy, lots of bells and whistles, love my weather, news, and cpu monitor in the sidebar, works well with our existing equipment and domain, etc. Driver support was spotty at first but after ME, 2000, and XP I expected to not have all of my stuff working well for 6 months until manufacturers can catch up. 3 months into Vista my Handycam USB connection is the only hardware that doesn't work-bravo! The biggest headache aside from network transfers has been upgrading all of the software we use to be compatible with Vista, some of our software was upgraded under maintenance contracts but I'll have to buy new versions for others and/or make good use of my XP partition.