When eating chipboard, no need to contaminate with Ryvita.
22 publicly visible posts • joined 19 Aug 2009
It's the median, rather than the mean. As there aren't many surgeons/doctors/highly paid civil servant, taking them out will have a minimal effect on median earnings. It's what the majority of people earn that makes the big difference. I'd be curious to know if either statistic included part time staff - that's likely to 'distort' the median downwards...
I bought the 128Gb variant of the Crucial drive and replaced the hard drive on my MacBook. It's made such a huge performance improvement; I'd highly recommended SSD drives to any laptop user. I've noticed a particular improvement in running VMs (especially XP) and IntelliJ (when it goes off to index stuff, for example).
The capacity could be seen as a bit limiting, but once I put all of my videos and other large documents on a NAS, I've not been complaining.
Some of us will miss needing to know the various bugs in IE6 when it does finally bite the dust. (Personal fave, float and margin in the same direction doubles the margin size, fixed by using display inline! Classic!). Anyway with (I believe) ~40% of corporate users still on IE6, it ain't disappearing anytime soon.