Like a Sir
If you're talking radio, you can go back to 1903
26 publicly visible posts • joined 3 Sep 2009
It may seem somewhat unorthodox, but I would venture to suggest that leaving the bag in allows for a greater freedom of expression for the leaf, resulting in a superior, albeit brief experience.
At some part of the process, the temperature and infusion strength will overlap to provide a sip of tea which is as good as it can possibly be. The drink prior and subsequent to that acts as a (fairly large) bookend to illuminate that glorious moment, in its full range of boiling insipidity to brackish swill at room temperature.
"Find some other viable comparison, e.g. the invention of ocean-faring ships and sea lanes. At least this *can*, in known history, be fairly attributed to Europeans."
Polynesians had intercontinental trade routes at least a millennium before the Europeans started their colonisation era.
I'd be very interested in seeing some breakdowns of markdown/markup ratio vs subject. The Registards could put a little graph next to the "Click to Comment" button so we can see a preview of the shitslinging in the monkey pit. This would be very helpful so we can come in and shake the tree in Global Warming and Apple conversations.
By far the coolest weapon in fantasylanddom, thanks to the febrile imagination of Gene Wolfe.
An executioner's weapon with mercury in a hollowed channel in the spine, one edge for disposing of men and the other for women.
Not that I'd want a replica, hard to justify a use for it really unless you eat very large sandwiches.
Satanism, as an offshoot of Christianity, could most likely be classified as a subsect of Catholicism. They share the same belief structures and are effectively the same thing. Probably best to leave the respective devotees to their (comparatively small) difference of opinion and enjoy the show.
I have been riding here for around 15 years. Footpath parking is free and permissible, provided that the parked vehicle does not impede foot traffic or shop entrances. This liberty is the result of a series of mass protests in the 1980s which were organised by the MRA, where car parks were repeatedly taken by motorcycles. Perhaps the demand should change to footpath parking instead, so free parking could be the easier option? That'll get the Daily Mail opinions flowing I suspect.
Interesting you make that comment - ambulances here have been user pays for some time now, meaning if you don't have insurance and require ambulanceable treatment or transportation, the onus is on you to fork out not insignificant amounts of dosh. Seems to work though. Check out the costs below:
"Phase III is the penultimate or final stage in most US military tech projects, indicating that Anubis is close to maturity."
Indicates to me that Lewis was indicating two discrete options rather than defining the first. Or he'd use parentheses or somefink else grammatic like. You'd think.
Progress is unfortunately not inevitable - in our instance, it is fuelled by vast quantities of energy which simply are not enough to sustain growth for the time frame you are talking about.
People have been trying to develop fusion for 50 years. Hydrogen is an energy storage medium, not a primary fuel. Oil appears to be on its last legs (who'll put money on Iran not getting a visit this year or next) and it's a bit late for fission, what with it not being economically viable and consuming absurd quantities of petrochemicals in commissioning.
Your solution to move growers to arable land doesn't take into account little details like borders, either. Without some serious military presence, it wouldn't be the growers to move, just the crops.
Not that we're necessarily all screwed, just those who have the misfortune to live in an area without enough political or military clout to avoid resource depletion.
On another topic, what's wrong with washing your clothes in cold water? I don't think I've ever done a hot wash in my life...
From the context, it would appear that the original poster has commenced a paragraph in the title bar, and continued underneath - this I would find perfectly acceptable, given the nature of the communicative medium.
The missing full stop, however, is most reprehensible. String em up, I say.
re: "And can I mount a partition into a directory, say something equivalent to:
mount /dev/disk0s1 /music/samples
mount /dev/disk1s1 /music/recordings"
AFAIK you've always been able to do this in Windows on an NTFS partition (at least since Windows 2000), using the Disk Management utility. I use it extensively, saves having drives to Z: when running those card readers :)
Oddly enough though, this feature isn't used very much.