Re: Sheep shall safely graze
1. CEO's blame everything and everyone all the time then get their mates on the remuneration committee to give them a big rise and bonus while denying the staffs.
2. Again not unique to government it happens in both public and private organisations.
3. Ministers don't write detailed specs for outsourcing that's civil servants, ministers might interfere (got to look after that future income) but it's the service that do the leg work filling in the detail or as mostly happens completely missing the detail so that any little thing can be charged as an expensive extra.
4. Unfortunately yes we do
5. Anytime I've worked directly for government (Whitehall and local) furniture has all been good and the hourly rate for the work I saw getting done was OK, most places I saw people spend 2/3 of the time moaning they had to much work which then only took the other 1/3 to do. Not saying it was the majority of people but it was enough that it was noticeable and with no one managing the situation.