* Posts by Terry 9

2 publicly visible posts • joined 27 Jul 2009

Botched judge threat probe downs Fathers 4 Justice website

Terry 9

@Grease Monkey

Fair Enough!!

You have caught me doing something I despise in others. The one that upsets me the most is the inability to use "then" and "than" properly.

I "never" make mistakes like this. But clearly between the excitement of being the first one to post (which didn't turn out anyway) and general outrage over the story... I had two grammatical misadventures in one tiny post.

I am deeply sorry to the Queen for my part in killing her language.

P.S. Reg: I would love to know how I got a "9" on the end of my ID. Think I'll try to fix that, but not until after my public apology for sounding like an illiterate "tool".

Terry 9

Plenty of Incompetence to go arourd

OK, so MoJ are incapable of performing their job. I'm not sure that's really news, but whatever.

If we expand that a bit, seems the High Court is also utterly UNQUALIFIED to wield the power the "guys with guns" have granted them. Their should be (gosh I wish I had a quarter for every time that is said) some form of actual punishment against the HUMAN BEINGS who willfully performed the attack against an innocent citizen. Making every football fan in the country cough up 10 quid doesn't effect "the government" AT ALL. In fact if they screw up big enough, and lose enough civil lawsuits.... guess what.... THEY get to RAISE TAXES to cover the expense.

How about we fire EVERYONE involved in this sorry affair? Then at the minimum THEY won't do it again. And who knows maybe their ex-coworkers will exercise at least the tiniest bit of common sense before lashing out with the destructive might the government.