nice man Jeremy
So... Try asking someone old enough (who isn't called Jeremy) how efficient the nationalised industries were in the 1970s before they were privatised. And when they've finished laughing they might tell you.
15 publicly visible posts • joined 30 Jul 2009
The day one of these things plops through my letterbox will be the day I post it off to Number 10 (recorded delivery of course) with a polite note explaining that I didn't request one.. I would suggest that if everyone who objects did this, Downing Street would soon disappear under a mountain of plastic. Then maybe they'd get the message.
I would draw our secretive Overlords attention to section 8A para 3 of their new Lisbon Treaty.
Quote:- "Decisions shall be taken as openly and as closely as possible to the citizen."
So I read that as meaning anything decided secretly cannot be enforced without defying the terms of the Treaty. It would at least give ground for a challenge in the courts I would imagine.
Any thoughts?
Why isn't this collection of everyones data a directe contravention of section 8 of the European concention on Human rights?
"Everyone has the right to respect for his private and family life, his home and his correspondence".
Snooping on everything I do shows no "respect" whatsoever for my private and family life or my correspondence.