Is there a better way to keep a nonsense industry moving along than by opening up your secret data to the world...
Posts by WarrenG
22 publicly visible posts • joined 14 May 2007
FBI: We found US MILITARY AIRCRAFT INTEL during raid on alleged Chinese hacker
Virgin Galactic's supersonic space ship in 71,000-ft record smash
Moms stand firm against antenna madness
I wonder why the REG...
Is always gainst Wifi or Mobile Phone radiation groups? Why so pro technology when there is mounting evidence that these transmitters can...
disturb sleep
lead to hormonal imablances
some people even get rashes after these masts are installed?
Now it's true to say most techies won't make it past 60 because of their sedentary lifestyle and lack of personal health, this doesn't mean the rest of soceity should suffer though.
Vodafone blocks World Cup, except for iPhone owners
SA pigeon outpaces broadband

I think you're missing the point here...
Telkom is..KREP... to paraphase my fellow south africans.
The phone call rates are amongst the highest in the world and so are the broadband charges..profits are also insanely high and customer service is well...KREP
So this excercise is more a of a protest against Telkom rather than seeing which would be faster. As usual Regheads unleased their supreme geekiness which in fact made you look rather stupid.
We all know a guy on a bike is going to be faster couriering a 1TB disk than ftp, http or whatever method of put things into perspective...40 pounds a month in south africa buys you a 2mb line with a 5gb cap, excluding line rental. Not so clever now eh?
South Africa official calls for 'outright ban' on pornography

My negative fellow saffas...and sour poms
Yes I know it's easy to pull apart the faults of South Africa, let the world remember this fledgling democracy was on the verge of a civil melt down only 18 years ago, things aren't great but they could be a lot worse.
Have a look just up the road where the hand of the British Empire left another mark in Rhodesia or as we now call it Zimbabwe.
South Africa was one of the first countries to legalise homosexuality, promote the right's of women in Africa, full smoking ban in public places etc etc.
The constitution is very liberal but you must remember this is a direct reactionary antithesis of the old Apartheid regime
There is a painful transitionary period which is now occurring but there is also a lot of good with an emerging black middle class which can surely only lay the foundation for future generations.
Most importantly, the Springboks are No.1 :)
Rorke's drift towards RAID ASIC replacement
Iranian rocket puts satellite into orbit
BT price rises go down well
TVonics DTR-Z500 500GB Freeview+ DVR
Lewis Hamilton mulls riding Virgin
For truth about Europe, read The Reg
I quite like the idea...
Of a european superstate, it's only a matter of time when the strategic interest in natural resources by the US and China would upset european economic progress. This is why a superstate with trans border laws and regulations is essential for us to move forward, I guess back in the early days of the American revolution the Texans were also against the idea of a Federal Europe, you don't really want the UK to end up like Texas do you? 65% of the population is obese, the borders are largely ineffective...oh wait :P
Games consoles not green enough, claims Greenpeace
Facebook says occupied territories are Israel
Wife rings up £11,000 downloading bill

Everything on your pc should be manually controlled...
If you just leave it up to chance your begging for a kick in the arse. I've never had a problem with roaming charges because I simply won't use my 3g card when abroad. Having said that 11K is ridiculous and I hope these muppets will contest and refuse to pay, what a rip off!
German Government works itself up into Wi-Fi panic
""that there is no consistent evidence to suggest that Wi-Fi poses a threat to health""
Now that has to be one of the thickest sentiments I've ever heard. Just because we don't have the evidence of something causing damage certainly doesn't mean it is safe. I wonder what evidence of lung cancer there was to the first smoker or liver damage for wine drinkers in Roman times.
Common sense says, Radiation cannot be good for you. Once again the UK is way behind it's european counterparts and is impotent in providing the public with any helpful information. Shame on you!
Broadbandit nabbed in Wi-Fi bust
What a load of...
BALLS. How is some thick copper going to even know how you are accessing the web? What if you have an internal 3g modem, or what if your just editing something in word? This seems totally ludicrous. What about all the gits out there with high gain antennas who can use wifi from the other end of a street let alone the house next door. This article is just to scare people, dont be afraid.
EU mashes GM potato plan
These bio companies are so arrogant
To think a few years of research can come up with answers that millions of years of evolution hasn't? The only people who benefit from these vile products are the shareholders, look no further than the GM scandal happening in the US, GM corn is now linked to many diseases including strain on the liver, kidneys and other vital organs. If it aint broke, don't fix it.