titular things
@AC: This is precisely the reason I've not said a word about it until now.
Anyway, I'm going to shut up now and contemplate things. This could actually be bad.....
229 publicly visible posts • joined 1 Aug 2009
I've been thinking about getting in touch with WoS, but have been hesitant until now in order to protect my source. Now that they've left the industry I can be a bit more open about it. I'm thinking it may be worthwile contacting the Oliver Twins too, I've heard they're quite friendly :)
FWIW I wasn't really expecting ElReg to answer, It's just that I know they like to do these sorts of things in the pub. Any opportunity to try and blag a pint, basically :D
"How did you get hold of that??"
A contact rescued it before it went in the skip. The portakabins at the farm (literally a farm in Southam) were being cleared out for the next lot of coders and test monkeys.
At one point, I also had the source code to the Amiga version of Universe (by Core Design). Like an idiot, I needed some hd space so deleted it without backing it up. facepalm.jpg
50Mb was a _lot_ of hd space in those days, and on my budget that many floppies was out of the question.
"The original was coded on a CPC 6128 in the MAXAM assembler and then ported to the Spectrum using a special cable the Olivers had built for them. True cross platform development and all in their bedroom!"
Interesting that you mention that.
It is more than just a cable, it is a Z80 PIO hooked up to the bus on the speccy side, and the printer port on the amstrad side. I say is, because contrary to popular opinion, it is not lost. It is still sitting in a box in my private collection, where it has been for a long time. If I can find the driver software, I will have to dump it and create a schematic of the hardware.
On a related note, I must find my collection of master and sample tapes and dump them too.
If anyone wants me to, I can take some photos for verification purposes. It will take a few days though, need to get at the box in question. Hell, if ElReg wants to take a look and have a fondle of this one-off piece of hardware, get in touch.
"shut the fuck up, you ugly cunt" - I always thought that was our local greeting here in Cov :D
That's nothing compared to what I did in our local WH Smith's back in the day. They had a seperate store for home computers and there were several display models in the window. Picture walking past a shop window, and seeing 20 or so screens saying "Fuck off, Wankers!!!".
Kids will be kids, and idiots will still allow full access to display models.
Oh, and news must be slow if El Reg is culling stories from the Coventry Telegraph :)
@casinowilhelm: "So far I just got the "trip over pavement cracks and sue the council""
hehe, I'm from the town in question and when I was 8 yrs old (32 yrs ago to be precise) , I stumbled on a loose paving slab. Lost my front teeth becasue of it. My parents never dreamed of suing the council. A strongly worded letter later (no legal threats or anything), and the slab was fixed along with many others.
What about when PC's were starting to be noticed by the high street retailer?
Alter AUTOEXEC.BAT to echo swears in a loop, reboot and stand nearby giggling whilst the salesdroid panicked :D
Oh, and it was always dixons we did this in as the salesdroids were usually occupied trying to sell people extended warranties...
Actually, that's Lemmings Revolution. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lemmings_Revolution for more info.
There is a fully 3D Lemmings game called unsurprisingly 3D Lemmings. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/3D_Lemmings for more info.
Personally I like all of the lemmings games. Nuke 'em all, I say :)