Sort of the reverse
Some years ago I was looking after some Research Scientists Linux/Unix systems
Just by chance I noticed that someone was pulling a lot of data across the "private" line from the US to the UK. A quick check showed it had been running for >12 hours, but probably only had an hour to go. It would have been more efficient to compress it, send it, uncompress it so I made a note to have a chat to the user (as we actually had a utility that woudl do this for them).
About 10 mins later I had a 'phone call from someone in the network support team.
"It seems that someone is pulling a lot of data across the Atlantic - do you know anything about this?"
I apologized, said it could have been done more efficiently and I was going to chat to the user in question.
The reply to that was somewhat unexpected.
"No, we're not complaining - the network is there to be used."
After I got up off the floor (mentally) I discovered that they were interested in why it was going at twice the speed as any file transfer they could do.
(The answer was not to use FTP on a Solaris system. FTP on Irix or Linux was noticeably faster - probably to do with window sizes).