* Posts by tkioz

448 publicly visible posts • joined 17 Jul 2009


1 MILLION accounts leaked in megahack on banks, websites


I'm sorry but "hacking" (not that this is hacking/cracking... bloody script kiddies) as a form of protest against "Big Brother" retaining private information and then releasing it is about as effective as fornicating for virginity.

Cook's 'values' memo shows Apple has lost its soul


What "innovations"? The iPod? prior-art. The iPhone? prior-art. The iPad? prior-art.

They are masters at spin and marketing, but they haven't actually innovated since Woz left.


I would if it would be legal for a bunch of tech companies to simple say "no, not going to licence any of OUR IP to Apple anymore, piss off", given Apple's statements that they aren't interested in licensing "their" patents.


Everyone is quick to bag on Microsoft for all the "evil" things they did, but oh Apple, you little scamp, it was just mischief when you stole the mouse and the GUI and tried to create a monopoly on it... thankfully THAT lawsuit failed...

Go watch the PBS documentary "Triumph of the Nerds" for a more detailed account.

The Jury in this case was terminally stupid. Hell I would have taken longer to consider it and I had my mind made up from the start that the whole thing was insane...

Chancers try to flog lame Mac malware for $60 a pop


Should have put a "i" in front of it, they'd have sold millions!

Neil Armstrong dies aged 82


May Humanity remember his words and deeds for as long as the Moon shines above us.

Time to share a beer with Yuri in heaven Neil.

Jury awards Apple $1bn damages in Samsung patent case


What utter bollocks. Expensive appeals on the horizon methinks. Stupid ass jury has opened the door for all sorts of bulldung patent claims even wider.

LulzSec sneak Sabu buys six more months of freedom


Well to be perfectly honest jaduncan, there are very few of my friends I'd be willing to go to federal "he touched me in a bad place" prison for...


I wonder if he'll disappear into witness protection when he gets out. Some of the hate that's been directed at him is a touch insane, and after all this is the interwebz so I wouldn't put it past some wackjob to fixate on him.

Reagan slams webmail providers for liberal bias


Ahh America... Land of the Free... Home of the batcrap insane Politicians.

Have a Beer Reagan, and get over yourself.

Investor pulls out of Facebook, pumps cash into pork-printing joint


There is a vast difference between personally butchering an animal you have killed and a slaughter house.

I've butchered plenty of animals, both hunted and on the farm, myself, it's not too bad, a bit bleeeck but honestly not that bad. In fact I think everyone who eats meat should kill, butcher, and dress at least one animal in their life to gain an understanding of it.

Slaughter house? Would turn the stomach for a combat veteran. Disgusting places. Remembering the smell alone makes me retch.


Have you ever seen an animal butchered and the meat processed? It's no less disgusting then the process in the article, in fact it's a lot more disgusting.

Just don't think about it for a while and you'll be able to stomach it.

Don't download that app: US presidential candidates will STALK you with it


Politicians invading the privacy of the voters? Shock Horror...

Disney sitcom says open source is insecure


Sounds more likely that some idiot strung together a series of words that he/she didn't understand to make a "technical" line... happens all the time.

Just watch NCIS...

Amazon UK to offer collection service at corner shops


Sounds like a great idea to me, I'm sick of needing to drive all the way into town to pick my packages.

British boffin builds cool maser after argument with wife


Screw peaceful applications like communications! I want my death ray!

US appeal dismissed in Dotcom case


Sensible judgement... though one wonders if the shredders will be working over-time tonight...

High tech toilets receive big prizes from Bill Gates


As much as this is ripe for jokes (and boy is it ripe!), it is a very important thing he is doing.

Doctors and other medical practitioners like to take credit for the improvement in health standards in the first world over the last few centuries, and yes they've done a lot, but the people who should take the lion's share of the credit are the ones we regard with "crap" jobs. The sanitation engineers and sewerage workers have done more to improve the standard of live in the developed world and increase life spans then almost any other profession.

And no "crap in a pit and fill it in" isn't a good answer, humans have been using their own (and other animal's) waste as fertilizer since the dawn of human civilisation, you'd be hard pressed to convince a 3rd world peasant to throw away something so productive on health grounds.

A dirty job, but someone has to do it.

Australian government gouged on PC software prices



The Average Australian [b]is[/b] paying extra on government purchases.... because that money comes from our taxes!

