Re: Follow these simple instructions...
At least they did follow the instructions...
I've posted this before, but anyway; back in the days of BBC Micros with Cumana 5 1/4" drives and DFS (the ROM, not the sofa company :-D) we had a good customer who periodically called us saying his diskettes wouldn't read. Not too unusual, these were the days when different media (Dysan, Verbatim etc.) could make a difference and drive calibrations could be a bit iffy. Did happen a bit more often than expected though.
Eventually, we asked him to bring a failing diskette to the store's so's we could try it on our own hardware. Didn't even get as far as inserting the diskette; after the "Hi Bob, got the diskette?" type pleasantries he said "yes, here it is", Then reached in to his shirt pocket, pulled out the diskette... and unfolded it.
"Bob, I know what the problem is...". One of the quicker fixes.
A short lesson on how diskettes work, why 'floppy' means just 'slightly flexible' and why a couple of creases will properly bugger it up ensued. Happy, if somewhat embarrassed, customer, much shared mirth.