America doesn't have a monopoly of megalomaniacs. Just look at Stephen Conroy.
Seig Heil, Stephen.
5 publicly visible posts • joined 30 Aug 2009
Those whining that the ridicule heaped upon the BNP is some sort of intolerance need to stop wanking it and get a life.
Freedom of speech also means the freedom to be called a stupid git. Freedom of assembly also means the freedom of others to lump you in with your lunatic friends. Freedom of the press means the freedom to be criticized on your bilious screeds.
Such as it is on the other side of the pond, so shall it be everywhere.
John Dragoon is one of those who doesn't get it, and hasn't gotten it ever since waving a piece of paper in the air and declaring "peace in our time" with Microsoft.
Marketing is supposed to be about getting new customers, not milking your current customers for all you can until you drive them into the arms of your competitor.