Crypto Virus Writers
It cant be that hard to write a secure app for messaging. i mean crypto-virus writers are constantly outsmarting decrypter antivirus' apps. If the shady half of the internet can do it why does the legit half struggle?
65 publicly visible posts • joined 14 May 2007
Many years ago, at its peak the UK TV show Spitting image released a song
I've travelled this old world of ours from Barnsley to Peru
I've had sunstroke in the arctic and a swim in Timbuktu
I've seen unicorns in Burma and a yeti in Nepal
And I've danced with ten foot pygmies in a Montezuma hall
I've met the king of China and the working Yorkshire miner
But I've never met a nice South African
No, he's never met a nice South African
And that's not bloody surprising, man
'Cause we're a bunch of arrogant bastards
Who hate black people
[Verse 2]
I once got served in Woolies aften less than four week's wait
I had lunch with Rowan Atkinson when he paid and wasn't late
I know a public swimming bath where they don't piss in the pool
I know a guy who got a job straight after leaving school
I've met a normal merman, and a fairly modest German
But I've never met a nice South African
No, he's never met a nice South African
And that's not bloody surprising, man
'Cause we're a bunch of talentless murderers
Who smell like baboons
[Verse 3]
I've had a close encounter of the 22nd kind
That's when an alien spaceship (pop) disappears up your behind
I got directory enquiries after less than forty rings
I've even heard a decent song by Paul McCartney's Wings
I've seen a flying pig in a quite convincing wig
But I've never met a nice South African
You might also like
The Chicken Song
Spitting Image
Taylor Swift
Taylor Swift
No, he's never met a nice South African
And that's not bloody surprising, man
'Cause we're a bunch of ignorant loudmouths
With no sense of humour
[Verse 4]
I've met the Loch Ness monster and he looks like Fred Astaire
At the BBC in London he's the chief commissionaire
I know a place in Glasgow which is rife with daffodillies
I met a man in Kathmandu who claimed to have two willies
I've had a nice pot noodle, but I've never had a poodle
And I've never met a nice South African
No, he's never met a nice South African
And that's not bloody surprising, man
Because we've never met one either
Except for Breyten Breytenbach, and he's emigrated to Paris
Yes, he's quite a nice South African
And he's hardly ever killed anyone
And he's not smelly at all
That's why we put him prison
[Outro: P. W. Botha, Mr. Welldone]
Frankly, Mr. Welldone, I'm fed up with people from Britain attacking my country for Apartheid
We treat the blacks very well indeed!
I actually employ several kaffirs here in my own home
But Mr. Botha, I haven't seen a single black since I entered this mansion
Haven't seen one? My God, man!
What do you think you wiped your feet on when you came in?
*Attackers storm in and stab P. W. Botha*
You can't put a better bit of Botha on your knife, oi!
It seems very apt right now..
Lets put some flesh onto the bones of that story.
Whilst true your rendition isnt accurate:-
"In 1990, Argonaut collaborated with Nintendo during the early years of the NES and SNES, a notable incident being when Argonaut submitted a proof-of-concept method of defeating the Game Boy's copyright protection mechanism to Nintendo.[5] The combined efforts from both Nintendo and Argonaut yielded a prototype of the game Star Fox, initially codenamed "SnesGlider" and inspired by their earlier Atari ST and Amiga game Starglider, that they had running on the NES and then some weeks later on a prototype SNES. Jez San told Nintendo that his team could only improve performance or functionality of the demonstration if Nintendo allowed Argonaut to design custom hardware to extend the SNES to have true 3D capability. Nintendo agreed, so San hired chip designers and made the Super FX chip. They originally codenamed it the Mathematical Argonaut Rotation I/O, or "MARIO", as is printed on the chip's surface.[1][6] So powerful was the Super FX chip used to create the graphics and gameplay, that they joked that the Super NES was just a box to hold the chip.[7]"
Ok my first home computer was a ZX spectrum back around 84, then later a +2 when it launched. I have so many found and happy memories attached to the ZX Spectrum. I am so very excited to be onboard for KS2 having missed KS1. I know its a toy and I appreciate its expensive, and I know I can play all the games I love on an emulator. But its just not the same. I know technically I am only playing via emu on the Next too. But its flicked all my emotion buttons.
I have a newbuild shoebox. My smart meters where installed when the house was built. No electric or gas company will sign me up to a smart tariff without replacing the smart meters with there own smart meters. The irony is the smart meters they want to fit are the same makes/models of what is already installed.
