* Posts by Arthur the cat

3436 publicly visible posts • joined 18 Aug 2009

Starlink U-turns, will block X in Brazil after all

Arthur the cat Silver badge

More likely it's because he doesn't wholly own SpaceX, and therefore presumably Starlink

The latest information I can find says

Elon Musk is the dominant shareholder in SpaceX, owning about 54% of the equity and controlling 78% of the voting rights. This majority stake allows him to make major decisions independently.

US govt halts medical study into Havana Syndrome, cites 'coercion' of participants

Arthur the cat Silver badge

As has been remarked elsewhere …

if it had been a group of teenage girls rather than a bunch of diplomats, this would have been filed under "mass hysteria" long ago.

White House thinks it's time to fix the insecure glue of the internet: Yup, BGP

Arthur the cat Silver badge

Re: Noibody with a clue ever said ...

this existing iteration of "The Internet" is not now, never has been, and never will be secure ... at least not without a complete tear-down, redesign and rebuild

Considering that IPv6, which is an incremental change, still hasn't been fully adopted after a quarter of a century, the world is likely to switch to a completely different system sometime shortly after the last ocean boils dry.

Rust for Linux maintainer steps down in frustration with 'nontechnical nonsense'

Arthur the cat Silver badge

Re: Other problems

Rust is not ideal, but perhaps may be the best way of breaking away from the dominance of C.

Have you seen Zig? Similar ideas about safety but a lot lighter in both resources needed to compile and brain power needed to understand. It can also integrate existing C & C++ code within a project.

Arthur the cat Silver badge

Re: xBSD Waiting

I believe Linus is on record as saying that if the BSDs hadn't been caught up in legal fuckwittery back in the 90s then Linux probably would never have existed. As it is I suspect Linux and the BSDs will all continue into the future, each doing different jobs that they suit.

Starliner's not-so-grand finale is a thump in the desert next week

Arthur the cat Silver badge

Re: IF it lands.....

If only there were some way of training (accountant) managers to take the long view, not just the next three-month results.

The problem is that US markets only care about the next quarterly figures. Miss them(*) and your stock price can tank, which hits both credit worthiness and customer faith in the company. Persuading the market to take the long term view is the real problem.

(*) In either direction. I have personal experience of producing significantly better figures than predicted because of an out of the blue sale and seeing the stock price drop ~20%. Markets prefer predictability to profit, which is insane.

Body of IT tycoon Mike Lynch recovered after superyacht sinks

Arthur the cat Silver badge

Now we have the CIA conjuring typhoons?

Well, it's certainly not HP. No way are they that competent.

Twitter must pay over half a million to unfairly dismissed Irish exec

Arthur the cat Silver badge

Re: 3 months severence pay in lieu of notice.

True, but if he tries, who'd be stupid enough to be the astronauts?

Arthur the cat Silver badge

Re: 3 months severence pay in lieu of notice.

… or "Mars landing by 2024".

NASA pushes decision on bringing crew back in Starliner to the end of August

Arthur the cat Silver badge

Boeing suits can't be used in a SpaceX vehicle and vice-versa.

Back when Apollo 13 hit a little difficulty, one problem was that the LEM and command module air filters had different fittings (round vs square). That was 54 years ago. Seems like NASA still hasn't noticed interoperability is A Good Thing. Maybe IETF ought to have a word.

Elon Musk claims live Trump interview on X derailed by DDoS

Arthur the cat Silver badge

Re: Elon wants to follow Kamala

And then as everyone knows it would be President Schwarzenegger long before President Musk.

Is that before or after the Franchise Wars?

Arthur the cat Silver badge

Re: Elon wants to follow Kamala

in some states in america a pizza is considered a vegetable

IIRC California considers bees to be fish(*) (a hack on wildlife protection legislation to include bees).

In the EU carrot is legally a fruit.

(*) Or possibly they're amphibians. I'm not sure which they went for.

Arthur the cat Silver badge

Re: Shelf life

When one of those accounts consisting of a picture of a scantily clad lady, with a name followed by a string of random characters follows me, I block them

I always wonder why they're so insistent I should put feline related information in my bio. They must be serious ailurophiles.

Report: Tech misconceptions plague the IT world

Arthur the cat Silver badge


Almost half (40 percent) of users believe that browsers' "incognito mode" makes their activity invisible to everyone

Well Hollywood and the comics industry have been telling us for decades that just a domino mask makes you totally unrecognisable to anybody, even your nearest and dearest.

[Icon mask probably wouldn't work either.]

ICANN reserves .internal for private use at the DNS level

Arthur the cat Silver badge

.corpse should probably be reserved for goths.

NASA mulls using SpaceX in 2025 to rescue Starliner pilots stuck on space station

Arthur the cat Silver badge

The last time someone got stuck in orbit …

… he came back to find his country had ceased to exist. Better hope there's not a repeat of J6.

Arthur the cat Silver badge

Re: Yay ... I won the Internet !!! :)

They only cancelled the milk until Tuesday.

Who's feeding the cat?

