* Posts by 20legend

127 publicly visible posts • joined 26 Aug 2009


Reg Hardware Reader Awards 2010 Winners


Don't talk out of your arse pal...

The N95 8Gb is still a bloody good phone, equipped with features that it's taken Apple 4 generations of phone to almost catch up with

Official: Android rules OK


Slightly misleading ...

what the article really says is that Android is the best selling mobile OS at the moment.

Somehow I think that there will be massively more Symbian devices in service than Android ones, which would still make Symbian the most popular.

Small biz calls for end date on enhanced 17.5% VAT


are Bradford and Bingley still going?

Yes, they are now called Santander.

Windows 7 really was some girl's idea, rules ASA



1) Life without walls does not mean that the roof would fall in, if you were already outdoors.

2) As for flying cars, you may want to google/bing/yahoo! for Terrafugia Transition


Apple Facetime flings out frightening random calls


@ Was Steve

Why don't you go and re-read the article pal?

It would seem that you missed the bit about the lad with the iphone that was turned off and in his bag, and the lad with the mac that was turned off at his home, while he was staying with his doris 16 miles away.

Apple bag-o-shite-a-rama IMO.

Hasbro unleashes 'Spastic' Transformer




SkyFire flees iTunes store



.... that's really f*cked Skyfire up. Been using it for ages on N95, but since being made available for iphone I get nothing bet errors saying that due to strong demand the service is unavailable.


ViewSonic tablet defies death by Steve Jobs


@Sean Baggaley 1

What you bitchin' about man?

So what if you've already got frikkin cameras and 3G on your phone, having them on a tablet as well isn't going to exactly add much weight or cause much inconvenience is it?

If it would be such a hardship for you then don't use them - simple.

I've already got several digital cameras, but fuck me, I don't complain about my phone having 2 more, or my netbook having yet another.

Does your phone have a 7" or 10" screen, or run Windows 7? - No, didn't think so. Surely they are more likely to be the features that you would actually buy this device for, rather than those that you are crying about already having.

Who gives a monkey's what version of Android it comes with - if any, after all it's just a freebie phone OS - so a (very little) bit of a bonus rather than a cut-down, paid-for feature.

Get a grip sunshine.


Nokia C6 smartphone


'but social networking could have been better integrated'

Why on earth does a phone's ability to integrate with social networking sites 'out of the box' make a blind bit of difference to how you rate this phone?

Not all of us are sad enough/insecure enough to feel the need to share every minute detail of our day to day lives in real time, and Symbian as a mature OS is very, very well catered for by thousands of apps (just because they're not in the Ovi store doesn't mean they don't exist)

Ads watchdog: PS3 graphics 'discernibly' better than Xbox


PS3 graphics 'discernibly' better than Xbox...

shame the games aren't

Dixons aims high, medium and low with own-brand blizzard



a crock of shite by any other name is still a crock of shite (and will still be vastly overpriced and sold to unsuspecting punters by poorly trained monkeys)

Acer 'HTC killer' gets UK release



400 sheets........they're having a turkish!!!

Steve Jobs death-grips iPhone 4 reality



....what a bullshit spewing ass-clown !!!

Apple denies iPhone 4 antenna glitch, blames inaccurate signal bars


@ AC "I am yet to see 3G on O2 out of London"

You need to open your eyes pal!

I live in North Yorks and get decent, reliable 3G / 3.5G signal on O2 using my trusty N95 8Gb without any bother.

Windows 7 SP1 'beta' leaks, hits torrents


sounds like...

.. problems with your install, rather than the OS TBH. Have experienced no problems other than a very occasional, slight fickleness with the odd grabbed .flv file.

Win 7 is not copiously more resource hungry than XP - but is much less so than Vista.

It is not unstable, and your struggle to be able to fathom out how to drive it is hardly microsoft's fault.

Nokia debuts four cheapo phones


@ AC post#1

Dual sim Nokia for 45 fecking euros before subsidies and you still complain, sweet bejesus - i'm surprised you haven't complained that it doesn't have a 12mp camera as well.

BBC protects 'unique' 1Xtra listeners from radio cull


Sorry Graham..

..but that is a load of horse poop.

Without paying even more money to the likes of Murdoch, can you point us in the direction of the free football channel that you seem to be implying exists.

Also can you enlighten us as to how one would be able to watch this mythical, all encompassing, free sports coverage on telly whilst driving the car for example, as last time I checked it was illegal - but listening to it on the radio wasn't.

Apple offers hush money for dodgy iMacs


It's hush money...

good customer service would have seen the product properly tested and evaluated before release so that these faults never got as far as end users.

Xbox 360 wins MW2 update shoot-out


@ AC

Yeh yeh yeh, whatever pal...... you keep telling yourself that :-)

Modern Warfare 2 hit by anti-gay claim



Just another case of do-gooders with too much bloody time on their hands.

Have any gays actually complained that they were deeply offended by this, or are the busy bodies claiming that it 'might' be offensive, therefore should never be allowd to be seen - just in case someone gets a bit arsey about it ?

Microsoft hit with lawsuit over Xbox memory card ban


@ Andy Gibson

How does copy protection get in the way of being "an honest" gamer?

@ AC - people still buy Microsoft: You're not very good at looking for decent package deals are you?

Combat games disrespect war laws, report claims



These are games that they are talking about, not real life situations - can somebody please point this out to Pro Juvenile as they seem to be getting their knickers in a twist over what may or may not happen in a virtual environment.

The findings of this mickey mouse report are akin to saying that a game of Monopoly allows people to commit acts of fraud and financial irregularity.

Who gives a flying fuck?


Nokia netbook to land on 22 October


What is the problem......

... with the hardware being 2 years old when the contract ends?

So freaking what? It will still do the job for which it was intented.

I am still using my trusty HP NC4000 ultra portable which is about 5 years old, has a 1.6Ghz Pentium M, a gig of RAM, runs XP Pro and It still performs well in every task that I can reasonably ask of it.

If anyone buys one of these Nokia Netbooks and is so embarrassed by it being 2 years old at the end of the contract then feel free to give me a shout as I will happily take it off your hands at no cost to you, and once again you can feel free of the shame and guilt that owning such an archaic relic seems to bestow on those with more money than sense.

Sony beefs up slimline PS3


@MarkOne (unsurprisingly)

I doubt that Microsoft will give a flying fuck, with the release of Halo ODST likely to boost sales very nicely for them.

Nokia announces Linux-based smartphone


a little test for Pete 2

Pop your monitor & computer and into your coat pocket and leave the house/office for the day - then try and do ANYTHING at all with it. Now you are experiencing portable computing, only not quite in the same way an N900 may offer :-)

Microsoft re-jigs Xbox 360 range




You keep on kidding yourself pal!

With all these horrible flaws, inferior capabilities and extra expenses it says a lot more about the PS3 than the Xbox.

IF such a horrid company as Microsoft can turn out such a shite, waste of space console and then shaft people every step of the way for more money, how the fuck can it continue to keep pace with or outsell such a 'perfect' product as you make the ps3 out to be?

Maybe the pi$$ 3 isn't actually that desirable, is still too expensive, has a smaller games library, is too ugly and forces the customer to pay for technology that plenty of people simply don't give a flying fuck about.

P.S hope you are still looking forward to reaping the benefits of the slim ps3 saving you 1p per gaming hour in electricity costs over the xbox :-)

Viva 360!

How to run Mac OS X on a generic PC



'Get a grip, get a life, get a Mac' said the fanboi who is probably running bootcamp and a version of Windows :-)

I, for one, have no desperation of any kind to inflict Mac OS on my hardware pal.
