* Posts by BigSpoon0

7 publicly visible posts • joined 1 Sep 2009

Tivo to return to UK in 2010


Nice, but...

...I would still prefer the ability to connect my cable to my Windows 7-powered Media Centre.

The VM interface on the HD box is awful, can't render the on-screen menus in 1080p and the hard disk is LOUD.

AMD ATI Radeon HD 5770 and 5750 DirectX 11 GPUs

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Getting there...

I'm really hoping they release some lower-lower end versions of these cards, specifically with a single slot cooler.

I have a Shuttle HTPC that's crying out for one of these with it's onbaord sound card capable of Dolby TrueHD, etc...

Guardian loses half a million CVs


Re: Confusing it is

I find myself in the same boat. Email received on Saturaday morning, attempted sign in without luck. Even asking for a password reminder on the email address they sent the email resulted in an error.

I will be contacting them for an explanation of this.

Burger King cooks up Windows 7 Whopper


meat patties

'meat patties' - Am I the only person who finds that term a little... disturbing?

T-Mobile's G2 denied the update Touch

Paris Hilton


Fully agree.

If I hadn't rooted the unit and installed the update from MoCaDo, I'd have done the same.

As a network partner, T-Mobile (and Orange) should've known about this update for some time and should've been preparing since then.

My last four phones have been from HTC and every one of them have improved drastically with the first firmware update. Arguably they should just test for a lot longer, but I imagine there's huge pressure on the industry to get phones out quickly.

Paris because she knows exactly how to root a unit.

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My G2 has the HTC untouched update availabe from MoDaCo. I've been using it for the better part of the week and I can't sing its praises higher.

It's a completely different phone and everything works beautufully, even with a lot of apps installed.

I can't understand why T-Mobile/Orange are taking so long. How many days does it take to add their logos/web shortcuts to HTC's vanilla update?!

O2 just can't keep it up


O2 don't seem to care

Following the outages last month, I cancelled my rolling 30 day contract and moved to T-Mobile (excellent so far...). When I phoned O2 to get my PAC code, I was asked why I was moving and quoted the recent network failures.

I asked if any refunds were available and I was promptly told my PAC code would be sent a few days later...