Yes, we had a car named Fievel. It's plate started with 5ULL.
Posts by Javc
34 publicly visible posts • joined 31 Jul 2009
OK, boomer? Gen-X-ers, elder millennials most likely to name their cars, says DVLA
Turns out Elon can't control the weather – what a scrub: Rain, clouds delay historic manned SpaceX-NASA launch
What do you call megabucks Microsoft? No really, it's not a joke. El Reg needs you
Ransomware scumbags leak Boeing, Lockheed Martin, SpaceX documents after contractor refuses to pay
There are pictures all over the internet of a big dark spot on Uranu... Oh no, wait, it's Neptune
Done and dusted? Vast storm gobbles NASA's long-lived Mars robot
Re: Well, let's be accurate here
"I sincerely hope the engineers responsible were at least thanked."
Before the landing of Spirit and Opportunity, JPL director Charles Elachi said if this landing works I'll give you guys whatever you want. Someone jokingly said, "free ice cream." After the landings, JPL management set up ice cream coolers in the hallways of rover operations, and for the first few months while we were all living on Mars time, they kept the coolers stocked with ice cream bars. So yes, that was a proper thanks.
Headless man found in lava’s embrace
Here's another headline where NASA is dragged through the mud for cheap Mars wise cracks
SpaceX: launch, check. Landing? Needs work
Terror in the Chernobyl dead zone: Life - of a wild kind - burgeons
SpaceX set to try HOVER LANDING for re-usable rockets on March ISS mission
Re: Chasing rainbows
> Every tonne of fuel that the rocket expends in a soft landing will require 11 tonnes of fuel to get it into orbit, and then more fuel for de-orbit, just so that it can be used in the soft landing.
Wow, good thing the first stage doesn't go into orbit then. And good thing Daedalus doesn't design rockets.
(watch the videos, first stage separates well before orbital speed is reached)
OAR-some! 18ft SEA SERPENT discovered off US coast
Fame-hating planets don't need to hang around STARS – boffins
Decade to 2010 was hottest, wettest: WMO

Re: Numbers?
>There is enough solar energy hits this planet in an hour to power all of humanity for a year.
>You really think it is beyond the wit of man to harness about 0.0001% of it.
I'm just waiting for the day when we realize that capturing all of this solar energy and turning it into heat is warming the Earth. Then everyone will start crying about "man made heat pollution" from solar energy and run around protesting houses with solar panels*.
* Yea, I'm a solar powered "heat polluter", what of it you hippies?
Tesla unveils battery-swapping tech for fast car charging
Flash memory made immortal by fiery heat
Toothbrush fixes ISS’ stuck bolt
iPhone 5 in ICE CREAM SANDWICH photo riddle
Star sacrifices 2,000 comets a DAY to cloak twin planets in dust
Musk muses on middle-class Mars colony
Re: Commercial space
Re: If I were picking an elsewhere, 1 Ceres would be my first pick.
Well you're not picking, Musk is, and he picked Mars. If you want to go to Ceres, make a billion dollars, start your own rocket company, and get on with it. Or just buy one of his rockets, I'm sure he would send you to Ceres for the right price.