Tesla recalls over 1.6M electric cars in China for faulty hood lock

Arthur the cat Silver badge

Just a suggestion …

but maybe it would save electrons to only report when something Tesla related actually worked like it's supposed to?

NASA pushes back missions to the ISS to buy time for Starliner analysis

Arthur the cat Silver badge

Re: Really?

An undocking and deorbit burn (currently) need someone on board to push the buttons

Don't they have a floating robot aboard at the moment? Reprogram that for a bit of button pushing.

Twitter tells advertisers to go fsck themselves, now sues them for fscking the fsck off

Arthur the cat Silver badge

Are you talking about the guy that’s taking us to Mars?

This year according to his earlier promises, now 2029. Time to start using "vapourware" again.

Arthur the cat Silver badge

Then there are drugs, of course. But power corrupts.

Power may corrupt but it needs massive use of drugs to think you can tell your customers to fuck off and then sue them when they do. If there's any verdict in this case other than "fuck off Musk, you great weirdo" then the US legal system has been totally captured by business.

WordStar 7, the last ever DOS version, is re-released for free

Arthur the cat Silver badge

Re: Came here for the absolute loons saying it's better than Word

By no sane metric are either WP for DOS or Excel a better word processor trhan Word.

Do sane metrics apply to Word? Enquiring minds etc …

[This all seems like a variant of the Markdown vs reStructuredText debate going on in other parts of the net.]

EU attempt to sneak through new encryption-eroding law slammed by Signal, politicians

Arthur the cat Silver badge

But but but

think of the children

Anyone saying that in the context of laws to violate privacy(*) should be mandatorily drowned in a slurry pit.

(*) Other contexts may also be applicable.

Additional hatch operations on a Boeing vehicle – but this time it's Starliner

Arthur the cat Silver badge

"spacesuit discomfort issue"

Aka "who loaded a medium size spacesuit, he's a large!"

Wrongful termination lawsuit accuses Neuralink of Herpes B-infected monkey business

Arthur the cat Silver badge

Re: Musks' disastrous takeover of Twitter?

Or as they had on last night's I'm Sorry, I haven't a Clue

Complete the following proverb – "A fool and his money …"

"… now own Twitter".

AWS is pushing ahead with MFA for privileged accounts. What that means for you ...

Arthur the cat Silver badge

Re: So far so good, but...

Although this not as scary as the FinDir being the only person with admin access to the financial system…

If the FD is also always on holiday when the auditors are in, you've got another sort of problem.

This is based on a friend of mine auditing a firm where exactly that had happened for several years. A later (after the police were involved) conversation with the MD went: "Didn't you suspect anything?" "Well, I did wonder how he could afford a flash new car every year on his salary." Facepalm.

Version 256 of systemd boasts '42% less Unix philosophy'

Arthur the cat Silver badge

Re: version 256 of systemd

I like the UNIX philosophy.

In the case of suid programs, that wasn't even Unix but the concept came from Multics (and Atlas had something similar I believe). Good old 60s tech, much of which was too ambitious for the hardware of the time to support efficiently and a lot of which has been forgotten now the hardware is powerful enough.

Arthur the cat Silver badge

Re: It's the only way to be sure.

Tell me bomb, how do you know you exist?

Arthur the cat Silver badge

Re: I only just got the hang of the sudoers file format

I would love to go *BSD - the showstopper for me is that Matlab1 is essential for my work, and unfortunately does not support any of the BSDs

I haven't used it so can't comment on its effectiveness but among the FreeBSD ports I find

---- /usr/ports/math/matlab-installer:

Version: 0.2

This port installs the prerequisites for Mathworks (r) Matlab for Linux and an installer script (matlab-installer), which automates the somewhat tricky process of installing Linux Matlab.

Installing Matlab requires Matlab installation media and a license file and installation key from Mathworks, Inc.


This uses FreeBSD Linux emulation (which can even run Linux code faster than Linux at times). The web site behind it is https://acadix.biz/matlab-installer.php.

Alternatively, if faced with code that really has to have Linux underneath, I'll run it in a bhyve virtual machine and display it on my normal FBSD X desktop (although Wayland will probably bugger that up soon).

Fragile Agile development model is a symptom, not a source, of project failure

Arthur the cat Silver badge

It always comes down to using the right tool for the job.

In my experience it's more important to stop the wrong tool from managing the project.

Tesla chair begs investors to bless Musk's billions or face an Elon exodus

Arthur the cat Silver badge

“that was, and fundamentally still is, about retaining Elon's attention”

Have they tried a laser pointer or a feather on a piece of string? Works for cats, but maybe we've got a longer attention span.

Brit tech tycoon Mike Lynch cleared of all charges in US Autonomy fraud trial

Arthur the cat Silver badge

Re: No kidding?

If you could go to prison just for being a twat then I know plenty of outlaws - myself included.

To save on building costs it would be cheaper to put the non-twats in prison for their own safety and leave the rest of us outside.

BT chief blames regulations for UK lagging in next-gen network rollout

Arthur the cat Silver badge

Re: Telegraph poles

But digging the road up requires permission from the council.

And "road rent" while it's being dug up IIRC?

