* Posts by Dayjo

59 publicly visible posts • joined 25 Aug 2009


I have you now! Star Wars stocking fillers from another age


Re: Episode 1 Racer (N64, PC, Dreamcast)

Shocking that this didn't make the cut. Genuinely one of the most underrated games for the N64. This game was so much fun, and really made you feel like you had Jedi reflexes zooming through Tatooine, half concentrating on over-taking Mars Guo and at the same time repairing your engines. Need to find this game somewhere and get the N64 back out!


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Slappers Only on License to Kill

Or was this just me? >_>

You end up just running around side stepping in circles trying to slap each other.

Definitely one of my top 3 games.

Spotify dances onto iPad



Fed up of using the scaled up version, such a waste of screen real state! Hopefully this will make it easier for me to browse and choose music whilst driving!

Boy burned in Nintendo sensor substitution


Re: Re: Is the top of your TV flat?

Because putting candles under the TV is a brilliant idea..

Microsoft mulls touchscreen controller for next-gen Xbox

Paris Hilton

Looks familiar....


Ion Audio Piano Apprentice



Did anyone else notice the fact that the guy got divorced half way through the article?

Google plan to kill Javascript with Dart, fight off Apple

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Make jquery native?

Hell no! It's already bloated as it is. I much prefer to work with javascript directly than go through jQuery. Granted it's a great framework and can be handy, but sorry, to build it into browsers when it's so buggy and bloated would be ridiculous.

Apple Mac Mini 2011


Is an optical drive necessary?

I've not used my DVD drive in my desktop PC in probably 3 or 4 years.

With services like Steam allowing you to download games, and sites like LoveFilm letting you stream movies, Spotify for music, along with countless illegal ways for people other than me to get this 'entertainment' media, I wouldn't be upset if I purchased a computer without an optical drive.

Google grabs facial-recognition 'ware firm

Big Brother

The title is required, and must contain letters and/or digits.

Well I agree, in that if you put a photo on the internet where you friends are likely to tag you in, your privacy is in their hands. If you don't put your name / photo online then you're pretty much safe, right?

Feds shut down poker site

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System down, website up.

Seems like the website is up, but their system is down. If you look at the "System Status" at the top of the site, it says:

"System Update

We apologise but the system is currently down. Please check back later."

Brits stereotyped by app popularity chart


arse to mouth traffic

Just had horrible flashbacks to watching The Human Centipede... thanks for that.

Mozilla cranks out Firefox 5 with cross-platform 'Do Not Track' feature


FF4 & Windows 7 Crashing

Hope this sorts it!

Nintendo coughs to using Xbox, PS3 footage at Wii U event



I'm a big Ninty fan, always have been. But I am dubious/curious about this console (not rushing out to buy one, I don't have the time to play games really any more), but I'm definitely interested in seeing what it has to offer, and whether it really will compete with the XBOX and PS3.

Happy that they've done something different controller wise, always nice to have a different way to play console games, that's the whole point of consoles, to be interactive and fun so will be looking forward to more "actual" gameplay footage.

Zelda looks like it'll be pretty sick though!

Star Wars: From dream sci-fi bride to perfect Blu-ray wife


Hayden Christenshite

Will it be the version that made me shout at the tv at the end of ROTJ?

O2 ups 3G speeds by 30%


No 3g?

I've not had any issues receiving 3G from O2 all over Brighton. I get the odd dead zone in the more.. "residential" areas.

IE9: Downloads beat Angry Birds, lag Firefox and Opera

IT Angle

Not Fair Stats.

How can they brag about the number of downloads they have if the previous versions of the browser were so awful that users would have downloaded anything just to get rid of the crap that was installed previously.

Ten... fantasy swords you wish you owned

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Princess Bride

Definitely the sword from The Princess Bride... definitely.

Perhaps the Master Sword from Ocarina of Time :D

Cornish pasties awarded protected status

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Great news

I'm fed up of getting disappointed with all these crap so called 'Cornish' pasties. I had a couple shipped up to me last week from Philps in Hayle... just delicious!

Logitech unveils first Google TV box


Quite often..

I take my massive tower downstairs to plug into my 50" HD tv in the living room to watch films / online videos. I don't have a games console or Virgin / Sky so my options are limited.

Wouldn't mind having something like this constantly plugged in, not that I'm going to buy one, I don't watch enough TV for it to be worth while.

Star Wars set for 3D rehash




Nutter repairmen scale 1,768ft TV mast

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Feet were tingling at the end! Would be an incredible base jump!

ZoneAlarm slammed for scarewarey marketing


No suprise there

ZoneAlarm has been crap for years. Used to use it a long time ago, have been more successful just using windows firewall, and don't get popups the whole time whenever something tries to connect.

UK.gov sticks to IE 6 cos it's more 'cost effective', innit


It is not straightforward for HMG departments to upgrade IE versions on their systems.

That's why you have friggin tech departments! :(

Firefox 4 beta 2 preaches tabs-on-top love to fanbois


@I don't know why anyone complains about the current startup speed of firefox,

Because it's ridiculously slow in comparison to Chrome? When I load firefox on any of my computers it takes a good 30 seconds to a minute to even show it's face whereas something like Chrome loads up in under 5 seconds.

Looking forward to v4 though :)

eBay shill bidder gets £5,000 fine


So essentially...

