* Posts by Aaron Em

1548 publicly visible posts • joined 20 Jul 2009

Arts & social-sci students briefly forced to do useful work at Foxconn

Aaron Em

"Doesn't that sound like a really appealing place to live?"

What, a world in which things are what they are, no more and no less? Sign me up! Hell, I'll go back and strangle Wright, Pei, and Mies van der Rohe in infancy, just to make a start -- you just lend me a time machine, and I'll get started...

Do you work in IT at RBS? Or at the next place to get hit ...?

Aaron Em

Re: Fundamental misconception.

Boycott away -- I never could afford college, so I'll never see a better chance to learn how to do your job!

Aaron Em

You may be a better engineer than I am

but I'm more likely to survive the giant balls-up with employment intact, because I understand there's a game and, distasteful as I find it, I know it's worth playing. It's that or sit on the sidelines, and being an unlettered hick with a big mouth means non-profit organizations find me unsuitable for employment, so I get to choose between "sit on the sidelines" and "miss my mortgage payment" -- and I guarantee you the bank is not going to inquire into the specifics of my high-minded sense of ethics as part of the foreclosure process.

Aaron Em

SAP is well named

If you think it's a good idea, it's evidence you are one.

Aaron Em

Re: Objectivism married to Machiavellism?

...and people say I put my politics where they don't belong...

Aaron Em

Re: Help your manager look good?

That said, if he'll helpfully don a bullseye like that, he probably isn't bad to have on your team when it gets around to sauve qui peut o'clock.

So, that vast IT disaster you may have caused? Come in, sit down

Aaron Em

Re: scaringly interesting

He pretty much is, it seems like. I don't know how you get into that line of work, but I'm damn glad someone in it is taking the time to spill secrets to the hoi polloi in the trenches, so we'll at least be able to make it less likely that the bullet we catch comes from the side of the line we weren't even looking at...

Obama is best Pres 'to beat alien invasion'

Aaron Em

Re: Not Doctor Manhattan....

Why not both? The man in the blue box and the man with the blue cock.

Aaron Em

Re: Superhero defender?

Died doing it, too. Doesn't help your point all that much, I think.

Aaron Em

"There's lots of them"

Course there are, mate!

Amazon cloud knocked out by violent storms in Virginia

Aaron Em

Re: So, basically a land hurricane?

Basically, yeah. I hear it was a hell of a storm -- I wish I hadn't slept through it.

War On Standby: Do the figures actually stack up?

Aaron Em

Re: 80w

Why, it wasn't large enough, obviously!

Aaron Em

Must be nice

having ten thousand bucks to screw around with!

Aaron Em

Re: Surely

You do realize our Mr. Page is in favor of nuclear, right? Disregarding ignorant notions about nuclear being made out of Satan, it doesn't get more sustainable for that. Nuclear for baseload, plenty of spare power to crack water for hydrogen fuel to use in cars, and we can keep our current lifestyle going approximately forever -- whether that's a good thing being, of course, a different question altogether, but not one which has any bearing on whether nuclear makes more sense than wind and hamsters.

Aaron Em

Re: You forgot breeding

The Electron: You should've followed up by offering to heat his wife up for him. Bet he would've turned plenty green then!

Aaron Em

Re: 3) Pensions

Sure. Meanwhile, we, selfish assholes we are, cover for you at work when the principal calls and asks if you can come pick up little Johnny because he wouldn't stop trying to stick his hands up Sally's jumper, or whatever the hell goes on. In the end it all works out.

Aaron Em
Thumb Up

Re: I actually do switch things off

"Fire safety", of course.

Aaron Em

Re: Excellent work.

What's really bad is when you have five UPSes from three manufacturers and, when plugged into mains, all of them show a 'Ground Fault' or similar indication and refuse to power up.

Aaron Em

Re: Each to their own

I like how you think spending an hour of your time, whilst saving five pence in your pocket, works out as a net profit for you. You must be a desktop Linux user.

