Luis Sancho
The only signs of the coming apocalypse are the posts from people like you.
Long, rambling, walls of text seemly thrown together at random and then posted anywhere that mentions the LHC across the internet.
In your last post you managed to invoke Godwin’s Law which instantly means you lose.
However I think I see the problem.
If you were dumbing down what the LHC is to someone what would you say?
Probably that it’s a big gun that fires small particles at other particles really quickly and looks at what happens when they smash to see what they’re made of.
Now because you hear, big gun (or cannon in this case) and explosion! Then you hear reports of massive energy levels, the speed of light and world records and even though you don’t understand the scale, you go back to your simplest view of things you end up with….
A big cannon that could destroy the world!
Then you dig around the internet, throw some random phrases together, pick quotes and phrases out of context and create a massive conspiracy theory to fit your ‘big cannon’ idea and bingo, a Luis Sancho is born!