A little background on the desert
You can't really imagine it until you have actually set foot there.
It's big, dry on the surface and there are lots of Afghan camels roaming free and destroying entire areas of vegetation by stripping the grass and plants of all of their leaves so they die, causing food shortages for other animals such as Kangaroos and smaller creatures the size of mice that are then food for larger creatures such as Dingoes.
There are plenty of water holes located underneath the ground which the Aboriginals and some of us new Australians know how to find. There is water, but it's scarce. When the Aboriginals move from place to place they know where these water holes are and plan their journey according to that.
When a Camel wonders around and finds a water hole by digging or falling into a well and dies in it, it poisons the water so that it is undrinkable for anyone else. This is the problem.
Camels are a problem. As funny as they look, it's a real problem that is getting worse and worse. They are a pest and Conservationists and people who know the desert all agree that the Camels should be turned into food. I agree, and recently had a delicious Camel Diane in the Alice Springs steakhouse.
Black helicopter, because it's more likely to have a mounted mini-gun turret and camel-seeking missiles.