Aaron Em

Re: Spot on

Yeah, no kidding. "Are you sure you know how to read that thing?"

Now, granted, my in-laws are damned fine people; in fact I do their IT support because their other son can't be arsed to do it without yelling at them for how stupid they are -- this from the guy who really doesn't see a need for silly nonsense like putting a firewall between a cable modem and a Windows XP box. Next time he touches their equipment for any reason, I'm going over to his house with a crowbar...

Aaron Em

Re: I'm fed up with gear without mechanical switches.

Yeah, and I bet the helpstaff who have to rebuild your machine four times a year would say just the same thing, too.

Since when are IT management allowed in here? I thought this was the room for people with brains in their heads. Bloody neighborhood, I suppose.

Aaron Em

Re: CHP is a snare!

The company selling it says it can cure a rainy day? Oh, what a surprise!

Viviane Reding says imitate US and form FEDERAL EUROPE

Aaron Em

Re: "Care to clarify?"

Personal attacks again? No more than I should've expected; if you had any argument to make, I'm sure you'd be doing so. Clearly, though, in suspecting you'd have the wit to concede a clearly unsalvageable line of what I'll kindly describe as argumentation, I did you far too large a favor.

'Hope springs eternal', I suppose.

Aaron Em

Re: Well

(And I'd also quickly note that you don't have to send a carrier to the bottom to put it out of action; a carrier that can't launch aircraft is nothing but a big fat wallowing target, and all that takes is one good hit to the flight deck.)

Aaron Em

Re: Well

They don't need to; the American tool of power projection is the aircraft carrier. Moskits are awfully damn cheap by comparison, especially for the world's preeminent industrial powerhouse. How many seven-hundred-pound warheads does a Nimitz-class have to stop before it goes to the bottom? Probably not many. How many can the PLAN throw if they feel like it? Hard to say, but given the way our point defense sucks, I'm guessing plenty enough and then some.

Aaron Em

Re: 'Far too many religious nutjobs' indeed

Jedidiah: What you say is true -- now. Thirty years ago it was quite literally unthinkable except among the world's most radical Reds. No doubt this seems perfectly natural to you. It is not.

Aaron Em

Re: "Care to clarify?"

Sure -- in the same sense that I might "pigeonhole" by seeing a duck and saying "Hey, that's a duck." Whether or not it looks like a duck to you is of little consequence to me; a sensible person might go along with a mob in order to avoid a lynching, were he at risk of such, but only an utter fool permits a mob to tell him what he does and does not see.

It really does enthrall me to see so many people hiding behind the Guy Fawkes affectation to defend the current hegemony, while I detail amazingly unpopular opinions under my own given name. You've already been out-argued by a degenerate neo-Confederate mutant, and I should imagine that's painful enough -- surely you're not going to let me outdo you in public courage as well!

(And, yes, I know -- you're not using a name, so nobody will know that you, specifically, lost an argument with someone who thinks the United States should never have seceded from England. But you know.)

Aaron Em

'a rehabilitated White'

It's nothing to do with skin color, if that's what you're thinking; just as red is the emblem of revolution, white is that of reaction, and has been since I believe the French Revolution. (And, hey, we still use "left-wing" and "right-wing", invented to describe where people sat in the National Assembly, so why not keep up the color code too?)

Thus, by 'rehabilitated White', what I'm saying is that I was a progressive atheist myself, just as Red as Red could be -- until I wised up and found out just how thoroughly I had been lied to; it does something to a man to discover, having believed himself to be not religious at all, that he is in fact an unchurched Methodist more or less.

(Hey, you don't have to take my word for it -- or, at least, not this word right here. I've been commenting on the Reg for about five years now; all you need do is compare my comments from five years ago, and my comments in this thread, to see that I'm not kidding when I say I used to be a damnfool Red.)

Aaron Em

'Popinjay' indeed!

I don't dress that well.

Aaron Em

Re: "Care to clarify?"

You poor confused man -- I wish there were something I could do for you...ah! Here we are: Dabney on conservatism.

