I support him
Roko's Basilisk is a very persuasive argument
72 publicly visible posts • joined 20 Jul 2009
If you're a developer, do yourself (and your client) a big favour and stick to standards. Don't get caught in the "standards-plus" trap - it will cost you dearly to escape.
What, like Ajax, that non-standards-compliant addition to the browser by Microsoft that, oh I don't know, made the whole Web 2.0 revolution possible?
Standards are only worth following as long as they are not enforcing technological stagnation.
Let me get this straight. An Australian travelling in Europe shags some Swedish birds who get angry when they find out about each other and gang up on him, runs away to London and crashes at his mate's girlfriend's pal's house for a while. After a while, he gets into a bit of trouble, borrows some cash from his pals and then disappears, only to resurface in Ecuador, with a tan?
Well, I definitely didn't see that coming.
I'd prefer it if the government got out of the way completely and just left the market to get on with it. Nothing annoys me more than seeing my tax going to publicise crap insulaion schemes or, even worse, subsidising windmills.
The environment is far too important to be left to the idiots in govenment.
Are you seriously saying a time server that's critical to the performance of your OS was running on some guy's home FTP server?
And that not one of you, ever, thought this was a bad idea?
Not one of you had the foresight to check that the guy holding your balls hadn't nicked half his data from a commercial database?
If you were working for me I'd fire the hell out of your incompetent asses.
72point AllCaps Fail.
I was going to say that Java is rapidly becoming the enw COBOL but that's not even true - with the discrepancy between the rate at which servers get recycled and the rate at which the JVM get's updated, I think Java's got about 5 more years before you can only run it reliably on legacy servers.
How do you get "anti-science" out of this article? Firstly, "climate science" isn't a science, it's bad software, bad statistics and, damningly, policy-driven. Secondly, reporting that things aren't as bad as the policy wonks have been telling us doesn't make this bad science unless you, like many AGW-apologists, are conflating "belief" with "proof". From my side, I'll go with the actual numbers, not the tree ring proxies, thanks.
Paris, because there's no Wozniacki photo.
If you're going to start criticising someone's choice of educational hardware and proselytising Googles (sic) lesson plans, you'll find you'd be taken a lot more seriously if you could speak English correctly.
"Could have", or "could've". Never "could of".
"Toughened". Never "toughended".
"Thick angry twat". Never "Anonymous Coward"
It looks like your school had quite enough budget cuts, thank you very much.