* Posts by zanto

233 publicly visible posts • joined 19 Aug 2009


Canonical kicks Kubuntu to the kerb



enlightenment e16 has been around since 1997

"The Enlightenment Window Manager was first released in 1997 by Carsten "Rasterman" Haitzler"



also see:



"Glad I've still got Windows on both machines as well. Given the usual claims of the *buntu zealots, I expect my real problem is I'm not their Gran."

whatever floats your boat Ken. all the best.

Google and Facebook remove 'offensive' content from Indian sites



".... why are 'the religious' the ones who decide what is offensive ?"

post something homophobic and you might want to revisit that statement of yours.

not defending religion or gay bashing, just pointing out the hypocrisy in general.

what's sauce for the goose....

Samsung Series 7 Chonos 15.6in Core i7 notebook


just resize the window you're typing in

and place it on the left of your screen and you're set to go.

that's what i do on my acer 5740G which also has a numeric keypad which i hated at first.

Eight... HD camera smartphones



lots of review sites include links to where you can buy. i think it's a useful feature and if the reg earns some money from it (and i honestly hope that they do), then good for them.

epic fail for being such a jerk.

Dim-but-rich buyers targeted with million pound laptop


another patent fight

Shirley Apple has "Dim-but-rich buyers" as it's customer base?

Sick of Ubuntu's bad breath? Suck on a Linux Mint instead

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@Goat Jam

10.04 kicks balls. i'll also stick with it as long as updates are available.


upgrade to enlightenment

no matter which distro i use, i always upgrade my desktop to enlightenment e16. only that's been around since the early 90's.

imagine this:

1) 100% of desktop available, i.e. no task bar / drag bar (perfect for smaller screens)

2) multiple desktops that are a breeze to handle. so work in one, email in another, browse in another... (again perfect for smaller screens)

3) everything you want is a just *single* mouse click away. that includes normal applications like firefox to system admin applications. you can also configure your own menu and sub-menus.

4) minimized windows vanish (when the boss is around) but are a mouse click away when they're gone.

apart from windowmaker, and fvwm2 which come close in functionality, i have yet to see another desktop as functional and user friendly.

also all i need to do is tar my rc files and after a new install and a few tweaks, i am back to the familiar interface.

and for a desktop that trumps all other desktops in terms of features, and looks, it's also extremely lightweight. which means more cpu/ram available for running more applications simultaneously in all those multiple and virtual desktops.

Google+ funny numbers mask falling growth


it's just a fad

I don't have a facebook account, although I am on g+. Not that it matters because I don't "do" social networks. With an average life, a job and getting through the week only to sleep most of the weekend, I don't see what the fuss is all about.

To keep in touch, I call or email. When I feel the need to ramble or spew forth my wisdom, I visit the comments section of el reg.

NT daddy turns his hand to Xbox



just registered my upvote. chew on that!

Windows 8 hardware rules 'derail user-friendly Linux'


what me worry?

micros~1 will need to pay money to make arm based phones with windows sell. that is because no matter how good the hardware, sane people would never pay money for that thrash.

and as far as laptops and desktops are concerned, those of us who want to will fiddle with the bios.

on the other hand, anything that beefs up the utterly pathetic security of windows would be welcome. hopefully it would mean less reboots every day.

HTC Explorer budget smartphone


hitting the sweet spot

The key selling point of a phone like this is the low price and long battery life.

having said that, the qualcomm chip is no slouch, and this phone should be really sweet for those who want an inexpensive smart phone with a crisp touchscreen, decent battery, and decent performance.

i never really saw a need for a phone like this, until a friend bought one. all he needs is a phone with a calendar that can sync to google, his email and the odd app to keep him entertained when he's on the move. for that, phones such as these are perfect.

Footie club sacks striker for homophobic tweet


cry me a river

was there something really so offensive in his tweet?

i miss the good old days. when we had movies like "History of the World part I" where everyone could laugh at anyone. now, we can make fun of the Church because that is intellectual and "kewl", but gays are off limits?

and yet we all point fingers at the moron who twitted and call *him* insecure?

Profs call for harsh taxes on sweet carbonated beverages


let them thaxsh shoft drinksh all they wanth

Jusht leave beer out of it.

Sony shows off NXT-generation smartphone


snapdragon processor

So the hardware as well as battery life is as good as it gets. If sony get the firmware/software right, this baby's the phone to have. The screen resolution and size look just about spot on for reading technical papers on.