Aaron Em

Re: 'Bonnie Prince Charlie'

Delightful coward! -- straight to character assassination, in the very best leveller tradition. Don't you ever change.

For the record, 'Bonnie Prince Charlie' is dead, and even a Jacobite would scruple at the thought of restoring a corpse to the throne. And, in any case, it's really not your place or mine to be deciding on precisely this king or that king, is it? Parliament going into that business seems to me to be quite where the present trouble started, and the whole point of calling myself a Jacobite is to make clear that I'm in favor of restoring professional government, not just to the Emerald Isle herself but to her wayward colonies as well. Who am I to tell someone, whose profession I do not share, whom in his field would best do a given job? To have the kind of knowledge I'd need to even attempt to choose wisely, I'd need to be a professional in the same field myself.

I know, I know, some half-baked argument about appeal to authority is just rushing to your lips -- but hold off canting at me just a minute and give a little thought to what I'm saying, and you may just find it makes a lot more sense than you're comfortable giving it credit for.

For example: Many of us here are systems administrators. Of those who are -- I'll ask for a show of hands -- how many administer our servers and network equipment by popular vote? Make decisions on equipment upgrades by public acclamation? Anyone? I didn't think so. Hell, most of us won't even let the helpdesk into our server rooms, and for Goddamned good reason!

Why is this? Because we are professionals, trained and experienced in our field, and that training and experience gives us the ability to better understand how to give our users what they need than our users do themselves. That is our job -- it's why, professionally speaking, we exist; if administering a datacenter was simple enough that any ordinary slob could do it, any ordinary slob would do it, and there'd be no more need for us. But it isn't that simple, and so we persist.

Now, tell me truly: Do you really think that governing a polity of willful human beings is less complicated than keeping a room full of computers fed and cared for?

Aaron Em

Ah, here we are!

I knew I was leaving out something important. No, "amending laws to reflect changing times and people" isn't social engineering. Changing times and people is social engineering. Conspiracy theory, you say? Your homework assignment for today begins with Walter Lippmann's Public Opinion -- a technician's service manual. This man was no fringe crackpot; on the contrary, he moved in the highest circles of the Progressive Era, and his entire career consisted in teaching movers and shakers how to move and shake the moved and shook. He also, possibly by accident, helped invent advertising, which as a good progressive you loathe -- or believe you do. Does the existence of, say, Yul Brynner's anti-smoking PSA, upset you by the very fact of it? No. You don't loathe advertising for its own sake; what you loathe is seeing it bent to such a coarse, crass, and sinful purpose as the mere making of money -- God gave thee those tools to spread the Inner Light, friend, not so thee might steal bread from the mouth of thy neighbor.

Aaron Em

God bless your little cotton socks

"Feralism", of course, being the eventual tendency of every democracy.

Aaron Em

...hell, for that matter, in a half million years' time years won't even exist any more!

Aaron Em

Re: 'Far too many religious nutjobs' indeed

Suggesting that the poor deserve everything they (don't) get, so we shouldn't help them? I'm happy to go along with attempting to reverse that idea.

Oh, honey. Honey. Please put that down. I don't want to see you hurt yourself with it.

Aaron Em

Re: "Care to clarify?"

No, you're the one who's unwilling to say anything he can't walk away from, meanwhile claiming childishness on my part because, when you tried to define my argument out of existence, I refused to let you get away with it. Speaking of which, and as you mention confusion, in that first sentence there -- are you arguing the logic of metaphor, or the metaphor of logic? I confess I'm not entirely confident of my ability to follow.

Aaron Em

Re: 'Republican' my ass

I'm an American Jacobite. I'll wait until you've finished laughing -- actually, I get that reaction about two times in ten, the rest being roughly seven and a half blank stares and say two-thirds of a punch in the mouth, on average. It is an utterly ridiculous thing to say in any case, but I've got a great sense of humor so that's okay by me.

