Re: Many a true word said in jest.
It reminds me of G W Bush's jape to his mates about running America - it would be some much easier if it was a dictatorship, provided he was the dictator.
27 publicly visible posts • joined 18 Jul 2009
"As long as He has not disclosed specific Wikileaks"
It was newspapers such as the Guardian that actually published the Wikileaks info (until the Guardian double-crossed Assange, possibly because he let them know he wasn't happy that they didn't publish stuff relating to Israel). It was also a Guardian 'journalist' who also published the encryption key for the whole archive.
"You must be a public sector apologist"
No - like British Telecom, British Gas, British Airways, British Aerospace, Virgin Media, Phorm, Enron, Goldmen Sacks etc etc etc - doubleplus fail.
"politicians aren't in the pockets of corporations."
In the good old days corrupt politicians used to take backhanders in brown envelopes, no its all in the open - "office expenses" is a good one, allegedly.
Not so long ago the real terroists with real explosives (Semtex etc) were white, and spoke with distinctive accents. They are raising their heads again in Northern Ireland. Tell me, do you support helfire missiles being fired at their houses? If not, why not?
Of the 6 criteria you list, I conclude you match 4 - if I'm allowed to treat stupidity as a 'mental illness'
James Pickett said:
"I now have a form to fill in that asks: "Have you ever refused a criminal records check?" so that's that dealt with then..."
You have the wrong attitude. You need to think like our overlords. You did not refuse the check, you declined to accept their kind offer.