* Posts by shawnfromnh

202 publicly visible posts • joined 19 Aug 2009


Brit spending watchdog questions where savings will come from in court digitisation reforms


Re: Judicial Efficiencies

Best way to lower crime is stiff sentences for dangerous criminals so they are out of the system for decades if necessary and lower taxes and more jobs and lower taxes does create more jobs. So basically get the criminals off the street and fix the economy.


You need paper to keep a non changable with keystrokes records and evidence. This is garbage.

It's not the cost that worries me it's the security end. If someone can delete something it's gone but you have to access the room with the paperwork to remove it, also you have the problem if a super rich person is being indicted and the evidence is all paperwork then the right bribe or hack and the evidence disappears or the entire system is encrypted beyond fixing. Yeah, it's like digital voting, not trustworthy and paper is the only way to have a real record.

Google: We're not killing ad blockers. Translation: We made them too powerful, we'll cram this genie back in its bottle


The only sinking ship that pumps water into the ship. Faster boys we need the sink world record. We need tax writeoffs. I need to keep using waterfox.

The best and worst of GitHub: Repos wiped without notice, quickly restored – but why?


Re: 'You always have a local copy'

Unless you created the code on the cloud you always have a local copy. You upload a copy of that to the cloud and keep the other one.


False positive fine but if that had been an account more than a week how the hell can it be spam since it would have been reported long ago and not just them. Hell if the account was years old why would they scan it at all unless they had a letter from a TRUSTED source not just an email from a random idiot no one has ever heard of. I think this is their way of clearing space by disabling stuff and seeing if someone complains about it. Stupid sure but it's and MS company now so this seems plausible.


Gitlab is all I want to say.

Tech security at Equifax was so diabolical, senators want to pass US laws making its incompetence illegal


This should have been a law a long time ago and all online businesses should have this in place for everything. Hell a manditory pen testing with a minimum of tests to be done.

Three-quarters of crucial border IT systems at risk of failure? Bah, it's not like Brexit is *looks at watch* err... next month


Sounds like a lot of people were planning on Brexit not happening even though it was passed. I'd just do it and say the heck with the idiots that were against it and planned on it being repealed even though it was a fair vote. Seems like the UK deepstate that loves globalism and hate UK people is not being toppled like in the US.

620 million accounts stolen from 16 hacked websites now for sale on dark web, seller boasts


One person said we've taken all measures necessary. Does that mean all measures to comply with minimum by law security. I wonder how many of these site do regular pen testing or even done one test.

Google's cash problem: There's just so much of it


Also is the problem people like me don't care for google/youtube political tactics so we avoid those platforms for other video sites and duckduckgo that don't mess around and give honest feedback on results. Also Facebook is garbage and Zuckerburg and his censoring platform will start to fall in value as other sites take the people that leave. I see the leftist business tech companies are going to start to increase in the amount of people leaving. They are both overpriced stocks by far and the NASDAQ will fall hard when their values plummet but since I would never invest in some internet company that puts ideology ahead of great and honest business dealings and users data is sold off without regard. No it's great they're taking a hit and hopefully they'll teach other tech that politics and business do not mix when the number of users of every persuasion and belief uses them.

I won't bother hunting and reporting more Sony zero-days, because all I'd get is a lousy t-shirt


As he sits at his computer in a Sony tshirt, a young man who feels he's been screwed post on the dark web many weaknesses in the Sony website he hadn't disclosed yet. Sony I hope someone reads this because it can happen. They might not hack you but instead pass the gun to someone who without hesitation will hack your site and do other things if their is a way from the site to other parts of Sony. Hell letting loose a crypto program so the server is all but bricked might make them put a few thousand out of their tightwad wallets to actually show a bit of gratitude to the people that are doing this great service for them and not spit on them by sending them marketing materials. Only a stupid person would think that was appropriate. Hell if not cash send them at least the latest PlayStation or are you to cheap for that. Well when they get hacked so big their website is down for days or even weeks then they'll pay more for what they should have paid up front.

Windows Defender update: So secure, it wouldn't let Secure-Boot Windows PCs, er, boot


Re: My personal Windows 10 update....

Same here MX18 running in ram and persistant.


Re: Windows defender stops Windows 10 from booting?

I didn't realize that. I thought it was still classified as spyware. Well ya live and learn.


Re: Windows fukdates

Hell no other device needed. Pop in your medicat admin tools dvd or usb and boot into that and fix windows.


Re: "Secure Boot can then be switched back on"

but what if one day you find that windows has installed itself like a root kit and you can't remove it.


Alex, I'd like Linux is better for 800.

Windows will not start.

That would be why you are happy you left windows years ago?