Now if only this had a slide out keyboard, i'd have something to replace my milestone. For some weird reason, seeing no expandable memory, gives me the feeling that a bastard-ised windows version is waiting around the corner.

US deploys 1.8 gigapixel helicopter surveillance drones to Afghanistan


don't they fire rifles into the sky?

Wouldn't want to be in a helicopter above one then.

Or you could drop a napalm bomb on them and claim they shot first!

Apple's request for HTC ban delayed again


i'll bite...

"Apple did build the best product, by a long shot"

for sheep maybe. beauty or appreciation lies in the eye of the beholder.



Apple has very big and deep pockets. A sense of fair play on the other hand......

FCC (finally) cracks down on BLARING! TV! ADS!


same here

My television was hardly used at all. So I did the same. The little that I do watch is only available online and, cough.. has no commercials cough..

Hitachi GST unzips to reveal hard internal 4TB whopper


"so it should store a load of pictures of said *birds* bushes when it eventually comes to the UK."

EU stalls Googorola anti-competition probe


that be damn fine weed

whatever those bozos are smoking, pass some of it over.

protecting android is just what is needeed to maintain competition, now that nokia has bent over to be shafted by ballmer, and rim execs have shown who's incharge at crackberry inc.

unless of course someone in the eu has been "indoctrinated" with large amounts of fruity goodness.

'Why the hell are we paying elite crypto crackers £25k?'



" Why are we paying world-class cyber security experts what we pay passport-stampers at the border-control-agency?"

Those passport stampers would be exposed to so many exotic bugs, need to react in real time, and probably have stricter working hours.

Although 25k a year is a joke for a competent engineer.

Acer Aspire 5749 budget 15in laptop


running ubuntu 10.04 LTS

my 5740G has been running ubuntu since i bought it. wifi, bluetooth, webcam for skype calls all work.


wait for the "G" addition

in the past they bumped up the cpu to an i5, slapped a fairly decent ati card on and called it the "XXXX"G where XXXX is the model number.

i use a 5740G at home and it's incredible value for money. i don't play games any more, but the hardware is capable. it's fast, functional and takes on ubuntu like a dream.

Alec Baldwin kicked off plane for playing with his phone


epic fail


ppl hu use wrds lik dat shud be f-ing shot.

(epic fail for baldwin)

Canonical releases first alpha of Ubuntu 12.04


mixed feelings

i've been so happy with 10.04 and now i'll soon have to go over the install procedure again. i've felt the occasional itch to try a new version of linux, but as i get older the itch is less intense.

there was a time not too long ago when i felt ubuntu was over hyped, but after getting a tad fed-up of fedora 1 year cycles (6 months for the current + 6months for the next) i decided to try ubuntu 10.04. that was close to 3 years back.

part of me is sad that such a wonderful product is nearing it's last days, but the kid in me is looking forward to a new install. maybe even a new distro like linux mint. something to look forward to on a free weekend.

Take this survey: Win an iPad 2


ipad 2?

no thanks, i'll pass.

Iran bans Tehran invasion first-person shooter


does iran have large deposits of oil

Otherwise I see no reason for an invasion.

Struggling tech resellers face winter of annihilation


as someone not from the UK

Why would consumer spending be low? From what I've heard/read the UK has one of the best social security nets, the dole. So even if you don't have a job or are in danger of losing a job, you'd still have money to spend. And not have to fret too much before spending.

Nokia promises not one but two Lumia 800 power fix patches


@ krissy5579

Well daim girl, but you're turnin me on with all that trollin...

Cutting-edge Mirasol display finally comes to e-reader

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already there

Clocks and supply are already gated for chips to conserve power. Also different parts of the chip work at different voltages to conserve power. You'll find that now it's the display that makes the major difference. Yes there is still room for improvement in chip design, and that's why I have a job. Newer chips will keep getting better in terms of efficiency.

Coming back to displays, this tech is something that I've been waiting for. A colour reader that can last for a couple of weeks would be awesome.

My wish list:

Colour screen with a resolution of 1280x800 for reading technical papers

Battery that can last at least a week

Wi-fi, bluetooth, usb (3G would be nice to have)

Expandable memory

MP3/OGG player (FM radio would be nice)

Dolphin browser

Pop/imap/exchange client for email

Support for pdf, epub, doc, xls, ppt, images,....

Touch screen with a pen for scribbling notes

Spanish firemen grapple naked stairs sex Brit



Been a long time since I've had a good laugh. Thanks.

