Expect increases for non-imported goods too.
Sure, there's not many that don't contain at least some parts sourced from China but when all your competitor products go up by 10%, any vendor with an eye on their margins will jump at the chance to bump theirs by 5-9% just because (not immediately - that's too obvious and will generate comment - but give them a few months then watch the prices tick upwards).
Next, you can be sure these additional costs will be rolled into the products and services the hardware buyers supply to their clients. Sure, not the full 10% but a component of it. Aside from International buyers - who are also at the mercy of currency fluctuations which may or may not hide this additional cost - the person paying the price for these import tariffs is...The end user, A.K.A a voter. Let's hope they make the connection between their emptier wallets and gubbermint policy.