Re: Nothing in Watson is "fundamentally different"
What he going on about is - writing drivel to bump his word count ($)
61 publicly visible posts • joined 31 Jul 2009
If IT&T went back to inventing products rather than than inventing patents we'd all be better off. Some of the US patents are ludicrous - 30 years ago they would have got beyond the the USPTO mail room.
I see echo's of what happened to Financial Services over a couple of decades. They too became obsessed with themselves and one another.
Anonymous Coward "Indonesians will bend over backwards for this to happen, and we all know what kind of regime runs the country"
Indonesia is a democracy sunshine, with a 2 term limit elected Head of State, Unlike the Poms & Aussies whose regime is based on an hereditary head of state foisted on them as a result of events that happened centuries ago
Apart from China & Brazil, Foxxcon also manufactures in its home country - Taiwan, and the Czech Republic where it happens to be the 2nd largest exporter!.
"the MFB said that while there’s no evidence of a connection between the fires and the smart meters installed in them, the brigade has a duty “to investigate any trend or cause of any incidents it attends”.
Why are they installing smart meters in fires anyway.
Wouldn't it be better to put the fires out before installing any smart meters
Anyway I thought Aussies chucked shrimps on their barbies
Wouldn't it be cheaper to outsource the job of getting important information about Australia and carefully crafted messages through to political, business and military leaders to Julian Assange,
I'm sure they'd take more notice of a Wikileaked cable than some tart blathering away on the telly
Well I do sunshine, deeply - be interesting to see if they approve what I just posted
To all those people worrying about who will design the next their next fiddlephone or fondleslab, it will be the same bloke who designed the last one, and the one before that and your iPod and your Mac Air.
Jony Ive from Chingford in Kent is already working on them - look him up!!
The Media are just a bunch of echonomists - plagiarise, cut & paste blah blah blah.
The one in NY is on Manhattan Island, between 42nd & 30th, runs down from 5th Ave to the East River - if you know the Empire State Bldg is then you're over the street from Murray Hill. AFAIK Bell were never in the NYC Murray Hill.
However, Bell Labs were in West St in Greenwich Village - the building is now the the Westbeth Arts centre. Don't think the software group was ever at that site - some exchange kit was there.
I did some research into Bell when it morphed into Lucent and then got hoovered up by Alcatel.
The loss of Bell Labs was a disaster for mankind - it presaged the coming of the anti-science crowd that's now infecting the planet. How could a country let something like Bell disappear in a puff of smoke - criminal. I think it was Carter who dealt the coup de grace to AT&T, Nixon was a mere toreador.
I know there were good commercial reasons to break up AT&T, but Bell Labs should have been given a status like Livermore or Argonne :cry:
Bye Dennis.
I think it was Spielberg who a few weeks after 9/11 said the US should use it soft power and beam Seinfeld into the Yurts of the all Taliban in Kathmandu.
Shortly before 9/11 the most of Nepalese royal family was assassinated by one of there own number. The day before Spielberg's asinine suggestion the last remaining Nepalese princess died in a helicopter crash. At the time Mongolia had suffered a number of years of drought and very harsh winters, as a consequence most of the grazing stock died of starvation forcing the herdsmen to move into the towns & cities.
The Taliban don't live in Kathmandu, the capital of Nepal. The Taliban live in Afghanistan the capital of which is Kabul, nor do they live in Yurts. In fact no one in Kathmandu lives in a Yurt, nor in Afghanistan. But 1800 miles away, Mongolian herdsmen do live in Yurts when they're out on the steppes, except when all of their animals are dead.
So what the f**k would Spielberg know about anything.
God bless you Dennis Ritchie - I wanted to write you an obit, but seeing Spielbergs name in this context made me mad. We met once, in Boston I think - long time ago, ken was there too, not sure about Brian.
Rest in Peace brother - I'll always treasure what you and your colleagues Ken T & Brian gave to me and so many others
God I'd clean forgot about Pyramid - what happened to them - I know I worked on one, money market system I think
Memory's long past are fading,
But in flesh or in spirit Dennis,
Ken & Brian always burn brightly
Everlasting into the long dark night
Thanks to Dennis R, respects to Ken T & Brian K.
Ellison is a good sailor - so he knows full well that HP would be nothing but a boat anchor.
What he might do is to convince a private equity outfit to buy HP. And then pick out the bits he wants EDS is all I can think of, but I've lost sight of HP in recent times maybe there's some cloudy stuff he could use.
The only other reason I can think of that might see Larry buy HP, would be to make sure Oracle fails after his departure; as he sails off into the sunset saying "I told you so".
RIP Steven Jobs, although I never liked you much, I have admired your courage in recent times.
Spotify is now available in the US, Google could buy it and stream your music collection to your devices for free, you pay for by subscribing to advertising channels. Why bother downloading and transferring to different devices when it can be streamed - into your phone, into your home, into your car on your command.
Oracle acquired Sun because a lot of mission critical line of business applications in the financial services sector run on Sun servers running Oracle's database software.
Oracle should have given OOo, MySQL, Java etc the flick on the day after the deal with Sun was signed. Those things just aren't Oracles core business, their customers outside Europe will be happy to see OOo walk out the door.
Only region I can find on Statcounter where Opera matters is the Commonwealth of Independent States (ie the former Soviet Union) where Opera enjoys up to 30% market share. Globally Opera has 2% market share. The population of the CIS states is about 250m, the world population is approaching 7,000 million.
nuff said
Installed it, looked at it, went back 3.6.
Too many low value cosmetic changes and too many extensions not ready yet. The All-In-One Sidebar menu bar is stuffed, its supposed to be FF4 ready. I'll wait a while & find a time when I'm less busy, assuming grim reaper doesn't take me first.
I wish they'd provide a dark default theme in the box.
Browsers are so f@#!ing boring, even word processors more interesting than browsers.
1. I don't come here via the home page, I come here via the daily news letter - will it change too ?
2. Just as long as I don't lose access to items from elsewhere
3. Why not just have sections for Australian, New Zealand, Indian etc news, I don't like localisation either, its a denial of globalisation, believe me its real.
4. Appoint a Sydney staff member a moderator
The WinRAR, Skype (client) and Partition Magic software are built using the technologies and disciplines appropriate to a single user desktop environment.
I would hope that LSE's MillenniumIT system is built using the technologies and disciplines appropriate to a high volume, mission critical, transaction processing environment - if it isn't then that's the problem
In "Satan, His Psychotherapy and Cure by the Unfortunate Dr. Kassler, J.S.P.S." by Jeremy Leven
Dr. Leo Szlyck imagines a machine with synapse-like circuits. After building the machine, he debates over whether he should turn it on, believing it could be a weapon of immense power. Against his better judgement, he does, and he's greeted by the giant machine that calls itself Satan.
Great book
Buzzing Fanfold Paper Tape Reader/Punches,
Whirring DecTapes randomly seeking,
Screeching DecWriters banging out line graphs,
Clunk of the RK05 Disk Cartridge loading.
Booting Up RT-11 and then loading TSX11 for half a dozen users.
Rebuilding a real time physical testing systems on RSX11-C,
Watching the rig crush the device being tested.
I said 20psi not frigging 200psi dummy!!
Oops, sorry Mr DoD Customer
These were a few of our favourite things
I think I've still got a copy of RSX11-M on fanfold and a couple of DecTapes in the attic. One could say RT11 begat CP/M which begat MS-DOS and its all been downhill since. Cutler cut his teeth on RSX11 when he joined DEC.
Condolences to Ken Olsen's family.