They're not. The warheads are manufactured and maintained at Aldermaston and Burghfield, about 40 miles west of London.
74 publicly visible posts • joined 21 Jul 2009
I bought the Wileyfox Storm last year, on the basis of the el Reg review. It was an excellent phone for the price. Unfortunately I trashed mine back in March by dropping it 8 feet on to tarmac. The phone still worked, but the screen was bolloxed. Replaced it with the Swift and have been very happy since. Being able to customise just about everything is a real plus.
About the only criticism I can make is that file transfer can be a bit buggy; it sometimes takes a couple of attempts before the phone and my laptop play with each other.
The Swift 2 looks very tempting. I'm happy with my original one right now, but my other half is looking for a new phone and the Swift2 might be just the ticket for her.
Ken Ham's having bother building his replica Ark. His org lost state tax breaks because they were discriminating on religious grounds when hiring staff.
Yes, staff. Modern technology, expert tradesmen, hundreds of staff and a huge amount of cash, and the project isn't going well. But Ken has faith that a 500-year-old and his family managed it a few thousand years ago.
Jennifer Joyce is the Circuit Attorney (chief prosecutor) for St Louis. She threatened an ethics complaint against a lawyer who said on Twitter that her office had dropped the charges in this case to protect Stingray information.
How's that working out for you Jen?
"If I pass a vetting process it doesn't mean that I am "safe", it simply means that I have never been caught. Very different thing."
Sometimes it doesn't even mean that:
"A mayor who resigned after a taxi driver he vouched for was found to have a rape conviction has been urged to leave the council altogether. Subhan Shafiq stepped down as Milton Keynes mayor after describing the man as being of "good current character". This helped the driver, Mr Shafiq's friend, to get a taxi driver's licence."
I have no opinion regarding Uber; never used it, no particular desire to do so, hardly use regular taxis as it is.
The US Secret Service is responsible for the investigation of some financial crime; counterfeiting and suchlike. It was originally part of the Treasury Department.
Here's the USSS mission statement (boak) "The mission of the United States Secret Service is to safeguard the nation's financial infrastructure and payment systems to preserve the integrity of the economy, and to protect national leaders, visiting heads of state and government, designated sites and National Special Security Events."
I'd never experienced that, living in a depressingly safe Labour seat. That was until the last Scottish Parliament election when the SNP candidate cut the Labour majority to 500ish from several thousand. We had a Westminster by-election a year later, and both Labour and SNP threw people at the area, including folk asking for electoral roll numbers on leaving the polling station. I took great pleasure in suggesting they do something biologically implausible.
The whole point of Snapchat is to send nude pics, yes? There's really no other use case. So why in God's name did it need a look-up function? If you're not sure about a person's phone number or email, you probably shouldn't be sending them dick/tit pics. Even if the pic has a self-destruct function of dubious functionality.
There are some awesome/disturbing patches for US secret projects, as well as some hilarious unofficial morale patches. This book features a range, along with details of what some of the designs mean: http://www.mhpbooks.com/books/i-could-tell-you-but-then-you-would-have-to-be-destroyed-by-me/
Yes, the job sucks. Yes, the pay's crap. Not exactly a shock. That said, saying that he was struggling to pick 110 UPH suggests he's really, really stupid/lazy, or exaggerating to get a good story. I have trained people to pick, including a fair number of East Europeans who spoke English as a second language. They've managed to get up to speed without any great difficulty.
On another note, the security boss down at CWL1 will be getting a thorough reaming for his security guards not finding a body camera. Giggle.
The issue is the fact that PCSOs exist solely to make the public think that there are more police officers on duty than there actually are. That's why forces across the country have given them virtually identical uniforms to regular coppers. Some are even considering issuing their PCSOs with batons, sprays and cuffs.
I'm sure that many, even most, PCSOs are decent folk who do their job well. It's just that their job shouldn't exist. Scrap them and use the money saved to employ warranted PCs.
There's just (as in this week) been a major change of shift pattern for all the UK FCs. There used to be a mix of folk working 5x8 hour shifts and 4x10 hour shifts, with a night shift running Nov-Dec. Now everyone's on 4 10-hour shifts and there's a permanent night shift. The various overlap days are going to be chaos; we don't have the capacity to have that many people working at once, never mind canteen facilities and so on. It's virtually certain that temps are going to get sent home or called and told not to come in. We've already got a shite reputation locally as an employer, and it's going to get worse.
A wee bit of the Bond film "The World is Not Enough" was filmed up at Cruachan.
As someone else mentioned, the train station is a request stop, and the train up from Glasgow splits in two at Crianlarich so check you're in the correct carriage and make sure the ticket collector knows where you're going. IME the staff on the West Highland line are good at paying attention and helping out visitors. By the way, if you get to Cruachan by public transport or bicycle you get free entry.
