* Posts by Fritz

6 publicly visible posts • joined 28 Jul 2009

Mm, Silverlight, what's that smell? Yes, it's death


Adobe and Microsoft know that there is no way that they can optimize Silverlight and Flash for every concievable device nearly as well as the browser vendors for those devices can. Android has a highly optimized browser that can offload functions to phone GPUs and optimize for arm, iOS has similar, and so on and so on. Every platform you can think of has a web browser that is being optimized for that platform. If Flash is more efficient than HTML5 on any platform right now, it is only due to a head start and that advantage will be gone within a matter of months.

Researcher: No emergency patch for critical Windows bug


Strange definitions

This type of attitude just goes to show why Microsoft's number of "critical" security flaws is such a ridiculous understatement. They don't consider it to be critical because it only works half the time? I guess no hacker would ever try to do it twice...

Microsoft howls as Google turns IE into Chrome



"will this plug in let google turm IE8 into another mine of info it can use/sell on/or provide to our chums in the US security services?"

I think that the AC is trying to communicate with us, but I have no idea what they are trying to say.

Microsoft adds Ping to Bing, leaves Windows Live in dark


Beginning of the end

Just like every other failed Microsoft Web project, they will kill it by integrating it with every other Microsoft product. Bing is a good search site, just like MSN search was when it first came out, but they just can't help themselves from destroying it.

The problem is, they are so used to using product integration as a means of spreading their monopoly, they don't know any other means of business. They don't seem to realize that Bing is far from a monopoly and integrating it with other crap that people don't want will just cause it to fail.

NY residents sue for $100m over phone masts

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It isn't that they don't want cell service...

... it's that the cell service infrastructure should be installed on the property of poor people.

Firefox 4.0 flashes lusty leg at Windows lovers


@ Gary F

The longstanding memory leak that caused Firefox to continually eat memory was finally resolved with version 3.5. It is much quicker now and does not have any memory problems that I'm aware of.