* Posts by tkioz

448 publicly visible posts • joined 17 Jul 2009


Snowden's email provider gave crypto keys to FBI – on paper printouts



More tactics that the SS and KGB would approve of by the 'freedom loving' American police.

Disgusting. How is shutting down your own company 'criminal' anyway? Or is it because they couldn't use their forced access to spy on Snowden that pissed them off?

OK, so we paid a bill late, but did BT have to do this?


Reminds me of Telco here in Australia that sent me a threatening letter over 70 cents. Yes, I under paid my final bill on a mobile account by 70 blood cents. I couldn't believe it, I honestly thought it was a prank, but none of my friends would admit to it, it wasn't until I got the second letter threatening to send it to a debt collection agency that I rang them and asked "are you bloody serious?". I paid them and made a note to never purchase from that company ever again, people that stupid don't need my money.


Telco behaving stupidly? Say it isn't so!

Honestly I've seen stuff like this before, and it just ticks me off, they really need to pull their heads in.

Headmaster calls cops, tries to dash pupil's uni dreams - over a BLOG


Re: Seems pretty switched on to me

Yeah I read that and thought "err... this man finished university (he's a teacher so he must have) and doesn't know this?"... any system designed by human beings has the capacity to be corrupted.


"individualism" is a dangerous ideology now is it?

Headmaster needs a quick slap upside the head.

'Peeping while you're sleeping' NSA parody T-shirt ban BACKFIRES


Ugg. They claim the rights to the initials NSA? Really... Really? Bloody hell...

I can actually understand the logic behind protecting the seal, but the initials?...

'World's worst director' plans Snowden-inspired movie comedy


Can we pay someone to lock him in a mental ward instead?

UK mulls ban on tiny mobiles to block prison smugglers


Yeah and they are also illegal as hell (at least where I live)... One cinema wanted to jam mobiles and got into a fair bit of trouble over it.


So law abiding citizens are being punished because of the actions of criminals? Yeah that's right... NOT.

I'm all for mobile signal blocking (god only knows why they didn't do it before hand) in prisons, but banning tiny phones because of one segment of the population is just nuts.

Honestly there are a lot of places I would accept blank mobile phone jamming, it needs to be made easier to legally do.

Maybe leave open one channel for 'approve' phones for people with demonstrable need (doctors on call for example), but they need to prove it to get their phone working in jamming zones.

Bradley Manning* sentenced to 35 years in prison


America the land where a man exposing the crimes of others gets 35 years, yet the people who ruined tens of millions of lives the world over with their out and out [b]fraud[/b] don't serve a day inside...

Norway BANS Apple from Oslo's skies: No aerial Maps app snaps allowed


I wonder how the yanks would feel if some Russian or Chinese company wanted to take high res photos of their capitols...

Snowden's secure email provider Lavabit shuts down under gag order


Brace man, and I applaud him.

But wouldn't his comments be taken as breeching the gag order? I'm sure the Gestapo FBI is already on it's way to have a chat.

'Wandering Dago' tuck truck ejected from NY race track


Americans... Here in Australia it would elicit a laugh, hell we had a hit movie called 'Wog Boy' and no-one bitched about it.

Up yours, Google! Iran to launch OWN state email service

Black Helicopters

I really fail to see the difference between Iran spying it's people's email and the yanks monitoring mine...

US public hate Snowden - but sexpot spy Anna Chapman LOVES him


Re: I agree with your premise as well....as a naturalized american.

I think the US needs to focus on fixing our own house and leave the others to do the same. We do not/should not want to be the worlds babysitter and the world should not want us to wipe their noses.

Err.. Most of us DO have our 'houses' in order, we don't spy on tens of millions of private citizens of other nations, our governments need... ya know WARRANTS to spy on our own citizens.

How about you freaking yanks get your noses OUT of our private affairs huh? How about you deal with your shitty third world hellhole, you gun crime, homelessness, shitty healthcare, and other bollocks first.

Where the HELL do you get off looking into the private information of Australians, British, French, Germans, etc.

And you wonder why the rest of the world hates you...


You know what really shits me about all those polls and their results? It's all about how yanks feel about their government spying on other yanks... What about the rest of the freaking world? They were spying on citizens of their closest allies and we're just suppose to accept that bullshit?

Patriot hacker 'The Jester' attacks nations offering Snowden help


What a moron... really into the 'American' principles of freedom and democracy isn't he? How dare sovereign nations consider offering sanctuary to people... oh right anyone who is 'against' the US is 'evil'.

