Does Microsoft make a competing product? Maybe we could have a Teams meeting to discuss?
57 publicly visible posts • joined 1 Aug 2009
Chat GPT please write an article for The Register in the style of Alexander Banff; about yourself, presupposing that he is a zombie protesting his legitimate existence.
Chat GPT please write a comments section for the article described previously culminating in a witty?? comment about the redundancy of journalists existence measured by the creation of words in a world dominated by monkeys with typewriters.
Apply an infinitely recursive model...
I was going to whine about conflicting statements:
1. "At least the app didn't cost £14m" and
2. Randy oxen being awarded "government contracts worth over £600m"
Then I realised statement 1 would still be true if the app cost OVER 14m.
Still I can whine:-) that the misuse of "least" implying that they got better value for money! Whereas, best case scenario, it was more of a loss leader for over half a billion pounds contracts awarded / given / presented.
We kinda sorta have a three party system...
Just a real shame Clegg's pact with the devil failed to get proportional representation but allowed a small majority in a minority of voters to bankrupt a successful trading block...
There should always be an alternative choice we need a centrist solution.
Hmm... Are we proposing Eugenics using automobiles??
Will there ever be a Godwin's law corollay referencing Henry Ford??
Sure, I'd love to see a bunch of t**ts bumped off(1), but there is WAY too much collateral with motor vehicles:-)
1. I'm only joking: death is too extreme - sterilizing is the transport method of the future:-)
The brief written description on ElReg left me curious to look at this new logo...
HoHum! 13:20[GMT+1] still has a very evident BT logo. These clowns can't co-ordinate their website updates with their press releases.
Please feel free to update my snarkiness if and when they show any co-ordination
Ahem "wobbly" & "leftover bits"!? Neither the icon or Mechanical Engineering qualifications are needed to form a link between those :-)
Lo and behold the spurious leftover bits look like corner reinforcing triangular plates! Methinks from pure logic they belong at the top inside of the legs performing anti-wobble reinforcing functionality.
Just a pure guess:-)
A popular phrase by my Mech. Engineering lecturer! SPEED is strictly speaking distance over time but is quite often mixed with the similar term RATE which is a volume over time measurement.
Now a thesaurus or marketing blurb will often freely substitute between the two. Broadband in Megabytes per second or kilo or giga - bytes per second is commonly referred to as Broadband SPEED.
Common usage often defines words and context. Basically this is getting overly pedantic with regard to extraordinarily normal usage for conjuring up this story out of nothing. So basically YES you can SPEED UP a FLOW of information RATE by prioritizing data with the assignment of more ports, fibres, etc., etc.
No story here - let me get my coat as I leave....
Saw that quote in the article and was immediately thinking the same thing. I mean what kind of prat tries to exagerrate a perfectly great analogy of FAILURE by FAILING to understand the analogy. It's a basic mathematical concept that the greater the number of equilateral sides the better the fit of a similarly sized object within a circle if fit is defined as the exclusion of spare free space as is understoodbya general engineering perspective. This guy is a triangle of the first order:-)
Can I pleare throw in the OBVIOUS third option?
3. Idiot capitalism...Oh wait a minute these are the corrupt thieving ones of number 1 !!
Methinks I have spotted a trend :-) Maybe we could write an article about how economics is all about minimizing stoopidity!?
Corruption is (capitalist) idiocy m'kay? Socialist idiocy doesn't have an easy descriptor but usually involves corrupt moves of some sort.
^Horse unemployment^above^
Forget evolving opposable hooves - they need to soften and taste optimise their flesh:-) It's disgusting how Tesco's recalled all those lasagnas that were aiding in maintaining the horse population;-)
Humanity will be fine once our robot overlords evolve a power unit for converting human bodies into cremation ashes....
I've got one of the many, soon to be created, jobs as an ethics co-processing unit for my 180 IQ tin buddy. I predict he'll be placed in the ethically challenged compound:-)
Article and commentary lack a little research.
The basis and full legitimacy of the teacher's arrest is the fact he was within 5 miles of La Guardia airport. The sports ground is close to the perimeter -at 4.7 miles i.e. within the 5 mile limit but obviously far enough that tennis balls won't get ingested in jet engines:-)
Regardless of his terrorist intent, islamic preaching or favourite fear of today he did display total ignorance of his surroundings and lack of concern for consequences of his actions. I think a suitable rehabilitation opportunity would be if he shows equal disregard of action when asked to pick up the soap in San Quentin's showers!!!
"Sergei was that paws the log while I check for my email on AM?"
"Arnie said he'd be back"
"Sergei hold up! Using a large branch rather than lots of twigs is just a metaphor for combining multiple inspirations in one post rather than spaffing the comments with dozens of one liners" ?:-)?
The legality bootnote can also be interpreted as a possible / likely cover for such a DOS:
"against something you don't own"
The underlying principle of any fake AP is to persuade people that it is the AP that you own. Of course it's demonstrable that you saw through the subterfuge but that would require the fake owner going public about his activities. In the more likely case that he doesn't want any more trouble you can just validly argue that you were carrying out a legitimate vulnerability to DoS attack on your own system!
