Re: @ h4rm0ny
So yet someone else who believes the 97% fraud and also a person that claims to have a scientific background. Unbelievable.
56 publicly visible posts • joined 25 Jul 2009
You say you got the raw data but to me it doesn't look like that at all. The raw data would mean the data before any adjustments had been made but you got the data after the adjustments had been made so your graph actually doesn't mean anything but shows that it is you that is lying or just don't actually understand what you are on about. Take your pick.
Quote *The undecided are rapidly becoming a minority themselves and it's getting harder for true denialists to manufacture any pretence of wide support.*
Said by someone who is obviously deluded. While I have not done a survey my observations point in totally the other direction and in some polls CAGW doesn't even enter the equation.
They make that claim and yet they are talking about a measure of warming that is even less than the margin of error.
They say that the temperature has risen 0.8C since 1880 and yet tell me how many temperature readings back in 1880 would have been accurate to a tenth of a degree as it would have been lucky for it to have been accurate to a single degree taking into account human error.
You are assuming the temperature records are in fact of sufficient quality and also that all the adjustments that have been made to them are in actual fact done correctly. There are serious doubt about both of those but we will probably know more when the investigation has been completed.
Quote "Well I havnt bought a tablet becuase im waiting for one with Office on, and i'm sure there are plenty like me..."
Going by your posts here I am glad there aren't.
While the 86 tablet might have a show I just can't see the RT one going anywhere.
I still can't see MS doing so well by 2015 as they are too late to the game and people no longer feel that MS is the only show in town.
Quote"The cheap Android handset (Samsung Galaxy Europa) I bought for the other half last year was pretty dire, and I reckon a WP7 model for twice the price would've "felt" twice as good in terms of build quality/speed/UI."
That would have to rate as the most stupid post I have read apart from RIGHTO's which are just a joke.
You are being very disingenuous by ignoring the behemoth that MS is.
All they have to do to convince everyone of their good intent is add that there has to be a mechanism to turn off secure boot so that other OS's can be booted to get certification but they seem very reluctant to do so.
I often use a Linux live CD or USB drive to sort out a PC Windows has screwed up.
Quote"i think ill stick with Windows thanks, whats linux anyway,"
Quote"oh and before you down vote me as well you will note ive not offered an opinion in favour of Linux or windows,"
Yes you have.
It would be truly interesting to know what the issues were. Someone said printing was one in which case the whole thing hasn't been handled properly
It makes me wonder why Ray Ozzie is leaving. Is it because of bumbling Balmer and his lack of vision for the future so he tries to cling to the past.
As far as I'm concerned MS have been full of piss and wind accusing Linux of infringing their patents and yet doing nothing apart from being a big bully and not pointing out the patents being infringed.
Quote "Never mind the dialogs with controls off the bottom, because no-one would ever use a screen that was only 600 pixels high."
Hold the Alt key down and click and drag anywhere within the window.
If it is one used regularly click on the menu button on the title bar, go to Advanced/special window settings/Geometry and force position or size.
Those two have no equivalent within Windows.