* Posts by webster phreaky ate my iphone

22 publicly visible posts • joined 19 Aug 2009

How I used Space Shuttle tech to insulate the living room

webster phreaky ate my iphone


When eating chipboard, no need to contaminate with Ryvita.

So did Windows Phone 7 'bomb in US'?

webster phreaky ate my iphone
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@Herbert Anchovy

Some of us are old enough to remember fighting against the mammoth.

Google boss: 'Creeped out by Street View? Just move'

webster phreaky ate my iphone


a baffoon is a cross between a buffoon and baboon?

Hands on with the new Apple MacBook Air

webster phreaky ate my iphone


he managed to fight his way passed all the tourists using Facebook.

Java surpasses Adobe kit as most attacked software

webster phreaky ate my iphone

Chances are

Dan Goodin can be uninstalled from most desktop machines and the user won't even notice.

So there. :P

Star Wars set for 3D rehash

webster phreaky ate my iphone

You must have seen Avatar too then!

But at least the Na'vi weren't JarJar Binks.

Steve Jobs chops student hack down to size

webster phreaky ate my iphone

Descends ....

... like a locust.

Public sector earning more than private, but less than last month

webster phreaky ate my iphone

Not a lot actually

It's the median, rather than the mean. As there aren't many surgeons/doctors/highly paid civil servant, taking them out will have a minimal effect on median earnings. It's what the majority of people earn that makes the big difference. I'd be curious to know if either statistic included part time staff - that's likely to 'distort' the median downwards...

webster phreaky ate my iphone

@leona 2

If you can't get a job in the private sector, how do you know you're earning 25-30% less than if you were there?

Jobs moves to the heavens with Apple TV

webster phreaky ate my iphone



iPad alert: Are you a selfish elite or an independent geek?

webster phreaky ate my iphone


I for one welcome our new exoskeleton wearing, Echinoderm overlords.

Killer piranha stalk Folkestone pond

webster phreaky ate my iphone

I for one...

... welcome our new rod tugging, cow skeletonizing overlords.

Tinfoil Condition Red! LHC 7 TeV mega-blasts today

webster phreaky ate my iphone

Dr Dark Matter is ...

... depressed?

May be someone should buy him some flowers...

Open source - the once and future dream

webster phreaky ate my iphone


Would it be possible to have a debate about FOSS without resorting to tired analogies between software development and political systems? Is MySQL the T34 of databases? Is Windows the F15 of operating systems? Really, please stop.

Oracle should cannibalize JavaFX Frankenstein

webster phreaky ate my iphone


Can't get javafx.com or the linked page to work on FF3.6 on Mac without getting the spinning beach ball of death. Not exactly a ringing endorsement of JavaFX.

Where does Mozilla go when the monopoly witch is dead?

webster phreaky ate my iphone


It's the new computer geek barbie!

Adobe apologizes for festering Flash crash bug

webster phreaky ate my iphone


I'm surprised how many people have actually checked to see if that link would crash their browser... Let's hope El Reg never publishes a story regarding the supposed lethality of sticking one's head in an oven!

Brits take iTablet moniker for 12in iPad rival

webster phreaky ate my iphone


Windows XP? IE6? Not so much iTablet, more like iTimeMachine.

Verizon snuffs Google for Microsoft search

webster phreaky ate my iphone


Microsoft are forcing users to use Bing? Quelle surprise!

2009's Top Solid-State Drives

webster phreaky ate my iphone

Best upgrade I ever made

I bought the 128Gb variant of the Crucial drive and replaced the hard drive on my MacBook. It's made such a huge performance improvement; I'd highly recommended SSD drives to any laptop user. I've noticed a particular improvement in running VMs (especially XP) and IntelliJ (when it goes off to index stuff, for example).

The capacity could be seen as a bit limiting, but once I put all of my videos and other large documents on a NAS, I've not been complaining.

New hacker peril for older IE versions

webster phreaky ate my iphone

Hey! Don't knock IE6!

Some of us will miss needing to know the various bugs in IE6 when it does finally bite the dust. (Personal fave, float and margin in the same direction doubles the margin size, fixed by using display inline! Classic!). Anyway with (I believe) ~40% of corporate users still on IE6, it ain't disappearing anytime soon.

Linux: More contributors, more code

webster phreaky ate my iphone

Commits to Area

11,560,971 lines in 27,911 files is about 414 lines per file. As the GPL license is at least 20 lines, then it must account for almost 5% of the code base.

It's a shame they didn't list the most changed files too.