Yes it is an AGL (Airport Ground Lighting) control system from Heathrow. A little bit misleadingly labelled as NATS ATC. Although this system is the interface between Ground control and Air Traffic Control as it incorporates the runway services in addition to the taxiways. Thus ground and air teams both have access to it.
Of course you could steer planes into each other on the ground similarly to in the air. Also similarly: as the two human (for now :-) ) captains are in charge of visually steering, with just auditory recommendation / control from the tower; there is more than adequate redundancy to prevent danger to life.
The big danger, as has been mentioned, is the reduction in capacity - all pieces of the system from check-in to baggage handling are meticulously engineered to maximize throughput. Of course in the legally mandatory failsafe backup conditions throughput is sacrificed for safety.
It could be wildly feasible to imagine a loss of life procedure where every possible dodgy shortcut has been taken: inexperienced pilot, poor plane maintenance, skimping on fuel load for savings, too many fat kids on their mother's knees - then the traffic control falure could perceivably lead to a fuel starved incident.
Otherwise this may explain the lack of visibility to terrorists vs. just blowing them up in the air. Of course there should be a zero possibility and that justifies the FAA raising this issue.
The person above fits the bill for the ENTIRE problem with motoring worldwide,,,selfish, my journey/strreet/vehicle/penis is more important than yours, drivers. It is they that cause ALL the problems from: aforementioned dead stop braking harmonics to failed zippering.
This is why it's ESSENTIAL for driverless cars to be introduced. The only question is when the number of driverless cars will reach a ratio to exceed the 'threshold of auto-stupidiy' (© Stu 2015:-) below which the selfish people exploit driverless car's programmed safety protocols under the illusion of their own faster progress, causing additional delays - for all.
-it will be interesting to see the inevitable data for this ratio broken down by country! We could then produce a league table for national twatishness:-)
It is apparent to everyone that the efficiency of any transport system is heavily affected by CO-OPERATION. Whether that be with actual laws, lane protocols. speed limits or general courtesy, etc(road maintenance is also a co-operative issue). It is also clear that driverless cars will enable an increase in this co-operation apart from the aforementioned willful disruption by jealous selfish drivers,
As an aside: is the previous respondent aware that:
a) What they propose is possible now. It's just the aforementioned selfish attitude diminishes the success rate. Plus another extension of selfishness - into anger will earn him a broken nose.
b) This behaviour is illegal - now and for the foreseen future. The IoT will enable instant reporting of unplanned roadworks to local authorities.
What a dick.
(both of us)
I'm sure this is being fixed as I'm typing but for commentard readers who missed it :- "Vulture South....does not suspect the conference was legitimate and intentional." surely a subject modifier "the blocking of" should be placed before "the conference" or can I presume the Register along with Three and Vodaphone are questioning the legitimacy of this conference.
Russell Brand as I do not suspect him of legitimate English usage - is he the Man from Mars??:-)??
This could be an annoying confusion / mistype of units as: KWh = Kilo Watt Hour which seems to imply an hour???? BUT a Watt is a rate unit with a rate of joules per second ie. 1j/s multiply by an hours worth of seconds and Kilo to give 3,600,000joules x 2.5 = 9million joules of energy saved over this test period which might be 1 hour or could be the expected lifetime of the unit in the style of typical inflationary marketing speak. Who knows???
All thanks to my old engineering tutors who said: "look at the units":)
Ho Hum as yet another 1/2 Scot [something must be said for the virility of Scottish males and the constant downvoting by sassenachs:-)] I'm pro union i.e. 'No' for independence. I like to consider myself as the UNION of two BRITISH people, strangely enough who met whilst both in the RAF - question: as independent Scotland has affirmed support for the Queen, how do all institutions with the 'Royal' get repositioned / split / shared??
Anyways, in response to the blog link above about disregarding Scottishness: I gave it a quick read to be confronted by a travesty! This reputedly Scottsh blogger used the term "whiskEy". As explained earlier, in this commentary, this is the Irish dialect and further reading revealed this blogger's history of being termed, in his words, a "fenian"; again an ill informed misuse of the term 'thenian.
I classify the entire post as a rude misjudged diatribe of a person who by rejecting Scottishness shouldn't be permitted to maintain any Scottish identity or right to vote. A forced passing of a basic Scottish history test should be mandatory before permitting any cvote on national identity.
Redaction redaction redaction: has no one heard of redaction. The originator of the digital article will remove and / or replace the person's name with a suitable marker. Google or search engine of choice and their huge database will detect this to change and modify the returns.
You should always divert the source. It is the owner of the dog's responsibility to pick up the shit not the runner passing by; just because they smell it; becoming banned from talking about whose dog has the smelliest shit for the rest of their lives!!
If you want to be forgotten Mr Mosley don't do kinky shit wearing a Nazi uniform. Can I posthumously apply for Hitler or Jimmy Saville's right to be forgotten? No? Sure - there's public interest but who decides that, eh? Big brother Google? Please have a listen to the 'Orwellian new speech' piece on Radio 4.