Snowden speaks from Moscow: 'Obama lies'



Of course Obama is a liar, he's a politician, the ability to obfuscate the truth is a job requirement.

US DoJ: Happy b-day, Ed Snowden! You're (not?) charged with capital crimes


Typical political hypocrisy... I'm honestly amazed they didn't charge with his treason, as defined by the U.S Constitution that's "giving aid or comfort to the enemy" and we all know that politicians consider The People to be The Enemy now.

Top Norks bone up on Hitler


I honestly don't get the big deal, I own a copy of it, it's something everyone with an interest in history and politics should read, alongside The Prince, 1984, A Brave New World, Farenheit 451, etc.

Oh and if you want a good laugh consider this: All those Neo-Nazis who buy the book? The German state of Bavaria owns the rights to the book (until 2015, when it goes into the public domain) and all the royalties collected go to charity, including Jewish groups.

ACMA mulls cloud regulation

Black Helicopters

It depends on the information but I can definitely understand withholding information from services not hosted in Australia. Things like Google Docs were I store notes, half finished story ideas, and stuff like that I really don't care who whose law it's subject too, but stuff like medical records, financial records, etc. I definitely want to be subject to Australian law and regulation only.

I don't think it's unreasonable either. Leaving aside all the NSA stuff, I really don't want private companies having the ability to share my information amongst themselves.

NSA Prism: Why I'm boycotting US cloud tech - and you should too


Exceptionally well written!

It's a crying shame when a nation that once a guiding light of freedom and liberty has lost it's way. When I was in school we were taught about the influence of the American constitution on our very own Australian constitution, and it was held up as one of the land mark documents of history... to see such a nation behaving in ways more reminiscent of Soviet Russia or Nazi Germany is just sad.

The Tomorrow People jaunt back to the airwaves


Take place is different from casting. What's wrong with having an Asian guy being FROM ASIA or a black dude being from AFRICA instead of American?


Of course all the characters are American... I mean why wouldn't the next evolution of humanity be spread out...

'Chinese hack' scoops plan to Oz spook HQ


I saw it last night and while there was a lot of hype, it was still an interesting watch. There was some American dude on there saying we 'need to hit back!', of course he works for a private company selling 'offensive cyber weapons' so I'll take that with a grain of salt... but what do we steal? Most everything China has is stuff they've got from western companies!

US Senator introduces 'Patent Abuse Reduction Act'


It sounds great... if it only effects 'trolls'... but what happens if someone who is actually in the right ends up on the bad side of this law, and from the way it's worded I could see that happening with ease.

China’s state-run rags brand Mars One mission a scam


Honestly I'm not sure if it's intended to be a scam or not. Oh it's definitely a scam, it will fold in it on itself, there is zero chance this will work, but the question is do the people in charge know this, or are they dreamers?

'Catastrophic failure' of 3D-printed gun in Oz Police test


It's always interesting to see the law trying to catch up with technology. Sure the current gen printed guns are pretty pathetic, but just give it a while for 3D printing to become more and more mainstream and the technology to mature.

I'm thinking they'll try and put 'report home' software on them, so the government can be sure you're not 'hurting yourself'.

'WikiLeaks of financial data' prompts worldwide hunt for tax evaders


I hope they gut these buggers like carp. Disgusting how much tax these prats avoid paying.

Judge hands copyright troll an epic smack-down


So when can we get this judge on the US supreme court? Having people with a clue there might be a good idea...

Surprise! Republican bill adds politics to science funding


What a terrible terrible idea...

Bill Gates offends Koreans after sticking hand down trousers


Re: Rude is as rude does

Social protocol is a minefield mate, even if he was taking lessons it's likely they only covered the 'big' stuff, not how one holds themselves while talking, or where you place your other hand during a handshake.

Honestly the whole thing reads like a slow news day beat up.

News Corp prez threatens to pull Fox TV off the air



I hope they pull their 'content' off the air.

Is NBN Co about to pay for 80 years of power pole access?


Re: Standard practice...

Out to ruin the states? Hell they should be out to abolish and utterly destroy the damn useless things. Other than the occasional sporting match they serve zero purpose in this country any more.

They made sense a century ago when communication over such vast distances could take time, but today? No, get rid of them, we've got three levels of government (local, state, federal) and could get along just fine with only two levels and say a hell of a lot of money.