Ad-tech industry: GDPR complaint is like holding road builders to account for traffic violations


of course the highway association, they're expert on the Hershey highway for decades now and my ass is sore from it all. At least give me a coupon for some KY as you ream me with your ads please.


Re: How we view this in the USA

the first were likely the ones that had those tombs 1000'd of years old in the Chilean mountains.


I'm wondering with the new privacy laws that sharing information at all or having 3rd party cookies should be totally banned across the board. If a cookie can ID someone then it should be forbidden and a fine levied for each cookie. Hell how about having just regular ads, no cookies, and all ad/marketers banned from collecting information on people on websites. There ads don't work anyways since most people like me can totally ignore or close them in a moment so it's just tossed away money in my eyes. An ad though that is not irritating and is about something that interests me like a computer part might get me to click it but an ad about most other stuff is just taking up space on my TV screen where I could be looking at content contentedly.

Techie finds himself telling caller there is no safe depth of water for operating computers


Re: Header pic

What everyone has overlooked is that it's unlikely you'll get that bottle into the passenger cabin of the aircraft and in the US the amount of fluid not the alcohol itself will have them confiscate or make you put it in your stowed luggage. So this is an unrealistic scenario.


Re: Header pic

Our fun where I almost crapped my pants was when the stupid guy that was held back 2 grades decided to instead of breaking off a piece dropped the baseball hunk of potassium into the beaker of water. The explosion was really load but the smoke quickly cleared since a couple of plywood sized glass windows were not there anymore but in small pieces in the parking lot outside the lab. That will wake you up in a boring lab class real quick.

Want a bit of privacy? Got a USB stick? Welcome to TAILS 3.12


Re: Why Etcher?

My other go to is suse studio image writer or unetbootin though suse is far superior. I think for suse image writer on arch you just search for image writer in pamac.


Re: ISOs

So they freeze the ram. You pull the plug and everything goes away and you pull the usb stick and then format it and start again with a new identity this time. Hell freezing ram is not a problem since ram requires power to maintain and so do internet connections to download that ram information so pulling the plug basically kills their download and the evidence in one quick moment. When I was on windows I would keep the power strip on my desk so if I hit the wrong site I could just click it off and the website that locked up my PC was gone. I didn't know much back then so this was my virus prevention method back then.

Data flows in a no-deal Brexit are a 'significant' concern – MPs


UK gov is full of shit.

Anyone with a brain realizes that any business with any clue would have started planning the minute Brexit was a confirmed win. Anyone thinking May would push through successfully with her idiotic bills that were basically screwing over a lot of UK businesses more than before Brexit. Hell with all the countries out there like the US and Australia would love to get direct talks with just the UK without the EU pushing them to do this and that also just to trade and pushing their own ideals and rules insteady of a hosts countries own national traditions of trade. Heck Brexit is probably a great thing for businesses that planned and made unsigned agreements with companies in other nations already just waiting for the completion to lock in the deal. That's what I'd do if I was a great CEO or CFO. Heck not doing that even if it never happens would be foolish if it does even though they saved the money now they'll be fighting over scraps later.

Users fail to squeak through basic computer skills test. Well, it was the '90s


Re: Mouse balls

I did the manual getting dirty solution. A regular Qtip and alcohol, roll the little roller with a finger and hold the wet Qtip tightly against it. Took a while but was spotless at the end, I also wasn't a stranger to the fingernail scraping on the tougher stuck on stuff. Good feeling when doing that and every few months my keyboard gets a cleaning for everything on and in between the key and with a Qtip it fast also though a few times since it is unplugged I would use a paper towel and force to clean certain keys like the spacebar for instance. It alcohol doesn't work I carefully dampen a finger with straight Dawn dish soap and it'll dissolve any grease including tobacco and then paper towel and a Qtip to remove all residue.

Ooh, my machine is SO much faster than yours... Oh, wait, that might be a bit of a problem...


Re: Well that was an invisible problem

Thanks for the history lesson, that was pretty interesting to me since I had no idea. I've only been using since 92 on a crappy 286 on wfw 3.11 so that is pretty cool and the testing was great since they didn't just do capacity but pushed the bondaries like the realized all the cheap customers would do so to keep them happy the made it so cheap customers would buy from them again knowing they can push the envelope even more next time instead of today making it so they barely make the spec to keep costs down and forcing people to want to upgrade.

The Iceman cometh, his smartwatch told the cops: Hitman jailed after gizmo links him to Brit gangland slayings


These guys, but they look sooo intelligent.. :P

Man drives 6,000 miles to prove Uncle Sam's cellphone coverage maps are wrong – and, boy, did he manage it


Hell I live close to VT in NH like less than 20 miles and from my town to the next big town 10 miles away and in my town there is no signal and we all have to hook up to wireless routers to use phones in our homes or yard and no phones on the drive so if you break down at night and there is no one answering the door or no traffic you could die from the cold in the winter. Yeah it's all bullshit so the phone companies can maximize profits.