THIS IS CENSORSHIP and modification of the past! If you've been cleared of a murder it should be your right to make google populate the advertising section with : "They didn't do it!" and construct the return order to the most favourable results. It is not their right to EDIT HISTORY though!
This guy is aiming at the deepest most litigious pockets to buy his patent off him and then wield it to the ruin of the entire industry. I mean... come on... don't you think, the delay, before filing, is peppered with numerous negotiations for extortionate amounts of money with Apple et al.
Just stating the obvious:- 'money motivates all and more money moreso'
Copyright Stuart pat.pending :)
Okey dokey, as per guy above I reserved one -16GB- yesterday evening at the Bedford PCWorld 32GB was showing out of stock but 16 showed as available and successfully completed. Confirmation E-mail also received within ten minutes.
Went to the store at 9:15am to be informed it was sold out just right before a guy showed up with notices for hanging on the door! I received the usual attempt at blame transferal with the business manager saying he'd tried calling me and had left a message. Logically enough I'd put my home number into the ONE SINGLE mandatory phone number field,which the manager latched onto criticizing the lack of a mobile number.
Turns out they'd only bothered calling at 8:30 am, when I was out progressing toward PCWorld via gym and Costa. I didn't receive until just now. Even then the message only said it was about my order, not stating anything about lack of availability! Big FAIL on so many counts.
I calmly (no really) addressed all these issue with the two in-store managers explaining my wish to escalate until a satisfactory, touchpad possession, conclusion. All contact details exchanged ( wouldya believe they claimed my E-mail, submitted on same form as phone number and actually checked as still only showing positive order confirmation five mins before proceeding to store, wasn't available to the store, due to some online business separate crap!) All to gain some flannel that there is a further stock shipment due and I only had one guy in front of me!?
Long story just to conclude that there must be a dropped legal ball on their part and would love to know of such ramifications that may apply. I do not recall 'visible' small print or any check boxes / notifications that "reserved" only applied to your new random lottery ticket for the product you'd jumped through hoops for!
Cheers Stuart
384+128=512 or half a GiB (I'll whine about correct unit acronyms in another post). This means there must be an additional secret unmentioned 512MB of RAM that is neither DRAM or DDR for articles stated 1 Gig OR someone can't count. Please get back to me on this before I have to return lots of sticks of memory from the continual oversupply when I purchase.
Now my fluff up! The two types of ram discounted by quantification were DDRAM and low voltage mobile DRAM not DDR sorry hey at least I get moderated and proof read by the lovely Miss Bee so it's her fault that the first post's not corrected. Sorry to all the literary pedants from a much humbled numeracy pedant.
You are excused, Sarah.
I read that first post as a comparison of this fair site, that is almost as beautiful as it's moderatrix, to the Grauniad. A most unfitting comparison and I immediately looked for Miss Bee's incisive witty comment below. I was heartbroken to find her out on beer break (just like a ciggie break but less cancerous :-) I decided I could provide no better service than to muster my meager wit; stating that finding all the legal loopholes was not a requirement for either the Register's great news article or even moreso for the Graun's lesser standards.
I'm certain, though, that three centuries one score and maybe three quid would find someone willing to give all the advertisers another plug. In the meantime I'll just work my magic for improving my moderation pass rates. I do avidly read all Miss Bee's comments and oft debate compiling a scrapbook of them; but that's way too creepy and a lot of work.
Ok as I'm doing Miss Bee's work for her I'd appreciate a backhander or some kind of handjob;-) In regards to above comment I don't believe El Reg or even the Groaniad are responsive or even advised to provide technical legal proclamations.
It seems apparent that even Nominet's arbiter had second/third/nineteenth thoughts about this ruling and was most likely swayed by assessing who had the funds to lodge unlimited appeals. I don't think 322 quid was enough to sway the decision.
You're welcome Miss Bee. Love Stu x x x
That would require a monstrous flow rate?? I can't even see at the innefficient cold end only a five degree drop across the standard building's radiator assuming a maximum room ambient or a very comfortable 20 c?? A very well insulated transport system between buildings might lose that much and I'd appreciate clarification/checking on this. It may always be some screwy volume figures involved as far as what the size of the building being heated is but after all the emphasis on CPU cooler efficiency pumping 60 degree water in seems a bit contrary.
Gimme an 'E' Gimme an 'R' Gimme an 'A'
Whatya got? -well besides some dodgy propositions with Os Ps and Es -before I get any sarky comments:-)--
OK OK I'm an Opera-tard but the attempt in the article to link Winows (7) sales with IE popularity is exactly what they[Opera] just fought over -and won- with the browser ballot system.
The ballot has ensured no accidental re-defections back by alternative browser users and picked up a few others making a sane choice at last. This story highlights the ballot's success and doesn't have that much to do with Windows 7's claimed sales.
-I only had to mention Opera so much because it had zero article references! Go Opera Go!