Sounds like the NSW Liberals are trying to help out their Federal brethren by stalling the NBN as much as possible. Or it could just be plain greed, after all most of the massive price hikes in power bills over the last few years have been due to 'gold-plating' power infrastructure.

Scottish SF master Iain M Banks reveals he has less than a year to live


Well that sucks. His novels gave me much pleasure, here's hoping for a miracle.

I am NOT a PC repair man. I will NOT get your iPad working


I think the problem is that they wouldn't return the favour. I lived next door to a auto-repair tech once, I fixed up his computer a time or two, but when my car broke down on a weekend he refused to even look at it 'I do that at work, not at home'.

See the problem with fixing computers is people expect us to be all Sherlock excited at a new mystery to ply our trade upon... yeah... no... that was me 15 years ago when I fresh, before I had the joy burnt out of me by many evenings of unpaid virus removing.


I lie my ass off about what I do/did now, have done since I moved to a new town. I can actually eat my dinner in peace. It's a shocking experience.

I was an excited geeky teenager when I first started working in IT, and happy to share my experience with all and sundry, but after a few years of getting calls from people I only tangentially knew who never spoke to me when there wasn't a 'computer crisis' I simply stopped bothering.

Oddly I think it was family that broke me, I was working retail IT, the closest thing this side of hell I can think of, at the time, and I had knocked off from a terrible week, and my mother rung me on the way home, telling me to get out to my aunts house to fix her computer... I was hungry, I was tired, and still in my work clothes, so I drag my ass half away across creation (my Aunt lived about 30kms away), and I get there as they are sitting down to tea, and I'm shoved into the back room to fix a freaking printer. No offer of coffee, no offer of food, nothing, hell she didn't even have the decency to ask me herself, she called my mother to ask me, a woman half a freaking state away, because she knew I wouldn't say no to her.

After all was said and done it wasn't even a bloody emergency, just a broken printer that could have waited.

I think that was the point I started telling people "come into the shop" and "sorry, no, I don't moonlight".

Oz shop slaps browsers with $5 just looking fee


I know it's silly isn't it... I often wonder around a shopping area, just looking after I've made the purchases that I went there for, I'll nip into a shop I've never been in before, maybe I'll buy something, maybe I wont... but if I saw a sign saying they want to charge me just for looking I'll keep on walking.


Guess they want to go out of business, because that's the only thing I can see happening.

Bill Gates offers big bucks for better condoms


Re: Just give us a male pill already

The male pill has been in the pipeline since forever. Even if it was only, say, 90% effective, combine it with the female pill, and you've got a damn near perfect contraception.

Unfortunately, the male pill wont really solve the major problems better condoms help with, STD transmission in Africa, and it wont make it out into the developing world due to patents and prices.


Odd that they didn't have a category for reusable condoms. Wait before you throw something at me, they use to exist before the latex condoms came into vogue, but they were terrible things.

A condom that is reusable, reliable, and enhances pleasure could go a long way to help with the STD epidemics in Africa. Of course so could religious leaders getting off their moral high horse and endorsing them...

Florida fisherman bags two-headed MUTANT SHARK


Yeah the hippies are going to jump up and down on this screaming 'pollution!'... never mind that there have been recorded cases of humans born like this for thousands of years... Chances are it's just a random birth defect like conjoined twins.

Bottomless, unsatisfied Xbox widow cuffed after boyf flees nookie


Yet if he'd turned around and given her the bop on the nose she desperately needed he'd be the one facing charges...

Dongle smut Twitstorm claims second scalp


Good riddance to bad rubbish. Her actions did more to harm women in tech than any number of 'dongle' jokes could ever do.

Stephen Fry explains… Alan Turing's amazing computer


The man has the most amazing voice... but he really should do some fact checking. It's wonderful he's so enthusiastic about tech, it's great to see people who are, but it's a face-palming error.

Microsoft, Adobe, wilt during Australian price gouge grilling


I doubt anything will change anytime soon but it is good to see these prats being put on the spot, the price difference and geoblocking is disgusting and needs more attention.

Feedly now home to 500,000 Reader refugees


While I never really used reader I'm going to be looking for an iGoogle replacement come November when they shutter that :(

NORKS says USA attack took it offline ... as if anyone could tell


Dear Leader had to go without his daily porn binge? Oh no the horrors.

Seattle drinking den bans Google Glass geeks


Better ban mobile phones while they are at it... oh wait this is all about publicity whoring not giving a crap about privacy.
