* Posts by Henry 4

5 publicly visible posts • joined 5 Aug 2010

Rhino horn price spike drives record poaching

Henry 4


Sort of... Unfortuately the poachers were killing the animals without horns out of spite and also to stop them hunting the same animal again in future.


North America makes entry into dino fatty league

Henry 4

Ummm... No.

There is no mention of tonnes in the article... Only tons and one ton = 917kg. Still feeling superior?

Irishman's coke-packed abdomen poses for police

Henry 4

This looks shopped

I can tell from some of the pixels and from seeing quite a few shops in my time. Just to clarify, where did you get your medical degree? Bognor Regis Polytechnic?

'NATO RESTRICTED': The lowest possible classification

Henry 4

Title goes here...

Ummmm..... The Brits are Europeans, and I don't remember us being successfully invaded since 1066.

Apathy kills Google's new-age Wave

Henry 4

Not a "Fan Boy"

I hate the deliberately misspelt "fanboi" tag... So childish. I happen to be a google services user, and do have slight concerns about privacy and exposing too much info to a search and ad provider, but please "shitty code"? Get real, as a proprietary software provider they are no worse and IMHO far better than most proprietary or open-source providers.

Please justify your assertions, without resorting to the hurrr-durrr google is shit and <insert competitor here> are far better.