Surely books that inspired NASA would be better
Which books inspired people to join NASA, become astronauts/engineers etc.
I know that lots of ones by Arthur C Clarke and Robert Heinlein would be topping the charts
15 publicly visible posts • joined 12 Aug 2009
Was it not possible to 'upgrade' departments one at a time to the new system, this would give you a learning experience of the users pain points as well as not creating chaos for your company come Monday morning.
Departmental manager buy-in, selected expert users in each department to cover the simple stuff; so that everyone does not hassle IT straight away. These are the things to do. Expert users can be give the new kit weeks in advance of the department upgrade,everyone knows its coming, as the can actually see change happening.
Oh, and even though I hate to say it, get a project manager to supervise and organise. They can then take some of the management flak for things not going to plan.
Reduce chaos, increase simplicity, all VM's as similar as possible, push configs to linux boxes via scripts if you have not gone down the puppet route, reduce typing that you have to do when dead tired after 80 hours working.
Don't do things that make the entire company think that all IT do is cause problems and cannot create solutions, you will not win friends.
There are plenty of programs to do this, give the user a big list to choose from via a webpage, create lots of passwords on the page and then let them choose, its even easier if the passwords are able to be spoken phonetically.
If you want to distribute passwords, send the user a text, then they can keep the password at hand but out of sight, there are plenty of sms gateways out there. Then for the few people that do not have mobiles you can manage by hand.