Free Tab on pre-order @ CPW
Bullet bitten, Desire on last legs.....Nice bonus via Carphone warehouse, Free Galaxy tab when pre-ordered....gotta be worth a punt @ ~£40 a month.
14 publicly visible posts • joined 11 Sep 2009
The magic number reached, £200 for a blue ray spinner with all the added "PS3" stuff I think is a bargain now. Been waiting for the price to get down to justify the final part of the 360/Wii/PS3 trinity.
Now did I read somewhere I can use a 360 pad on the PS3, as my crippled fingers will not adapt to another controller design.....
I see a lot of moaning about the article which personally I think was well written if bias to the nuclear argument. As a Pro-nuclear supporter I welcomed the positive spin on this painful chapter in Japans history which is a huge change from the doom sayers on BBC et all.
I would simply like to ask all those quick to damn Nuclear as a power source / method for generating electricity : Whats the alternative....cover ever square inch of our great land in wind farms that are proving less than effective and nothing but a cash cow for those in power over the last decade. Or do we continue to burn fossil fuels that while not in our (well my lifetime I hope) lifetime will dwindle to nothing.
If we had spent a fraction of what has been pissed up the wall by the greenies on wind farms on the like over the last 20 years perfecting and developing nuclear power I suggest we would be in a far better position to meet our energy demands for the future than we are now.
3 thefts reported inside 12 months , 2 from the car and one from the garage and not a dot , blob or icon to be seen, either on my road or any of the surrounding streets / avenues.....
Think the mash has it right...a tool to keep us all in line.....
It seems a shame such cool images of the sun are deleted after 3 months. Given the cost / effort to obtain these pictures with a view to presumably better understand the monster ball of gas we call the sun, 3 months rolling data sounds daft to me, surely the images can be compressed / re sampled to a smaller file size for archive to then allow a larger / longer sample of the images to be analyzed......