Profiteers cash in on Steve Jobs' signature glasses


very practical design

Round rimless glasses are very practical. They provide an optimum viewing angle without extra weight.

Official: Kindles get heavier as you add e-books

Paris Hilton

Re: Re: Eh?

I think you're taking that comment far too seriously.

Insulin pump hack delivers fatal dosage over the air


missing the point

These designs are insecure by design. If they were secure than it could prevent a person from getting medical attention because of the security.

Think of the emergency brake in trains. Would you really want to encase that in reinforced steel with an electronic lock having 1024 bit keys and a pass phrase like "imabor3dcuzimanattag3tt1nnepoozi"?

Firefox preps native Android interface

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another dolphin user

cannot imagine using anything better on my milestone. It's to phones what ff is to desktops/laptops.

Hadoop: A Linux even Microsoft likes


damn my ability to spot a troll!

Takes the fun out of getting in a flame war.

Installed linux on so many computers ranging from cheap acers to t-series thinkpads, from 486's to i5's, and all i can say is that it always was easier to install than windows.

Gay-bashing cult plans picket of Steve Jobs funeral


@ Mr. Young

if taking issue with smoking is trolling, then yes i am a troll.

there are a million ways i can reply to your post, but nah, it's only smoking and what it does that i have an issue with.

i do apologize however seeing how i seem to have hurt your feelings. for the record i only called the OP a dick because he claimed fags are great. and your post just justified my stance that there are a lot of impressionable young minds who just might get the wrong idea.

happy face icon to make you feel better.


you sir are a dick (and a limp shrivelled one at that)

"Fags are great! (I smoke 20/day, I should know)"

been there, done that, got the lung function test results to prove it.

in the doctors own words "if you don't stop smoking and start exercising, BAD THINGS ARE GOING TO HAPPEN TO YOU"

i put the caps in myself, he actually said it in a very matter of fact tone, and being an ex-army doctor didn't really look like he gave a shit what happens.


don't bother

it's in the interest of the pseudo-intellectual left leaning sections of the media to tar all Christians with the same brush, especially when you get a bunch of crazies like these.

having said that, these inbred dodos have done a good job of distancing themselves from other Christian denominations.

Mozilla to Firefox users: Ditch crashtastic McAfee plugin


couldn't have said it better myself

i've used firefox since it was phoenix. i use it on linux at home and windows at work. and i've never known it for being prone to crashing. hell even phoenix was pretty darned good, but maybe that was because i was using it on a debian (knoppix hd-install) box at the time.

the only addons i use are noscript and adblock plus.

Apple cofounder Steve Jobs is dead at 56



death is so final. peace to him and his family.

for the rest of us, a poignant reminder that everything we've got going is just temporary. so live well and make the most of it.

Orange Barcelona Android Qwerty phone


RE: Fandroids

you used the wrong icon. see the icon to the left of this post.

PlayBook stock mountain: RIM slashes prices

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already there

what about a way to get the BBC radio while driving through poland?

i get bbc streamed to my e71 through the internet radio app. don't they have gprs/3G in poland?


shot is too mild

he should be tarred then feathered publicly before being made to commit seppuku as an example to other bright sparks who might get similar brilliant ideas.

Reebok used 'very fit woman' in buttock-related deception


watched the clip and....


Apple sued for iPhone, iPad chip 'patent rip-off'


@ paul

epic fail for forgetting to include the troll icon with your post.



Apple could just buy via.

They then have more patents to sue the planet .... I mean galaxy with.

Windows 8 secure boot would 'exclude' Linux



don't kid yourself. all apple need to do is pull another sony and pfft.. no more other os.

however, knowing your typical apple fanboi, they'd probably go orgasmic every time, apple decided to bugger them.

No pain, some gain: Ubuntu Oneiric Ocelot examined



i was just pointing out that linux doesn't force you to use any particular interface. i've rarely used either gnome or kde or xfce. i have the *freedom* to choose and customize my desktop, even though i am just an average user.

i've used and continue to use enlightenment because it remains in my opinion, the fastest, most lightweight and configurable and also the most functional and least obtrusive WM period. in the past i've used redhat, mandrake, debian (both vanilla and knoppix), fedora and now ubuntu. and i've always used enlightenment. even if it wasn't part of the install cd/dvd it was just a few clicks/keystrokes away once your installation was complete.

so i really do not understand why the gnashing of teeth about unity replacing gnome. just go to the package manager and select which wm you want to use. as i've mentioned earlier, you can CHOOSE to use what you want to use.