I would note, if it's necessary, that I don't use 'republican' here in the capital-R sense common in the States, notwithstanding its presence at the start of a title I wrote; I use it in the same sense as the Red to whom I responded, that is, one who considers the republic an ideal, or at least a highly desirable, form of government. For any other imprecise or erroneous usage I claim entire culpability.

Aaron Em

Re: "Care to clarify?"

Religion and politics defined as orthogonal to one another? I'm not sure which is more marvelous -- your foolishness or your arrogance.

Well, in any case, that tears it; I am arguing with an adolescent. Run along and play, and come back when you know something about history, should you ever bother to learn.

Aaron Em

Re: 'Far too many religious nutjobs' indeed

oldredlion: In your last statement addressed to me, you utter two significant assumptions, neither of which I share.

Aaron Em

Re: 'Far too many religious nutjobs' indeed

So, then, one section running roughshod over the other is perfectly OK when the section doing the trampling outsizes the one getting tromped. You have heard the phrase 'tyranny of the majority', I'm sure -- did you give it any thought when you did?

Actually, come to think about it, I don't need external references to show you're not making sense -- you yourself chose the verb legitimize, which means "to make something legitimate" -- in other words, taking the word back to its Latin root, to make something legal which never was before in millennia of common law and common practice. If that's not social engineering, what is?

To be clear, it is not the idea of gay marriage in particular with which I have a problem; it's just a handy, if controversial, example of the degree of social engineering I'm talking about. Another example, possibly less controversial than the one I've been using if that helps any, would be the replacement of charity with federal largesse under the general name of "universal health care" -- but I rather prefer to use the example I have been, because it leads very naturally into the question of whether ends justify means.

Aaron Em

Re: interesting ...

That change you see adding political power to "the several states", at the expense of the Washington government? Seriously?

Aaron Em

Re: 'Far too many religious nutjobs' indeed

Have you a point, aside from citing the Golden Rule to prove you're not a Christian?

Aaron Em

Re: I want to be like America...

People don't routinely carry handguns in most of the US either, and you can choose to believe me, or what you see on television instead, just as you prefer on that point. (Don't talk to me about that goddamned Top Gear episode in Alabama, either, unless you think I could roll up on a bunch of chavs, tell them all "fuck you and everything you care about", and expect to get out without a beating. Rocks thrown at the car? A hug and a kiss by comparison.)

And -- and here's where I get my comment rejected and lose my privileged place outside the moderation queue -- in places where you can't walk around without getting shot at, it mostly isn't white people doing the shooting, yet when we get people talking about how this country sorely needs gun control, it's always white people that need the controlling.

Sure, call me a racist for that if you like. Until you live somewhere you can sit out on your back porch at night, three nights out of seven, and listen to small-arms fire being exchanged a mile or two further south in one of those areas every major American city has -- you know, the parts where smart white people don't go after dark -- then I don't guess I care all that much what you think of me, do I?

Sysadmins: Your best tale of woe wins a PRIZE

Aaron Em

Re: My favourite Helpdesk opening gambit...

"Either put on a rubber or buy her another drink, mate. Cheers!"

Aaron Em

Re: You made me jump!

Either that or a loud OH SHIT followed by frantic keyboard noises.

I like the idea of a steel fire door as a "file control system" -- apply it to the problem fileshare users often enough, and those gigabytes of MP3s just vanish like magic...

Aaron Em

Thought for a second you said 'spliffs'

But that's not really a salesman's drug, is it? More cocaine or methamphetamine, really.

Aaron Em

"It happened before I started working where I am now"

is another way of saying that you swallowed somebody's no-shit story all the way up to the sinker. Hey, we were all young once.

Aaron Em

Don't you love academics?


AMD and Intel mainstream desktop CPUs

Aaron Em

I am impressed

that you date the site's "decline" from approximately the same day you began commenting here. Arrogant, perhaps, but well spotted all the same!

Aaron Em

Re: this places drastic decline

I doubt he even knows you exist, and in either case, why should he care?