* Posts by mr_chris

6 publicly visible posts • joined 25 Jul 2009

Asus to punt Core i5 Windows 7 tablet


eee Pad

Is that like the iPad, but for folks from Yorkshire?

Mine's one wit' th' eee Pad in t' pocket

National Identity Card holding chumps have buyer's remorse



"they've got the database of verified names and addresses sitting right there, by definition"

Nah, it's probably on a USB pen drive somewhere...

Mine's the one with the hole in the pockets...

Steve Ballmer defaces fanboi MacBook

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I like it

I like it a lot. Seriously - well done Steve - that was fantastic :)

Sony pulls plug on cabled power


@Alex Walsh

Whilst it might be expensive and impractical at the moment, it's called research!

Tell me where in that article does it say that this is a finished product Sony are happy that 25% wastage is acceptable?

"But the technology is far from perfect, Sony admitted."

Microsoft offers EU choice on Windows browsers

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If Microsoft have to do this...

Then surely Apple should be forced to do the same - Safari is not the only Mac browser out there! IMO Apple are far more controlling of the end user experience than MS.

And which browsers will we get a choice of then? Who will make that decision?

I know IE is hated by many, mainly because of previous versions, and the fact it came out of Redmond, but this is just going to generate a lot of confusion for joe public when they buy a new Windows 7 PC. Another decision they have to make instead of simply getting on with it, when in reality they couldn't give two hoots!!

This sets a dangerous precident - bullying tactics by the EU. Sadly yhey appear to have successfully got away with this, what will they try in the future?

Amazon Kindle doomed to repeat Big Brother moment


Re: "the writer's rights were successfully protected thanks to technology"

By any chance, would that be the same technology that caused this problem to exist in the first place?