Re: Rare Events One And All
Thanks for that. I enjoyed reading it.
21 publicly visible posts • joined 3 Sep 2009
That reminds me. We have a persistent male caller (sometimes 3 times a day) with a thick Indian accent pretending to be from BT. He normally informs me that somebody is using my router for phishing attacks and they (BT) are going to disconnect me today unless I blah blah blah...
During the last call from him I asked him to stop gabbling as I couldn't understand what he was saying. After a while I interrupted him and told him he must be really stupid to keep calling, day after day, when it always ends with me hanging up. At that he became really angry, told me to "fuck off" and hung up.
Surely I'm not the only one receiving these calls and BT must know that someone is using their name for nefarious means and being abusive to boot. But BT patently don't care.
To top it all every ad, tracking mechanism, profiling etc is paid for by us in the purchase price when we buy something. Ads don't pay for the programs etc we do. Ads are forced on us and they make us pay to have it forced upon us. God I hate ads.
Showing my age here but back in the 1960s or was 1970 STC brought a catalogue which contained almost every passive and active component that existed and with data sheets. Even an ordinary Joe like me could anything and any quantity from their catalogue. The only thing that never arrived at my door was a BC109 transitor that got lost in the post.
I was 16 when I saw The Pit on TV and despite being a mascho teenager it frightened the crap out of me.
Apart from the scary action sequences (i.e when the dead martians fell to pieces) it was the whole concept of the human race as having a "race memory" peopled with hideous fears and drives. The story might be fiction but I could see how beneath our civilised "skin" we might all have the seathing horror of the primative and animalistic lurking in our brains. That's what really scared me.
Dosen't the council have a quality control office(r) which assesses whether the outsourced company conforms to the appropriate ISO standard eg. ISO 9001 and maintains that standard? This should be the minimum requirement of control and tracability for any council which outsources some of it's functions.
Dishing out contracts ad hoc is a recipe for disaster.
Surely passing a judgement based solely on photographic evidence says more about the photographs than the actual objects. I would have thought that the judgement should have been about the similarity of the object themselves rather than the similarity of the photographs.
Isn't it beyond the wit of the judge or his attendants to obtain samples of the objects. Then the court can actually see/handle the objects for itself. Then judgement can then be made on the similarity of the objects rather than their representations?
... then for the Murdoch empire and his sycophants. "we'll deal with the devil if it makes a profit".
We were led to believe that the beauty of capitalism and the free market was that it brought us the goods we wanted cheaply and efficiently. But it's clearly just another economic lie.
I've watched F1 in one form or another since the late 1950s including the F1 golden age of of the 1960s but I guess that, along with other great sports, has finally come to an end. Killed by greed and total disregard for the viewing public.
Do I smell a rat? A rat smelling of dirty tricks?
This company is a new one, created this year and named after the Conservative Postmaster General back in the late 50s. He later became Transport Minister and had to do a moonlight flit (literally) from the country owing 30 years back taxes amongst ofther things. A favourite with some Conserattives because he beat the system (if criminally).
Too many strange coincidences?
Take this from a 67 year old. In England they were called "valves"
not only in my time but also in my father's time. Until recently
only the US called them "tubes". The advent of the US dominated
Internet now means everyone under 35 calls them tubes.
I still have some EL34s and EL85s for a Marshall 100 watt bass
amplifier which I used in the 1960s. They are still in their
original boxes and on the ends and sides of the boxes it plainly
states "electronic valve".
How about this picture (from an American company)