double tax
Might be a good idea if for one minute I thought my existing tax bill would be offset so that I could actually safe so money by reducing my waste.
20 publicly visible posts • joined 15 May 2007
Our jobs are being outsourced! Particular in IT and any phone based.
The point would be if a companies employees all work at home then the company doesn't need to pay for an office. So it can either pay the employees more, reduce costs to customers or sit there getting very rich.
This example is based on the whole mp3 verses CDs and overheads.
I am very annoyed at having to pay 79p an mp3. This for twelve tracks is £9.48. An album like this in Asda can be roughly £9.99. So for a 50p saving I have tracks with no bass, DRM and no CD artwork, extras or posters etc. It's a bloody con.
And have they even been found guilty yet? So you can't comment on the legality of the other sites until a result from the trial has been found surely
How can you use google trends to decide what a city is like? Wouldn't people who don't have a ferrari be the most likely to be searching on ferrari.
And if you had searched on porsche you would of found Reading at 10th. On thames valley business park I swear there are more porsches than fiestas. Which kinda blows my argument out the water but any hoo it's nice to see my TOWN come top of a city poll especially as it has come last in every other poll.
I got a new desktop with Vista Prem. First thing I did was switch UAC off, just need to edit the registry to stop the annoying pop up balloon moaning about it.
Everything that I did on XP box works fine Vista. Networking was simpler than XP. The windows sidebar is a nice idea, yes it is looking more like a Mac now.
When it goes it sleep mode I press the windows key and it starts straight. Booting is a lot quicker than my xp box but that could probably do with decluttering.
My camera registers fine and have had no problems.
The search function is annoying as it's seems to default to search things that are indexed, which I have switched off because I don't do that much searching.
Flash player likes to crash internet explorer
All the arguments I hear are the same I heard when we went from 98 to xp, and the same old linux/mac/microsoft remarks
the truth is that it also covers ID cards for alien and we shouldn't know about them in case we panic ( by throwing bricks through windows and grabbing TVs obviously, that's what always happens in mass hysteria)
it blantantly states in there that the ID cards are a waste of time against terrorism and would only serve of use to collect, correction, harvest, information of us.
Anyway it's against my human rights to force me to have this surely :-)