Re: what the f*ck is a "sidewalk"?
I think it's what crabs do.
752 publicly visible posts • joined 20 Jul 2009
Anglian Water are great. Some muppets cut through the mains several streets away. I had no way of knowing this, until they (AW) phoned me to tell me there was problem. It was a robo woman but wow, that is customer service. I got another call with estimates of when they expected things to return to normal and safety instructions to flush the pipes before drinking. They came in well before the estimate. I wish all companies would treat their paying customers like this. I bet they save a fortune on people ringing them to ask what's happening. All for the cost of a robotic phone call.
'I wouldn't mind the ads if Microsoft delivered a feature parity product'
And that is the problem. People know they are getting the shaft but they make excuses for the attacker.
M$ put ads in stuff because idiots tolerate it. They spy on the masses because people will defend them.
It is fashionable not to own anything. This generation of numpties think its great to buy stuff and not own it, I had an argument with a sibling about modding and repairing stuff you own. He put up the defence that your gear was not really yours and the manufacturer somehow still owned it and could alter it after sale as they see fit. He's quite happy being shafted as in his mind that is how things work. Thankfully the next gen of kids will rebel and insist that owning and control is good just to piss off their parents. Meanwhile these fools will die owning nothing, not even the music they listen too.
And to the others pointing out that new electronics need glue and fancy screws, maybe. But that doesn't explain the DRM spread thickly on top to stop you even opening the case to peak inside. Or extending the life of your stuff by modding.
On your points
1) installs without notification. Win 10 did this.
2) records keys pressed without notification. Win 10 does this.
3) surveillance using camera & microphone without notification. Cortana listens to you.
4) view and download files without notification. Win 10 scans files to report back to M$.
5) access names and passwords for websites get the picture Yep Win 10.
6) mine virtual currencies. Unknown but I wouldn't hold my breath.
7) launch DDoS attacks against other computers. Unknown if Win 10 does this.
8) prevent anti-malware software from detecting or removing it. If win 10 allowed anti-virus to fix it it would not exist.
9) Uses stealth to stop users blocking communication to the mother ship. Win 10.
Sorry but I fail to see the difference.
'Your think the OS is the worst offender when it comes to slurping data? ' sic
Why not come up with a solid argument? Something dosen't magically become good because someone else does it worst. I stab you in the gut. It's good and fine because some other thug would have cut your throat.
Please defend like an adult and stop making lame excuses for wrong doing.
@tea hound
The culture of today is to defend shit. If somebody kicks you in the face, it is your duty to jump to their defence and make up a story to make it right. M$ destroys you computer and behaves recklessly? It is the user's fault. Forcing something on an unwilling victim is good. Treating people with respect is bad. M$ aren't alone. Tesla sell electric cars then hobble the battery life to cut the range down. Then they sell the extra capacity as an 'upgrade'. Fine. But in times of distress like a hurricane they reach in and OTA update your property to increase the range. What happened to buying something then owning it. Why do companies feel they have the right to alter things after the sale is made? Years ago these practices would be illegal and the companies brought to justice quickly. Now we get to hear screwed customers defending it. Go figure.
"To be convicted you must be caught, and to be caught you must have chosen to commit a crime."
No, you can be framed by a malicious person. It is easy to do. All that is needed is for a girl to cry rape on you. You get arrested and if your skin colour is wrong you'll end up in court with a good good chance of winding up on the Sex Offenders Register. You have done nothing but your life will be ruined. By the way when this happens even if the girl is proved to be making it up, the police won't do a thing to exonerate you.
Life is not as simple as you think.
"Porn certainly would not meet the definition of 'useful arts'."
All art is useful if it changes someone's mood. If I hear a tune and I like it, it's useful. Same with a film, any film. That is what art is. Is an unmade bed art? or a pile of bricks? Both were on display in a museum.
The real solution was not to split the rights but to make it illegal for one company to have 'exclusive' rights. That way BT, Virgin, etc would all show all the games and they would complete on quality of service and price. Which is what it should be like in the first place. Buying up rights then exhorting money should not be allowed.
No matter what Apple remove, the faithful will always make a case as to why it is the best thing to happen and Apple is right in doing it. The strange thing is these people don't realize is the main thing Apple is removing is their hard earned cash. Leaving them with less. One day they'll wake up and smell the coffee.
The only reason I would use a baby monitor is if my child was really ill. I mean with wires monitoring heart rate or on a drip for medicine. Or if I lived in a mansion with 40 rooms where the nursery was in the upper west wing. As none of the above applies then letting a child that needs attention call out (cry) is good. It develops the lungs and teaches Jr patience as the parent dosn't appear every time it farts. I used to love technology but now i'm an old fart I fail to the reason for most of its existence unless the aim is to give your privacy away for free.
Big Corps should be fined a percentage of their income. They are not a person so they should be treated like the faceless companies they are. After a few rounds all abusing corps will fall into line. If I were BT I'd be lining up the next mail shot and laughing all the way to the bank.
Blame M$. If they had not behaved like criminals with Windows 10 and not adopted techniques of spyware then I'm sure they would not get the amount of flak whenever their name appears. They seem not to care about anybody and do whatever suits them whenever they want. They may well come up with the best chip design but because they are M$ they will use it to shaft as many people as they can. Sony with their rootkits, feature removal and propitiatory crap get the same hatred as they too will never change until bankruptcy looms. If M$ just wrote an OS and softwares that didn't try to own you then these comments would fade away.
All I want is a watch that tells the time accurate to the second. Battery life measured in decades. Other complications would include date, day. stopwatch, etc. Waterproof and shock proof.
It already exists. My watch is all the above and solar powered. The only thing I need do is look at it. Everything is automatic. I give you the old Edifice waveceptor range by Casio. Ruined now by the inclusion of bluetooth and phone pairing.
Too true. They bought Coolpreviews an addon which previews links in mini pop-in pages. Makes browsing faster and cleaner. It is unique and nobody has written anything similar. The First thing they did was to shut it down. And Yahoo wonders why it's not popular? It part of the mentality of buying cool things then instantly destroying them. Kind of like a bully stamping on your lunch.
Just to be clear I don't have a favourite colour. I was just trying to make a point. That the individual should change, not the world. If Vegans get to dictate stuff for everyone, then any foolishness should be allowed. Even changing every picture to please one person because in the 21st century no minority no matter how small is allowed to be upset.
How can any sane person become upset because and image shows an egg in a salad? You may not like eggs and not eat them but how is an egg salad offensive. I don't like the colour blue. Should I rage at the sky and demand that all pictures in the world change the colour to suit me?
When is this madness of pandering to every one going to stop. In the real world there is always going to be things you like and others don't. God I hate this generation. People should not just grow up but grow a spine too.
Why do people justify a wrong by pointing to something else that is also wrong? That does not make it right. I just makes you look like a fool. M$ spys and steals data from their users. That's fine because Facebook does the same? Please come up with an adult argument that makes data slurping OK.
Unless you personally go to a spring yourself all bottled 'spring water' is treated to remove the bacteria that is in raw spring water. Spring Water is a marketing term to make people believe that the water is special and not just water and to make them pay more. Mixing real dirty 'spring water' with whiskey might make it safe to drink.
Is this the same Microsoft that planted spyware on millions of computers? The same Microsoft that back ported spyware to Windows 7? The same shitsack that made clicking on 'X' mean go ahead and install?
The same turd that gave a choice of 'install now' or 'install later' with no option not to?
Yes, Judge them by their actions.