Maybe we should triple the costs of "rare earths" and other resources we sell until the prices on stuff is brought down to the international level.

Oz regulator says crowdfunding must obey financial rules


I'll rephrase LarsG, I'm amazed I haven't heard about a scam already. Most scammers/criminals are stupid, that's why they are breaking the law for a few grand rather then breaking the law for billions.


They'll cop flack for this, but I think they've got a point. It's only a matter of time until one of those big crowdfunded projects crashes and burns big time (fact of life, projects sometimes fail, simple as that), and people will be pissed off.

Too many people are visiting kickstarter/etc and putting money in treating it like a pre-order when they really need to understand it's speculative investment.

Frankly I'm amazed someone hasn't managed to scam people with a project yet.

Moderate comments or face penalties: ACCC


Sounds reasonable to me, given how annoying the companies have been behaving lately in "social media".

Kidney-for-iPad fanboi sues after illness strikes


Time to file a class-action suit because this moron is tainting the air the rest of us breath...

Blizzard pwned: Gamers' email, encrypted passwords slurped


So don't include a link, game companies (including Blizzard!) send official emails all the time, usually telling people to visit the home page and then browse to other parts of it...


Still no official email here... nice...

What percentage of players never visit the main website/forums and don't read tech sites?

Privacy snafu as TOPLESS Mark Zuckerberg picture leaks online


Putin maybe an evil SOB... but he looks like such a badass in that picture.

Hello nasty, don't use my music: Deceased Beastie Boy to admen


Re: Time..

@graeme leggett

There was a push this year to see his final wishes honoured, yet the museum is fighting tooth and nail against it.



Time until this is challenged in court and over ruled?

After all what does a dead man's wishes matter when there is money to be made! just look at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Byrne_%28giant%29

He wanted to be buried at sea because he was afraid of being regarded as a freak for all time, yet his bones are still on display!

Greens wage war on clean low-carbon renewable energy


Re: Hidden agenda.

People who want to live "as nature intended" need to be hit with a clue bat. I've seen nature up close and person, unlike most of those city dwelling morons who think it is a good idea... Nature is nasty, cold, brutish, and bloody. It's not a good thing. We cleared out of that existence on the backs of our ancestors and now these idiots want us to go back so they can feel self-righteous? Hell no.


Most Greens are Idiots

Most Greens are Idiots. Self-righteous idiots at that. They want the "world" to be all clean and nice... while opposing everything that could do it in an efficient manner, because it offends their delicate sensibilities.

Just look at their hate-boner for Nuclear Power, the modern designs are safe, clean, and efficient... yet you bring it up to a Greenie and it's like you molested his dog and took a dump on his dinner table. Okay so you suggest Geothermal and they throw a hissy fit about that too...

Suggest Wind-Farms and they throw a fit about "carbon cost of production" (seriously, I had that conversation once) and then they scream about "danger to birds" (a non-sense argument, since modern farms don't draw them in, but push them away)...

Hell about the only thing they like is Solar, the most inefficient and costly power generation tech of them all. You could cover the entire Australian outback with the damn things and need conventional power generation to "supplement" it.

I mean WTH are we suppose to do? They don't seem to understand "a little pollution is better then a lot" they want a perfect solution NOW... Hell we could perfect cold fusion tomorrow and they'd complain about that because "it's nuclear and thus filthy"... Never mind a traditional coal fired power planet generates more radioactive waste then a nuclear power station...

Gah! I want to clean up our power generation like any sane person, but damn I hate Greens and their "NO NO NO" attitudes.

Video shows armed assault on Kim Dotcom family home


Methinks someone wanted to play some real life Counter Strike and used the raid as an excuse... any other explanation is just too mind bogglingly stupid to contemplate.

US Army's cloud-friendly iPad-ready intel kit DOESN'T even work


Well that was a couple of billion well spent wasn't it... remind me, how exactly did the U.S get into such massive debt again?

Facebook touts gambling to 'responsible' Brits


Re: "vulnerable people"

Not really. For example I personally gamble twice a year, $10 on the Melbourne cup, and an yearly poker game ($50 buyin) at the local RSL.

Granted I don't gamble outside of this "ritual" because I damn well know I'm in the "at-risk" group, it would be very easy to get addicted, I know this, because I know my own personality.