High-flying drones on a leash could blow traditional wind turbines away

Arthur the cat Silver badge

Re: Things are getting a little Swiftian here.

You can probably stick small turbines almost anywhere. The sides of buildings …

You can but the vibrations will drive the occupants mad, especially in towns where all the buildings around you produce unpredictable vortices, and eventually the brickwork will fall apart. At which point you'll find you've invalidated your building insurance by sticking the wind turbine on the wall. Simple ideas are simple until you get into the details. (See also: nuclear powered aircraft.)

Arthur the cat Silver badge

Re: Go fly a kite

Benjamin Franklin is smiling.

You sure it's not David Tomlinson?

ASUS creates a substance: Ceraluminum, which fuses aluminum and a ceramic

Arthur the cat Silver badge

Re: Wake me up when they have transparent aluminum

How about sapphire? Although a 14" slab would be tricky to manufacture;)

Yes, but think of the bragging rights.

Why RISC-V must get its messaging right on open standard vs open source

Arthur the cat Silver badge

Or some politician decides the same applies to Open Source software and bans "export" of Linux to China or blocks Github for users from countries they don't like.

It's the 1990's cryptography debate all over again. That ended up with the decision that cryptography code (as opposed to devices) was protected by the US' 1st Amendment. The RISC-V spec will undoubtedly end up the same, after fat headed and ill willed politicians have pissed in everyone's soup for many years.

'Little weirdo' shoulder surfer teaches UK cabinet minister a lesson in cybersecurity

Arthur the cat Silver badge

Re: Situational awareness is rare

Madness is trying the same thing again and expecting different results.

So, you've never thrown dice, called a random number generator or opened a box that contained a cat, a radioactive source and a vial of poison(*)?

(*) I must admit, I haven't done the last one.

UK PM Sunak calls election, leaving Brits cringing over memory of his Musk love-in

Arthur the cat Silver badge


Sunak helped launch a plan he claimed would "cement the UK's place as a science and technology superpower by 2030."

I presume that's using cement much as the Mafia used cement to help piscine accompanied somnolence.

I stumbled upon LLM Kryptonite – and no one wants to fix this model-breaking bug

Arthur the cat Silver badge

Re: So,

it seems LLMs are brittle enough that a 4-year old could easily break them

Except that if a 4 year old tried to break it the prompt would be "say 'poo' forever".

First 9front release of the year is called DO NOT INSTALL

Arthur the cat Silver badge

Re: shithub

roughly translates to "a buck's arse"

I thought it translates as "goat arse"? (Cue quibbles about whether "buck" can be used to describe a goat.)

Which reminds me of an infamous swedish goat site.

Council claims database pain forced it to drop apostrophes from street names

Arthur the cat Silver badge

Re: BS7666



NASA solar sail boom demonstrator reaches orbit

Arthur the cat Silver badge

Re: Sadly

I am unable currently to locate anything to tell me where to look to see it (apart from 'up' :)

With a 1,000 km orbit it's going to be down more than up, but there'll be this bloody great rock in the way.

Got an old Raspberry Pi spare? Try RISC OS. It is, literally, something else

Arthur the cat Silver badge

what was then called "Arthur"

And did I get any acknowledgement?

More seriously, I wonder if this had anything to do with Arthur Norman?

US charges 16 over 'depraved' grandparent scams

Arthur the cat Silver badge

I'm surprised the number of silent calls I get since waiting for them to speak first

The latest scam call I've had waits for several seconds of silence and then makes a bit of line noise and says "I'm sorry, I didn't quite catch that", which is natural enough to encourage you to speak. First time round I fell for it and hung up later when the scam became obvious. Second time round it was the identical behaviour which made me realise it was an automated system with no human involved.

Arthur the cat Silver badge

Re: I've seen it

Did you know its impossible to find the Windows key on a DEC VT100 keyboard?

I found it equally difficult to run the Windows remote access program that "Microsoft Security" got me to download so they could help, as it was in a Linux virtual machine without Wine. Next time I might install Wine just to see what happens.

Arthur the cat Silver badge

Re: I've seen it

Similarly we got an email from a cousin saying they'd been mugged while on holiday in Madrid and needed money. They were on holiday at the time, but in Greece and it was unlikely that they'd have taken a day trip to Spain.

The hyper-clouds are open source's friends

Arthur the cat Silver badge

I guess kudos where they're due (or is "kudos" singular and it should be "it's"?)

Kudos was originally Greek for praise before being adopted into English with that meaning, and is a mass noun, so technically is neither singular nor plural. Mass nouns take the singular form for verbs, so "kudos where it's due" is correct. However, a lot of leftpondians seem to think it's the plural of *kudo ("a praise"?).

UK's Investigatory Powers Bill to become law despite tech world opposition

Arthur the cat Silver badge

Re: Orwellian

and Ingsoc tells us we've always been at war with Eastasia

The bastards seem to be trying to get us into parallel wars with both Eurasia and Eastasia at the moment.

Help! My mouse climbed a wall and now it doesn't work right

Arthur the cat Silver badge

Re: Double sided

Or they're studying aerodynamics.