Re: Journalism?
I think they bought some of their commentators with them.
327 publicly visible posts • joined 13 Aug 2009
The risk was trusting incompetent workers (and therefore bad management), not hardware failure. Nothing to do with beancounters or even IT.
And thinking that "1-in-a-100 chance of failure" would put someone off is inexcusable; would a "99/100 chance of success" put anyone off? Do you always pull numbers out of your arse like that?
"The perspective on the pawn store is slightly squiffy." - the signs aren't parallel to the storefront.
"The front right wheel looks wonky." - Because the suspension is compressing due to accelerating? Or it's damaged?
"The yellow turn sign by the green station wagon has no perspective applied" I'm sure if you walked around it that wouldn't be true. All objects flatten out as the distance increases.
I mostly build my own CAD workstations, and this is my history. All but one were air-cooled and stable, and all were overclocked on day 1 :
First PC - Pentium 1 100mhz / O'C-ed to 120
Second PC - Celeron 350mhz / O'C-ed to 450
Third: P3 850 - O'C-ed to 1 Ghz
Fourth: Intel Q6600 2.4Ghz / O'C-ed to 3.0Ghz (water cooling)
Current: Intel I7 3960 ??Ghz / O'C-ed to 4.4Ghz
Question is, what are the new chips good for?
Nokia 925 owner here...
Very happy with it, too. The OS suits a phone (as in, it's not trying to be a scaled-down desktop), I've got a stack of apps (some of them are even useful) the voice recognition is frighteningly efficient, the camera does lots of tricks, build quality is very good. All-in-all it's pretty solid.
Every chav and his mother has an iphone these days.
My 6 year old Thinkpad W700 could probably keep up with the MBP. It's had XP64, Vista and now Win7. It comes with a built in colour calibrator, Wacom pad & stylus, RAID1 HDDs (a screwdriver away from an upgrade to SSDs) and is built like a tank.
You may have an argument with battery life, screen, alu body, etc. but longevity and utility? Nah.....
£6 per month versus £12 per month? How many times can you watch Breaking Bad?
Netflix gets pretty stale, pretty quickly. It took us about 3 months to watch everything worth watching IMO. Breaking Bad, Better Call Saul, OITNB are all well and good but man, there's loads and loads of rubbish, even if you blag it onto Netflix US. And the interface sucks.
The BBC could do fuck all else and I'd still pay it.
Last time we watched a film on C5 there were 16 adverts per break, and breaks 3-4 times per hour...insane.
And with Sky you pay to watch ads! Wish I'd thought of that one!
Watch any other country's TV and you too will value the BBC.
The justification for building a machine to a Quality as opposed to a Price is that it will make money and not cost money. If the PC isn't working as fast as I am then I'm losing money.
Prior to this PC, I'd always built my own machines starting with a Celeron 300a (OC@450) and ending with a water-cooled Q6600 (OC@3000) with a 130W GT8800 consumer video card. Great fun was had over the years building and tweaking and fixing and swearing and not sleeping.
Originally, I was going to self-build once more and had an evolving shopping list for a month or two as I researched every last nut and bolt of it (Trusted Reviews, Hexus, etc.), eventually settling on an air cooled i7 3960x @4.4ghz. A chance phone call to Scan to check some detail or other led to them offering to build the system and charge me less than my day rate to do so. They would also warranty the build and (crucially) the overclocking. I'd used their configurators and the systems I could create there were almost, but not quite, what I was looking for. Once the sales guy had seen what I wanted, he said no problem. It took a few weeks to build and stress-test, and then when it was delivered it was unpacked and turned on before I signed for it. The peace of mind sealed the deal. A bargain.
Mouse only = one-handed user = slow user = no work
I trained on AutoCAD 10 for DOS. The interface was script-based. Then, as now, you could just type or paste a long series of commands into the Command Line. The few mouse-activated commands were referred to as 'shortcuts'.
When I started work I used AutoCAD 12 for Windows. Suddenly all these Icons appeared but I mostly still used the keyboard.
Then I used AutoCAD 12 LT which used a different Icon set. Keyboard still worked.
Acad 13 - different Icons
Acad 13 LT - different Icons
Acad 14 - ditto
And so on.
And then the Ribbon....
And still I use my keyboard. If I didn't, I reckon my right hand index finger would be capable of cracking hazelnuts by now.
And there's a lot less hand-eye coordination involved in using a keyboard compared to using a mouse or touch. Better for the eyes, better for the hands.
Indeed the World might be against you (historically it always has been, one way or another), but it's still not The World's fault if you are weak-minded or apathetic about your and your family's health. No-one is putting a gun to your head and forcing you to eat this rubbish. In First World countries, the Stupid don't perish as easily. In the words of Jello Biafra "Give me convenience, or give me death"
4-6 times? How much do Tesco charge for oil? Your maths stinks, and you're comparing oven chips to either from-raw deep fried chips or oven-baked jacket potatoes. You can bake chipped potatoes in the oven using a lot less oil.
And if your time is so valuable and you are so crap at peeling potatoes (half an hour? does that include stopping for a rest?) then DON'T PEEL THEM.
Kung-fu panda is a cartoon. Jamie Oliver is a TV entertainer who likes to sell books.
A healthy shopping bill is not 4-6 times higher than an unhealthy one, unless you're suggesting I could feed a family of 4 for £30-£40 a week, given enough frozen pizza.
Don't eat when you are bored, sad, restless, waiting at a bus-stop, stuck in traffic, on the phone, watching telly, etc.
Do eat when you are hungry. If you stop eating crap your body will soon be able to inform you when it needs food, which should only be a few times a day if you're doing it right.
Stop blaming the world.
Depression is a disease. Go to a doctor, not a baker.
1. Spec it out at
2. Find it at a much better price online for any number of 'laptop outlet' type places
3. Win!
Did this 5 years ago with a Thinkpad W700. Prebuilt, rather than custom, so with me in a matter of days.
Wish I could replace it...8gb 17" 1920x1200 RAID 1, hardware colour calibrator that I've never needed but Hey!...and a Wacom Pad & Pen, active anti-shock HDDs, and a 170W PSU that weighs about a kilo.