But not everyone who gambles occasionally is vulnerable. The problem is when they make gambling so damn easy to do, via your tablet, phone, pc, whatever, then you can get people who should know better before they can have second thoughts, which they might have if they have to head down to the local club to get their "fix".



Yeah this is going to end well...

Let me state for the record I have no moral or ethical problem with gambling, people want to play, let them... but these "games" and other things like poker-machines are not games, they are thinly disguised skinner boxes designed to pray on the most vulnerable.

Oz regulator tells telly-makers to mind their language


There's absolutely no reason why the wifi adpator should be an optional extra

The reason is called profit margin, it's the same reason computer stores make $2 on a printer, but $9.80 on a USB cable.

It's not a very good reason, but it is a reason.



The ACCC actually did it's bloody job for a change, Satan must be ice skating.

EA sues Zynga over ripping off Sims Social


Woah... mind bending time... it's like rooting for Genghis Khan and his horde of murderous bastards.... because they are fighting Hitler and his horde of murderous bastards...

Yeah both sides are evil monsters, but hey, one is so much worse then the other!

Japanese giant sorry for Kobo launch balls-up


Re: Latest firmware removes Cyrillic text support

I'm of two minds when it comes to auto-update by default on devices. For the power-user like most of the readers of this site, it's highly annoying, and very bad form... for the average person who has zero clue about their devices beyond normal use and don't even understand what updates are it is a good practice.

I suppose the best practice would be to have the first boot ask you if you want them on (with a great big RECOMMENDED box on yes).

Job ad seeks 'mediocre' developers


Sounds to me they know they don't need someone extremely qualified or driven, just competent and are letting people know "hey you might not have 20 years experience and degrees coming out your backside, but there are still jobs for you!".

Nothing wrong with that.

IOC asks Olympic spectators to cut back TXTs and tweets

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Re: Tweets provide better comentary...

[i]Are they *cute* presenters?[/i]

Ugg... no... they are fat middle aged men for the most part.


The Six Ps

Proper Preparation Prevents Piss Poor Performance... Obviously the London Olympic committee doesn't understand that age old idea...

Oh and on a side note... that bike rider and go kiss a wombat... exactly what obligation did our valiant athletes have to help the dirty pommy bugger?

Boffins nail oceanic carbon capture process


Okay so next bit of research should be how to get the ocean to take more of the crap out of the air surely?

Zynga faces legal probe over senior management share sales



People are Zynga doing something dishonest.... say it isn't so....

Google plucks Gmail app maker Sparrow from the sky


Sold Out?

Sure they "sold out"... but given it's GOOGLE we're talking about, who the hell wouldn't? We don't know the sums involved but it's likely enough to live on for multiple generations!

Windows 8 'bad' for desktop users - Gartner's one-word review


Well Duh!

Anyone with have a brain was saying that when the first screen shots came out!

I don't mind the idea of Windows on a touch screen, it actually looks pretty good, and I look forward to trying it... but damnit leave our desktop alone!

I don't know why everyone is so obsessed with "replacing" the desktop... There is something to be said for a nice comfortable office chair, a nice desk, and a big ass 24" monitor. The current Windows 7 UI is very nice, very easy to use.

Why on Earth anyone would want to replace their nice desktop with a big screen with a tiny little fondleslap is beyond me... supplement, sure it's great, best device for each job... but not replace...

Spotify coining it at home in Sweden: But are artists getting any?


While I think it's a shame they don't get a bigger cut of the revenue, I pay my subscription fee to Spotify and if it was raised I'd likely leave the service. Consumers that use that service are doing the right thing, they are paying, it's the between the company and the artists to work out the division of profits.

US deploys robot submarine armada against Iranian mines


U.S.S Ponce? Really?

Might as well name one U.S.S Twat while they are at it.

ICO: Nearly HALF all FOI complaints are about local councils

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Really doesn't shock me. I've lived in a lot of places in my life and I've yet to meet a "local government" that isn't corrupt as a Russian copper!

"Need permission to knock down a 300 year old building? Not to change the subject but my sister's son could use some work..." etc. etc. etc.

Local Government is where the stupid pollies would couldn't get their noses into the big government end up!

Finding the Twitter psychopath ratio


I already assumed anyone with a twitter account already had at very least a mild form of Narcissistic Personality Disorder...

Aus cyber-safety unit loses punters' info in the post


Our tax dollars at work...

And those links... holy cripes do they not even read their own website?
