The glass, broken...fades away
...But the contents still remain.
Hope that the next "Expedition to Earth"
Won't feature "A Walt Disney Production"
3 publicly visible posts • joined 15 May 2007
Old, old news, MP3, camera etc., too...
Though i did see a bluetooth headset-sized one a while back...(sorry, dont know name, or have link) I don't know if it was real or not; or available in the UK.
Still, can anyone better this...? Brain implant, maybe...?
"Remotely controlled humans, here we come...!" (Courtesy of ROTM (TM), a division of BOFH, Inc.)
How many situations can you get with the following:
A very small camera phone
Some hungry, mockney Koreans.
A nocturnal, semi-deserted car park, much like that infamous one near Hampstead Heath, but for this challenge a much more appropriate location between Plaistow & Dagenham (or at least, on the District Line).
Some dogs
A plod
Bonus points if you can add the following quote:
"(Pause)...I'll get me coat".