I thought it was common knowledge that it was using FUSE.
I wanted this to be a success and I was more than happy to have parted with good money to buy this once the device was released. I was so excited I nearly backed but a little voice at the back of my head said to hold off. I'm so glad I did.
I feel for the backers, who if they have received this have gotten a turd, and the ones that decided to hold off on the "blankety-blank" they look like they're not going to even get a turd.
I suspect this maybe the last nail in anything Sinclair and hardware related ever happening again.
you need to read up on GDPR.
Nothing collected by Canonical is GDPR infringing. It's basic hardware metrics on a machine similar (but more techy) to the advertising blurb you see on Dells website giving ram and cpu specs etc. A machines info inst covered under GDPR or DPA.
Your helping to pour fuel on a heated debate by having no idea what your actually talking about. Stop it its silly.
the console was and forever will be vapour-ware.
There maybe around 50 units in existence ass alluded to produced during trial builds. But a retail product that doesn't make. I'm so glad i decided not to back this as IndieGoGo when my figure hovered over the button.
The whole thing is a farce of Noel Coward proportions.
Whilst the idea of licensing out MacOS out has been mentioned it will not happen.
Apple isn't a computer company anymore they dropped the Apple Computers a few years back and became Apple Inc. In doing so they stopped making computers and became a consumer device, Like a DVD player or TV etc.
They don't want the hassle of having to support multiple possible machine configurations or devices. They build a machine that just works because they control every aspect of it. Hardware manufacturers also don't experience the compatibility issues because they have a much narrower target to aim at, generally if it works on one mac it'll work on all.
If they stop this it opens up a massive set as headaches. Hence no licensing.
"Well judging by the lukewarm response to the Z10 in the UK it looks like break then."
citation required please, since every company that does market research has back tracked on all "less than expected" predictions
"It's overpriced and the app support is pitiful. Surely he knows it's not just the phone and hardware but the eco-system behind it that drives sales .... and it's sadly lacking."
Over priced? seems fairly run of the mill pricing wise for a similar specced iPhone or android based phone.
App support i have to agree isnt great but its a new platform barely a month out from release. iOS and Androiud both took time for momentum to gather.
Yup there broadband service is ADSL at the moment. However the point is that they alone are the only viable satellite broadband provider. If another company lauinched the service they would use Sky's satellites rather than fund there own. Thus my point stands. Satellite broadband in th UK would be a Sky driven service. Murdoch is a cancer, News International are a cancer. Slowly everyday we get fed a little bit more of the poison he spouts. Seriously your all intelligent, who in ther right mind would actually pay Sky/News international for anything?
When your only dish provider in the UK is Sky. Is it any wonder that we don't trust them. Especially in light of recent news. Before some wise guy/girl pipes up and says Freesat they use Sky's satellite network. Thus if Freesat provided a service you'd still be using sky. A turd by any other name is still a turd. #jft96 #dontbuythesun #dontgivemurdochapenny #mediacancer
Is the first aggressive cancer of the networked age.
It needs to have controls placed upon it. Surely making unrequested changes to your data on the phone is covered under the Computer misuse act 1984 and the amended 2000 legislation. If not it must certainly be covered by Data protection regulations. At least here in the UK, I am sure other intelligent* nations have there own applicable regulations
*looking at you USA.
Even 1 exposed credit card, is one too many.
Stop being blinkered. The fact that personal info which could allow the setting up of fraudulent identities has been stolen that is worht worrying about. I assume your a PSN/SOE user whom feels comfortable in your bubble.
Imagine going to a bank and applying for a load to be asked when you plan on repaying the 4 other loans that have been taken out with your details that have been stolen. That my friend is a very real possibility.
I have an iphone on o2, I have my home broadband through o2.
I cannot use 3g to read the B3ta.com newsletter or use the B3ta app due to o2's new filter.
If i use wifi connection through my home router i can visit the B3ta website, use the app and apparantly there is something called pron??? I can consume at my (p)leasure. This occurs without any kind of obstruction.
So to me this is an unbelievable double standard, and they will ot lift the filter for my unless I use a 3rd party company to verify and credit card transaction or take time out of my life to find a photo id and go to an o2 shop.
Also trying to explain to the faceless drone on the end of the phone when I call them that if I can visit the darker corners of the internet without restriction at home through bb supplied by them that having the filter on my phone contract is well silly.....
there explanation I have recieved is that its to protect children from accidently going to places they shouldn't be going to.
epic fail o2