Three quarters of US Facebook users unaware their online behavior gets tracked


From experience I find that most US facebook users I know are unaware of how computers work or don't care if their information is taken. Basically the normal Facebook user is an idiot that knows how to get to facebook. It's time we have in internet test to see if people are smart enough to be allowed online like the old idea of people should have to take a test to see if they are smart enough to reproduce because there would be a hell of a lot less children in this world if an IQ test passing grade was manditory for parenthood and it in exchange would raise the worlds IQ average since only people that possess a minimum of the intelligence genes would be having babies though we'd let them all have sex but babies would be off limits.

IBM insists it's not deliberately axing older staff. Internal secret docs state otherwise...


Thing is the older men they are letting go are worth sometimes 5 younger guys in productivity or results. Hell younger guys without the experience will cost more because consultants and meetings to figure out what the older dudes already know by heart will cost time and money and release dates of products along with product quality. In the long run IBM is shooting itself in the foot. If they let go of older salespeople and older purchasers that were their friends might just say I'm not interested and they will lose sales to because many times tech workers in different companies will show resistance to the companies that get rid of great people by doing little stuff that basically makes the company doing the layoffs cost money in more expensive cost or lost sales or lower sale prices since they'll be putting the screws to IBM and it's like.

Careful with the 'virtual hugs' says new FreeBSD Code of Conduct


typical feminist bullshit

I learned this a long time ago. The definition of actual harassment is if the feminist thinks the guy is fuckable, period. Harassment should go back to the 70's when harassment was straight out asking a woman to screw or threatening her job if she doesn't and that is it. But like the left the goal posts are constantly moving and they say this is all they want then we're adding this and this and this. Hell now the middle republicans politicians are the democrats of the 70's and the democrats are the nutty socialist trying to make the world communist so this is just them putting a nail in the coffin of linux. Problem is there are a lot of fine developers and programmers out there that will fork the linux kernel and say screw this PC bullshit which is going to destroy the community and then a new better community of the rejected people and they will have all the non SJW users as fans and users and the original linux will slowly lose users till the fork is now king. As George Carlin said in the 80's and he was right and on top of stuff as usual "PC is just Fascism pretending to be manners" and that is spot on and he was a strong liberal and hated PC so that says a lot.

Germany hacked: Angela Merkel's colleagues among mass data dump victims


Re: Usual scapegoating article

They hate Russia because if Russia makes a great peace treaty with Trump then the arms dealers and political investors would not receive their cash/kickbacks or profits since you don't use a lot of ammo or need a ton of plane parts during peacetime since there are only maintenance flights not intense long or extreme flights. Hell so much money would be lost from peace it's a lot of politicians and arms dealers nightmare.


Re: Be careful what you wish for

Heck with all the high tech that was being produced out of China she would have gotten that backdoor before she asked for it but they don't give you the codes just the shaft.


Re: Guardian headline right now: May to begin fresh round of Brexit phone talks with EU leaders

I bet GCHQ's has blackmail material on many world politicians and there is blackmail on GCHQ leaders and it's one big blackmail scheme to keep the politicians in line because they all love young lovers on the side and sometimes get caught with someone much younger than they look. It would explain all the insane new laws and politicians insane opinions globally.


Re: AfD data missing

My first thought was 4 chan and maybe /b/ is hinted at by bob with help from pol. It would be nice to have the old 4 chan hackers back. Hell now hack the DNC systems and release that it wasn't Russia but a certain man named Seth that copied the files and sent them to Assauge before being murdered.

Linux reaches the big five (point) oh


It wouldn't be evil if nicknamed pentaquam. I know dumb and not flippers related.


Re: If only...

The way it is now it'll take till next week to reboot fully back into the desktop with the super fast windows update installs. I love my Antergos 3 minute update and if I have to 4 minutes including the reboot time. I don't miss the Windows wait times.

SpaceX's Crew Dragon shows up at pad 39A, nearly 8 years after the last Shuttle left


Re: Naming conventions

I loved Ringworld when I read it a few decades ago but I've never heard of that one. I think it's time to go to the bookstore soon and get me a copy.


Re: Simon Harris Excellent stuff!

Correction, everyone at El Reg needs to get laid MORE. but don't we all.


lets try something new.

