* Posts by futnuh

3 publicly visible posts • joined 11 Aug 2009

Yay for iOS 6.1, grey Wi-Fi iPhone bug is fix- AWW, SNAP


Re: but look at the bright side

This bug cost me $700. I made the mistake of upgrading the day before I took a 3-week business trip to the US. My wifi stopped working and, not having time to swap the phone for a new one, ended up running up a huge data bill.

Captain Cyborg accepts another degree from puny humans


How dare you mock someone with a stunningly-low combined Erdos-Bacon number of 6? I learned this from the great man's About page on his web-site. My About page just says that I like movies and ice hockey, no doubt omitting any mention of my Erdos-Bacon number because it is laughably high. It's probably over 15.

Perseid meteor shower set to dazzle disappoint


Why leave it to chance?

Bugger a new toilet for the ISS, the Space Shuttle should be retasked once a year to take a few thousand kilograms of gravel up. Presto, one guaranteed (though admittedly expensive) meteor shower.