* Posts by Philip 5

12 publicly visible posts • joined 28 Aug 2009

Inside our three-month effort to attend Apple's iPhone 7 launch party

Philip 5

Perhaps it's because you're completely biased against them and constantly take the piss out of them? Just a wild guess.

First iPhone X fondlers struggle to admit that Face ID sort of sucks

Philip 5

ArseScan™ Now there's a technology I can get behind.

Hacks rebel after bosses secretly install motion sensors under desks

Philip 5

Name and shame the employers indulging in this unnecessary and intrusive security theatre/voyeurism/paranoia. Make them career no-go areas.

Apple iWatch: Coming soon, runs iOS, to earn mucho mazuma

Philip 5
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Re: "...create something totally new like they did with the iPod"

I think it's fair to say the iPod was new compared with what had been around up until then. It completely redefined the category and destroyed its competitors.

Apple wins for now: no Galaxy 10.1 in Oz

Philip 5

Predictable Response from the Boys In El Reg Comments..

What do you mean a 'valid case' as opposed to a 'legally-arguable one'? Valid according to whom? You?

They have either stolen Apple's IP (Samsung, in common with many far-east electronics cos, have a strong track record of, um, reverse-engineering), or they haven't. And It's for a court to decide.

The fact that this doesn't fit into your worldview is thankfully irrelevant.

Samsung and Google's next Nexus specs leak

Philip 5
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..you don't understand why the iPhone is so phenomenally successful - it's about usability, not feature-bation.

Apple patents glasses-free, multi-viewer 3D

Philip 5


A post about Apple and no mention of the word 'fanbo*' by the el Reg Pavlovians? Surely some mistake...

Inevitable Mac OS X 10.6.4 update problems surface

Philip 5

Fave Jon Ive


That'd be the fake Jon Ive on Twitter with 26 posts, would it?

You've just been Twitrolled. Twit.

Britons: iPhone eighth most important invention — ever

Philip 5
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Ding Ding! Here come the dawgs...

Unsurprising to see the El Reg Lunix/Winbore Liberation Army apoplectic about this... you never fail to entertain.

How to host your very own Windows 7 launch party

Philip 5


And not 'wow' in a good way. I'm embarrassed for them.

Lad from Lagos makes YouTube pitch

Philip 5
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Laughs from Lagos..
