Geographically Challenged
Sat in my living room in North East UK, and it says I'm in Downtown Madrid... maybe the snow's confusing it a little !
2 publicly visible posts • joined 5 Aug 2009
I was out in town at lunch, looking for a bank where I work, whipped out my phone for google maps... "Unable to connect to the internet" it says...
Ok... I'll phone someone at work... 4 bar signal, yet I couldn't make a call
Ok, plan C.. ask someone ! I had to actually go and physically talk to a real person to find out what I wanted... c'mon O2 this isn't on ;)
Visual Voicemail didn't come back for the rest of the afternoon.. kept saying "Unable to connect, there are more voice messages on the server" When it finally did come back, there were no messages... hmmmm !