* Posts by TJ

4 publicly visible posts • joined 14 May 2007

Microsoft trades goodwill for TomTom Linux satisfaction


TomTom on Windows Mobile OK then?

The title says it all.

It isn't clear from reading Microsoft's complaint that this is aimed just at TomTom's Linux-device business. It looks more like an attempt to taint the TomTom brand.

It'll be interesting to see if Microsoft can be made to clarify if this also applies to TomTom Navigator on Windows CE/Mobile devices... can El Reg chase the Microsoft PR/legal types?

In the early days TomTom was just a Windows Mobile application but rampant piracy and the move to discrete GPS devices led to the dedicated Linux-based devices. Since then TomTom has grown massively and gobbled up TeleAtlas. They also bought up a large number of patents from Horizon Navigation in 2007 that are important for portable navigation devices.

I think this is more of a cynical business move by Microsoft to cast some doubt on TomTom whilst Microsoft is pushing "Windows Embedded NavReady 2009" - I suspect getting hardware vendors to adopt Windows Mobile is proving an uphill struggle.




I suspect we'll be seeing a counter-claim from TomTom based on those patents it holds.

World's fastest production car to gain electric twin

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Enhancement of the AeroVironment Phoenix SUT Technology

As Stewart Hayward points out, it sounds very like SSC has adopted an advanced form of the system demonstrated by AeroVironment in 2007 with their Phoenix SUT (Sport Utility Truck). "The milestone demonstration by AeroVironment saw the 35kWh (kilowatt-hour) battery pack developed for use with the Phoenix fully-charged in less than ten minutes - enough to power the five-seat utility for 100 miles."

See http://www.aerovironment.com/chargingsystems.asp

and the links in the right side-bar, in particular:


USB goes Wireless


Notice of Ofcom’s proposal to make (Ultra-Wideband Equipment) (Exemption) Regulations

OFCOM is working towards UWB licensing by 21st August:

"UWB is a generic term for technologies typically characterised by the emission of very low power radiation spread over a very large radio bandwidth. Ofcom is required to comply with a European Commission Decision (the “Decision”), the implementation of which is mandatory on all European Union (EU) Member States by 21 August 2007."


On Microsoft's feeble Fortune-based nastygram to Red Hat


SCO is Copyright & Contract, not Patent

"We all know how well SCO's patent attack on IBM and Linux has played out"

Actually no, the SCO case is primarily about contracts and copyright.

Patent and Copyright are two very different things, especially when it comes to potential court action. Patent is the attempt to enforce a restrictive monopoly on a process, whereas Copyright is stopping the reproduction of something already created.

Microsoft would run the very real risk of having any patents it identifies invalidated by discovery of prior-art by FOSS advocates, as well as being declared invalid by virtue of being obvious.