"Is everyone here forgetting the terrorist attack on the similar Dubh Ardrain facility nearby? There's some big boys out there, and some of them know how to strike and run away!"
Arf. If only Angel X was real. I've always pictured her as Mary Kiani. Sigh...
Anyway, great article Bill, and great series. More of "The Geek's Guide to..." thank you please.
Why should any customer have loyalty to a brand? It's simple: companies make things, customers choose which one suits them best (if any) based on price, features, whatever is most important to them. This idea of blind loyalty is ridiculous in the extreme.
Apple have been eejits of late- especially with their petulant child response to losing the English case. I have a Samsung phone and Galaxy S mini-tablet/music player. Fandroid? Nope, I just bought a Macbook Air. Because the MBA is the best product on the market for my specific needs.
Nope, in this case it was human error. A financial advisor put in an address change for customer #1, but accidentally gave the account details for customer #2 instead. The Pru then updated their records accordingly. Where they screwed up was in taking several years to fix said error, even when both customers had repeatedly informed them of the problem.
Daniel Craig isn't actually a "muscle-bound hulk". He's naturally very lean-see the hotel scene in Layer Cake for instance. He then worked very hard and got into incredible shape to play Bond, putting on some muscle. The combination makes him look bigger.
Sean Connery was into body-building in the 50's. If you put both of them as Bond together, Connery would be much bigger looking.
Rupert isn't the only choice for the real-life inspiration for Elliot Carver. There's Ted Turner for one, but more obviously Robert Maxwell. Tomorrow Never Dies even ends with M dictating a press release about Carver's death, saying that he fell from his luxury yacht.
Factor that in with Maxwell's rumoured links with Israeli spooks, and his arseholish behaviour (ripping off the Mirror Group pensions etc) and you've got a very solid base for a Bond villain.
Or it could be that losing medical records is considered to be a more serious breach compared to Google's Street View wi-fi slurping and so on. As such, there will always appear to be a bias towards hitting the public sector with fines, as the overwhelming majority of health care provision in the UK is public sector.
The SAS book tsunami of the mid-late 90's had a few along those lines. The unit in question was usually referred to as 14 Int/The Det and operated in NI. It later became the SRR that Lewis mentioned in the article. Andy McNab wrote about having to use an assumed name while attached to 14 Int in "Immediate Action". There was also "The Operators" by James Rennie.
The rationale was pretty simple: If the IRA caught and tortured a plain-clothes operator he or she wouldn't be able to give up any useful info on their colleagues (home addresses and the like). This was at a time when the various pyro-Paddies were targeting military personnel on and off duty on the mainland after all.
God, if we had intelligence tests for staff every single Amazon site would be empty. ;) The temp jobs will be advertised though an agency. They'll be ads in the local paper and Job Centre.
And as for the comment above re: G4S, if only Amazon HR could organise things as smoothly as G4S. They're the living embodiment of the old line from Dilbert: "You can't spell "who cares" without HR".
Even allowing for temp jobs, the figure quoted is almost certainly bollocks. When Amazon opened the site at Dunfermline last year the jobs created figure in the press release included all posts created in Scotland since the last announcement. Amazon announced 200 extra jobs for one site, of which 60-80 had already been created in the 18 months previous.
An Act of Parliament (Diplomatic and Consular Premises Act 1987) was passed after the Yvonne Fletcher murder. That is the difference. If the same thing were to happen today, the Met would happily go door-kicking.
But don't let the facts get in the way of a good session of mouth-foaming.
Igby Goes Down. Not even the ohsopretty Claire Danes could save that one. I was chatting with my girlfriend ages back and she mentioned Igby Goes Down. I said I hadn't seen it- she pointed out that we'd watched it together. The film was so bad my mind had attempted to scab over the entire viewing experience.
Apologies if this has been posted already. From the linked article:
"The two men were on a week-long business trip for the BlackBerry maker, but they were arrested after the flight landed in Vancouver."
Eejits got what was coming to them. I feel sorry for all the passengers that pair of oxygen thieves inconvenienced.
As my username suggests, I work in a big building with Amazon written on the side. Can I get stuff delivered to my work? Hell no. Around Christmas we'll have a couple of thousand staff on site- can you imagine the chaos if 10% of us got our Christmas shopping delivered?
This idea is great- hoping Tesco get involved as a locker location. It'd be a godsend to shift workers.
"The 710 is powered by two non-rechargeable AA batteries".
Alun, do you mean that's what you used when testing, or are rechargeables specifically ruled out by Magellan for some reason? If it's the latter, then DO NOT WANT. My current Garmin (non-touchscreen) unit will chug along nicely for 12 or so hours on a pair of rechargeable AAs.