We all know about the LHC. Well lets take that tech and shrink it down make it straight and have a plasma drive with a small nuclear plant to power the magnetic fields and to force the particle collisions. Then when they collide funnel the reaction with a magnetic field to the tail end. Then we don't go to mars but do an expedition out of the solar system and take a look around interstellar space and take a ton of reading because with a drive like this you could move a large mass at high speed and under constant thrust you'd be moving very fast while passing Jupiter and would be slowing down the rest of the way. Hell with the nuclear fuel and the tiny amount of fuel needed for plasma reactions you could do a lot of stuff on just one trip and go many places also and not just out and send back info but investigate a lot of stuff and with pilots you could maneuver better since you don't have minutes spent before a maneuver is received or have to preprogram everything before the mission. Hell give them some charts and goals and let them explore and just have a large earth side beacon so they can find their way home.

Microsoft's 2018, part 2: Azure data centres heat up and Windows 10? It burns! It burns!


Re: ... and people ask me why I use Linux exclusively

I think the XP gui was much more intuitive than the win7.


Re: ... and people ask me why I use Linux exclusively

Absolutely right about QA and I am on a linux distro rolling update and have not had a single problem. I think MS is arrogant and upper management is more worried about timelines and budgets and their bonuses nowadays. I think MS is like Blizzard, letting people go and Blizzard with their mobile Diablo that they gave a facelift to a Chinese mobile game they gave a face lift to and then dumped a bunch of employees. Well them and MS will soon be in the I destroyed my brand name for quarterly numbers group right before their stocks take a huge hit for not making quality and enjoyment for the customer the number one rule for everything they do.

Super Micro says audit found no trace of Chinese spy chips on its boards


I so believe this

Because the security and integrity of our products is our highest priority

I thought money and not being jailed for not cooperating with the chinese government was the actual priority. Really doesn't matter because no matter where you build something in this politically charged world the chinese, russians, cia, nsa, or mi6 and a slew of others will force you to put spy shit in your boards or else. So this huge lie about your highest priority is shit since any boardmaker in China has plants in them that swap out parts occasionally so it's a hit or miss if you catch them and it's probably multiple parts so they can go to part B for a while then keep switching out as needed. Hell the parts are probably also switched along the chain so if one part of the chain goes down an existing one starts up.

Linux.org domain hacked, plastered with trolling, filth and anti-transgender vandalism


Re: Hopefully

I agree and I think they hacking it because of the CoC and the push to get an exagerated % of trans/gays/ and other groups they believe deserve to be hired when in Actuality Linus is the kind of boss Linux needs and people should be hired for skills not because of sexual or gender preference. If your dumb or unskilled/inexperienced I ask you stay away from Linux till you've screwed up enough to get smarted without disabling entire distros like an MS update.

'Say hello to my little vacuum cleaner!' US drug squad puts spycams in cleaner's kit


Well if I was going to do something illegal the first thing is not at home at a location you choose. The other thing would be if at home it'll be in a Faraday cage, cell phones at the front door or in a sound proof box so they can't be used to listen and nothing in the cage except for you and the person you're talking to and the exchange can take place at a place discussed in the cage. There are to many ways to spy electronically that a Faraday Cage is a must for anything including legal business nowadays.

Sudden Windows 10 licence downgrades to forced Xcode upgrades: The week at Microsoft


MS like all of silicon valley doubles down on their mistakes and call it a feature.


Re: Insanity

That's why I love Antergos so much and the updates take a couple of minutes vs 20 minutes+ for a small MS update. I do not miss windows in the least or viruses or long bootup times since mine now is like 10 seconds.

Microsoft liberates ancient MS-DOS source from the museum and sticks it in GitHub


Re: To some MSDOS was an major leap forward.

I've never even heard of that OS before. It was like it was Linux being invented from the description but for back then that wasn't to bad looking and for people that have run win 3.11 will know that the stuff all looked similar and some of those images reminded me of Geocities webpages, they were so weirdly the same overdone themes to try to stand out but often I would hit a page that looked like a paint factory exploded and my mind would just take the info from my eyes and say "nope, fuck this shit I'm gonna have a migrain even if I happen to find out how to navigate this atrocity of a webpage design that someone thought was the best they had in them and their site was so much better from all the chaos of colors. Hell the flat design of many websites kind of gets on the nerves also like driving for hours in the mid west and realizing that the view hasn't changed for a few hundred miles and you're so bored.

I predict a riot: Amazon UK chief foresees 'civil unrest' for no-deal Brexit


Re: eh?

Matters where you send them when shipping. To the US then they are inspected when they reach the US. If its the EU and they give you a hard time then fuck them and tell them to kiss your ass you can do better without the bullshit. You guys just need a real man in office that isn't a pussy and you can get your way and like Trump they will line up to kiss your asses instead when your leader tells them to fuck themselves we have other options.


Re: eh?

Fuck the french. The US would make a fair deal with you for dairy and as much as you needed and at a fair price also.
