* Posts by Gray M

5 publicly visible posts • joined 22 Jul 2009

Capita bungs staff £250 if they cheer up, smile for ad snaps

Gray M

Seems to me BOFH has already come up with some t-shirts the budding models could wear.

"Talk to someone who cares"

Go talk to someone who cares"

"Go call someone who gives a s**t"

And who could forget:

"Giving I.T. to you"

"Giving I.T. to you on the desktop"

"Giving I.T. to you from behind" (for those selfless I.T. people who provide support out-of-hours, natch)

Facebook flashplodder to appeal against 4-yr cooler stint

Gray M

Don't be daft

@ Jemma

With comments like "Shooting a body thats already (brain)dead - doesnt that cover the crime of killing a senior police officer?", it's not too difficult to see where your prejudices lie.

You say "If you have to wonder why the riots happened you need to look no further than the media and the police as the instigators of it. Their actions directly led to the bad feeling which led to the riots."

NO NO NO. DON'T go all bleeding-heart and excuse these prats who went rioting, looting, setting fire to houses, and KILLING people by saying it's not their fault, poor little diddums, they had no choice because of nasty Mr Plod.

Just ... no.

Supercomputer geek builds Cray-1 around home PC

Gray M

Use an Apple to build a Cray

I saw a Cray 1A at the Science Museum when in London a couple of years ago. According to the blurb, Cray preferred working with simple tools - eg a pencil and paper. Supposedly, when he was told that Apple had bought a Cray to simulate their next desktop, he said, "Funny, I'm using an Apple to build the Cray 3"!

I also recall hearing somewhere that the "seats" around the Cray got quite warm and were occasionally used by technicians who smuggled their girlfriends in on lonely nights for some, ahem, companionship ...

Watchdog bites Mattesons saucy sausage ad

Gray M

@ Scott 19

No, I didn't say that the radio ad is "responsible for teens watching German Porn, STD's , Dressing up like red light works and becoming sniggering perverts". Try re-reading ALL of the comments, including the ones I was responding to. It's called putting things in context.

@ AC Thursday 23rd July 2009 13:53 GMT

"In fact, I believe I was implying exactly the opposite - that those are the problems that *should* be addressed"

Agree 100%, it just didn't come across to me that's what you were saying.

(Hmmm ... maybe *I* should try re-reading all of the comments, and putting things in context ...)

Gray M

Woah there ...

@ AC Posted Wednesday 22nd July 2009 10:53 GMT

"Most "older children" are more than passingly familiar with hardcore German porn"

And you don't see a problem with this?

"Have they not walked down a street and seen girls barely in puberty dressed up in Disney-inspired microskirts and crop-tops with a crowd of squawking morons surrounding them trying to cop a feel whilst they all yell about how wonderful blowjobs are?"

And you don't think this is a problem either?!


@ imposter Posted Wednesday 22nd July 2009 14:24 GMT

"The fact we have rampant STDs and teen pregnancy is pretty much due to the lip service we give sex education because culturally it's bad to talk about."

And ads full of smutty innuendo is gonna help ... how? In fact I would disagree that culturally it's bad to talk about, everybody is talking about this stuff, it's always in your face whether you want it or not.


@ AC Posted Wednesday 22nd July 2009 11:39 GMT

"And did we all grow up sniggering perverts? No. Not really."

Um, no? Not really? Some of the comments above suggest otherwise ...


Seriously, none of you see ANY problem with this? Look I agree that if I was going to complain about something I'd pick on some of the more outlandish in-your-face stuff than this, but the principle is still valid. Do we REALLY want our kids exposed to this (and the rap lyrics full of sex and violence, and the billboards advertising X-rated TV programs, and on and on)?