* Posts by Peter 8

6 publicly visible posts • joined 24 Aug 2009

Child protection campaigners claim hollow victory over Facebook

Peter 8

And how will the button change anything?

So supposedly this is being brought in due to the murder of a 17 year old girl who met her murderer on Facebook.

Now let's say we could go back in time and put this panic button on Ashleigh Hall's facebook page... How exactly would that have prevented her murder?

Would it have stopped her from meeting up with the guy who became her murderer?

Given they were meeting up in secret, I don't think it's likely that she would have clicked the button herself.

Was the button gonna jump off the screen and come to her aid?

Oh and apparently she spoke to this person on MSN. And they might even have called or texted each other.

So we should have panic buttons for both of those too... since buttons, electronic or otherwise, have always been the things that prevented crime.

From where I sit, this button will do a whole lot of nothing... unlike educating young people about managing risk and how to mitigate your risk... like meeting someone for the first time in a public place... preferably with some friends around. *That* would likely have prevented her murder.

Now in the Telegraph article it states "“It's not Ashleigh's fault what happened. All we can do as parents is try to and get across to them that there are two sides to the internet.”

I vehemently disagree. She wasn't exactly doing something smart my meeting a total stranger in secret and somewhere private. She absolutely bore *some* responsibility in regard to her fate.

And anyone who thinks a button on a web page would have made a whit of a difference needs to get a clue.

If Jim Gamble truly believes that this button will do more than just be political window dressing that will achieve nothing, then he is definitely one of the more clueless people out there.

Dubai cuts ribbon on world's tallest building

Peter 8

But isn't it bankrupt?

Isn't this building being done by the same semi-government corporation that had that debt crunch recently?

Bono accuses ISPs of 'reverse Robin Hooding' over piracy

Peter 8

If piracy truly hurts artists...

If piracy truly hurts artists, then how does Bono explain the success of the Grateful Dead who actually encouraged people to make bootlegs and copies of their music?

Microsoft tosses Windows, Office discounts at XP holdouts

Peter 8


I'm still using Windows 2000...

Texas cops cuff 176 at illegal cockfight

Peter 8
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Budget cut needed

When I read stuff like this, it makes me think that the police department in question needs a budget cut.

Really... a cock fight???? There aren't bigger problems for them to tackle? Like perhaps the 45,000 people who die in auto collisions in the US alone every year?

US women protest for the right to bare

Peter 8

Same issue in Toronto years ago

We had the same issue in Toronto years ago.

A woman decided to take off her top on a hot summer day. She got charged her with something like 'indecent exposure'.

She took it to court and won because the court agreed with her legal argument that to prevent her from going topless because she's a woman violated her rights under The Charter of Rights and Freedoms Act... which disallows gender discrimination among other things.

Strangely I was at Canada's Wonderland a year or two ago on a hot day. I, as a male, took off my shirt and a couple of minimum-wage--powertripping-idiot employees asked me to put my shirt back on... so I did... even though I didn't actually see anyone complain. But then I saw other guys without their shirts on and NOT getting harassed, so I took my shirt off again and didn't get bothered.

Honestly.. I think there are too many stupid and putative laws and there needs to be FEWER laws. Definitely "no toplessness" is one that has to go. And as for porn laws... unless it involves imagery of actual intercourse with a minor, it shouldn't qualify as "illegal porn".

Anybody who thinks that breastfeeding is sexual is themselves a pervert and is in no way fit to make any judgment calls as to what is lewd and what isn't.