Just saying...
Wrong department, same fuck ups... I called this back in 2017.
247 publicly visible posts • joined 7 Aug 2009
But first, an independent regulator should be set up (at taxpayer expense, naturally), to conclude after a two year review that the light bulb must be given a one year period in which it has the opportunity to change itself before they recommend legislation be brought in to force it to do so.
"20 years ago it was Blair and Labour who were doing that."
Well, even 10 years ago they were doing that... At the time I wrote a letter to my MP about it, and got a response from Pat McFadden - then Minister of State for 'employee relations', and subsequently Minister of State for Business - who told me that offshoring jobs was a Good Thing as it enabled businesses to be competitive.
"Dido's vast experience in running a successful private sector technology company (which has never ever ever been hacked or lost customer details and anyone who says otherwise will be 'renditioned') makes her the ideal choice to take the lead at the Information Commissioners Office and managing digital policy going forward..."
... had their email service not been up and down today undergoing 'maintenance'...
I'm sure the two things are entirely unrelated, however, and no frantic removal of all trace of this from their systems took place at all. No sir. Just some regular ol' unscheduled maintenance...
Maybe I'm just not thinking this through though.
I order my dog's food in a box of 48 from Amazon already - costs me about £12 every 6 weeks or so. I have arthritis in my knee (luckily my little dog doesn't need much walking!) so my regular shopping is also already delivered, but for this, Amazon are just a bit cheaper.
I can go to Amazon's site and order it, or I can have the button near where I keep the dog food and when it gets to the last couple I can just push it... Is the latter genuinely being classed as lazier than the former?
Council: I see you put your bin out on Tuesday, and it's not collected until Thursday?
Taxpayer: I'm sorry. I got my days mixed up and put it out early.
Council: Well I can see from your internet history you accessed the bin collection calendar two years ago, so it's not like you didn't know. Jail for you, hardened criminal!
... Yeah, I can see the local council cogs turning there...
"That wheelie bin is just out there on the pavement waiting for someone to trip over it and die. We need to look at all the comms from that house as a matter of emergency to make sure this isn't a terrorist wheelie-bin threat!"
A nice thought, but I wonder how many people would actually open that fourth box to find the apology in the first place....
If you've seen the movie, you'll understand the extraterrestrial connection. If you haven't seen it - don't bother. Really, don't.
I've signed up to the Netflix trial, and like many others found their offering pretty poor for the UK market - this could be down to the fact that it's a new service, it could be down to digital boundary enforcement by dumb-ass distributors.
I heard about a quick DNS change in my PS3's network settings, which has now given me full access to the US catalogue, and it's now totally worth the £6 a month. I've no idea (not being a networky techie) if the dns change will affect my online gaming or PSN Store offerings - not that I use either very much, but for the sake of a dead quick amendment to the network settings (which could also be applied at router level to affect every machine on your network), it's opened up a whole raft of movie and tv choices...
Anyway, that's my experience and if it helps anyone else, then best of luck to you.
... but try getting that past the HR fucknuts who seem to think a degree is required to take a shit unsupervised...
Not having a degree has put me out of the running for so many jobs, despite having the ability to do them blindfolded and with one hand tied behind my back.
Don't you see how private sector strike action is totally self-defeating?! Private sector companies work on the premise of making profit. If they stop providing a service due to industrial action, customers go elsewhere, profits drop, and a round of redundancies follows shortly thereafter - BA being a prime example - do you think the union cancelled strike action because they achieved their aims? No, they cancelled it because the terms they were fighting for would be academic if the company went bust!.
In the private sector there's competition - the choice of the consumer to use another provider if one can't live up to your expectations. If my house catches fire while the local fire brigade is on strike because the toilet paper in the station house is just a little too scratchy for their poor bums, short of starting up my own rival fire brigade service, what can I do but burn?
"So let me ask you a question .... how would you handle this if you were our side of the fence; having to contribute more money to your pension, working longer for it, having it be worth less at the end and also having it rise at a rate which is slower than inflation; seeing you descend in to poverty with each ongoing year?"
If you add to that the constant threat of redundancy/company administration, no pay rises for years, actual real-terms pay cuts to keep companies afloat - never mind mere "below inflation" pay rises which are constantly propagandised as "pay cuts", and no ability to strike, you have what the private sector have been facing for years
From the BBC:
"Andrew Crossley told the BBC that e-mails sent out in the name of ACS:Law were a scam and nothing to do with him."
Now, which emails is he talking about? The recent ones, or the original ones? Perhaps he's trying the Murdoch approach - "yeah, people were apparently extorting money with threats in my name, but I didn't know about any of it...."
"Governments sponsor academics to produce "science" of dubious quality to support conclusions reached in advance, what you might call "evidence-based policy-making". We recounted one example of that here related to minimum pricing for alcohol."
Surely you mean policy-based evidence-making"?
A good article, and it'll be a nice step forward if it were to ever come to anything - no government wants to be in the position of making policy based on sound science, surely...
Title says it all - if "they" say they won't, there's an army of commentards who'll storm Vulture Central and open filing cabinet drawers and leave them in a dangerous, open position for unsuspecting hacks to bash shins, elbows and foreheads on, fling stacks of papers recklessly and without care to the floor, stuff plasticine down the vending machine coin slot and add itching powder to the coffee granules...
But, just slightly more seriously (about as serious as you are about missing the place), all the best, your distinctive style of loving^H^H^H^H^H^H abusive moderation will leave a constant pang of emptiness for all who post shit in future.....
... because the CPS would (if they show any sort of consistency in their decisions whatsoever - so don't rely on that!) not deem the case to be in the public interest to prosecute, making the AG look like the biggest, most useless twat this side of the other big, useless twat who's been shagging his brother's missus....