He got busted because he's an idiot.

A simply proxy and fake name would surely suffice to fool the ebay police?

Android phones get free video calling

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No front camera..

Some sort of mounted mirror system could accommodate those of you with no front facing cameras.

*looks for patents*

Brighton goes Green

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Validity of reason?

Surely any reason I choose not to vote is a 'valid' one, as it's entirely my choice, whether or not I vote.

There's a multitude of reasons I didn't vote, most of them aren't political.

Laziness, Busyness, Genuinely not knowing who to vote for and why, and not being educated enough in exactly what I would be voting for ... a new prime minister? Not really. I'm voting to elect an MP for my constituency (which obviously in turn effects who is elected).

I have no idea who those people are (apart from what i've seen in the spam stuffed in the letter box every morning), the only people I've heard about is Brown, Cameron, Clegg and co.

I don't like to think of myself as apolitical because I'm pretty opinionated generally, but I really don't like the current system, or understand enough about it to feel confident in what I'm voting for.

Most people I know are just blindly voting based on their already set views and have been incredibly close minded about what it means for the local constituency as well as long term goals.. speaking of which, one of my short term goals is to not reside in the UK.. another reason I guess that added to the lack of enthusiasm to vote.

Hope this clears things up and the down votes weren't out of ignorance. Feel free to down vote me, but this is just how I currently feel and I'll welcome any responses that would be able to encourage me to vote next time (if I'm in the country).


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At least they can get their voice heard now. I reside in Brighton, didn't vote, but would have voted Green if I had.

Microsoft calls for IE9 Canvas tag

IT Angle

Funny Quote

"We look at implementing it in a consistent way, so it works as well across browsers, and we look at performance."


Google waves goodbye to Docs offline function

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That I was trying to work last week with an incredibly temperamental internet connection and was highly confused that I couldn't find the offline set up! I didn't receive any notification of this being removed.

Meh.. I like google docs, it generally works ideally for me, but the offline access was one of the main reasons for this.

Cameron promises yet more Avatar


F**king Fantastic.

I suppose, milking is the Hollywood way, but milking a cow that produces sour milk is bloody stupid.... and people that drink that sour milk are even worse.

Matrix actor site stages defacement spat


3rd Hacker?

"rehacked. konphlikt"

Yes, Internet Explorer is on the wane in Europe

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@ I Like IE8


Like.. I mean.. seriously?

The IE Developer tools are completely useless.. when they work they either don't refresh the source, leave elements highlighted with an ugly blue line, or doesn't actually help. Other than that it normally just crashes itself AND the rest of the browser at the same time.

*wishes IE could handle JS properly*

Jobcentre ejects Jedi Knight



Umm dude, you're supposed to build your own..

Note to Captain Kirk: Warp speed will kill you



"No doubt future spacecraft designers will deploy advanced radiation-resistant alloys and magnetic shielding to protect Federation staff from instant death."

Made me chuckle.

As said, I do like the fact that this is all being theorized based on scientific knowledge available now. So potentially stuff could be discovered in the future that blow this all out of the water.


Google Buzz bug exposes user geo location

Big Brother

Meh.. so what?

Twitter, Facebook, Myspace and the likes have all had countless bugs in their systems.. it happens to us all! if people are so worried about their information on the internet .. don't bloody put it on the internet.

Scots unleash world's strongest beer


Available only in...

16 Packs?

Red Dwarf's Kryten exposes iPhone number

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What a smeg! Incidentally Car Pool is often entertaining.

Symantec slaps Trojan alert against Spotify



AVG has been doing the same, I had to add an exception into AVG the other day to allow Spotify to run.

Trouser-bomb clown attacks - how much should we laugh?

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Great article.. something people should already know, but you laid it out just right.

Pig plague alert: Our safe sex guide

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You guys are blood sick.

BA.com titsup


It's probably...

lost somewhere in Terminal 5.

Next generation spammers rise up in Asia, India and Brazil

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Why was I expecting...

...loads of photos of Jean-Luc Picard?

Large Hadron Collider scuttled by birdy baguette-bomber



This thing won't last I mean, If I can shoot womp rats in my t-16, any old bird could poo in the wrong place and screw the whole thing up.

Facebook enshrines dead people profiles

Dead Vulture

lol ur dead.

Obituary comments? Send a message to your dead friend/relative?

What next? A gravestone that tweets?

Cornish separatists take aim at pasty students

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Rowes? Are you serious? Guessing you've not had Philps' mate :)

mmm pasty

Yank slams El Reg 'zio-fruitcake' Playmobil 'crap'

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That's awful programming practice.

Welsh yobs clobbered by cross-dressing cage fighters

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That is all.

CCTV website recruits video vigilantes



Spelling mistake on their sign up form... not that I was rushing to sign up or anything... >_>

So technically right, I look at my local CCTV, run out, do some mild crime that gets me a free bed for the night, report it via text, repeat, and get myself a cool £1000 for 3 nights on the town?

Sounds brilliant.


Bonus Points?

... also, do we receive bonus points if we send in an MMS with a screenshot of the crime? I mean, if I was watching and this scene (off of their site); http://interneteyes.co.uk/images/gunman.jpg happened... I would most definitely want some sort of photographic evidence to prove my text was worth the £1000.
