Validity of reason?
Surely any reason I choose not to vote is a 'valid' one, as it's entirely my choice, whether or not I vote.
There's a multitude of reasons I didn't vote, most of them aren't political.
Laziness, Busyness, Genuinely not knowing who to vote for and why, and not being educated enough in exactly what I would be voting for ... a new prime minister? Not really. I'm voting to elect an MP for my constituency (which obviously in turn effects who is elected).
I have no idea who those people are (apart from what i've seen in the spam stuffed in the letter box every morning), the only people I've heard about is Brown, Cameron, Clegg and co.
I don't like to think of myself as apolitical because I'm pretty opinionated generally, but I really don't like the current system, or understand enough about it to feel confident in what I'm voting for.
Most people I know are just blindly voting based on their already set views and have been incredibly close minded about what it means for the local constituency as well as long term goals.. speaking of which, one of my short term goals is to not reside in the UK.. another reason I guess that added to the lack of enthusiasm to vote.
Hope this clears things up and the down votes weren't out of ignorance. Feel free to down vote me, but this is just how I currently feel and I'll welcome any responses that would be able to encourage me to vote next time (if I'm in the country).