You know I wouldn't mind if they were kept off the 'net permanently. Though I'm sure their big brother (China) would bitch about it.
Posts by tkioz
448 publicly visible posts • joined 17 Jul 2009
Norks' internet goes TITSUP in possible DDoS attack
Nork-ribbing flick The Interview AXED: Sony caves under hack terror 'menace'
Terror bomb victims demanding Iran's .ir will appeal US ruling
Australia to block piracy sites if Big Content asks nicely in court
Brit gun nut builds working sniper rifle at home out of scrap metal
Apple denied 'App Store' trademark by Australian court
I'M SO SORRY, sobs Rosetta Brit boffin in 'sexist' sexy shirt storm
Doctor Who trashing the TARDIS, Clara alone, useless UNIT – Death in Heaven
Will someone please for the love of all that is holy give Moffat the sack already? I agree with everything in the review, at this point he's gone beyond 'cute' injokes and into full on wank.
It's not funny anymore, the stories don't even make sense half the time, and don't even get me started on the logic bending crap like a the moon is an egg.
He needs to go.
Doctor Who becomes an illogical, unscientific, silly soap opera in Kill The Moon
What an episode of utter poop. I know Doctor Who is far from 'hard' sci-fi but there is soft and then there is this crap. The moon is an egg, really? Really? REALLY!?!?
And then we get to the paper thin allegory for abortion (Really Doctor Who?) with the Doctor leaving it to 'womenkind' and judging humanity for wanting to survive... I wanted to slap Clara when she tapped the abort button. Putting billions of lives at risk for her morals. Stupid bitch.
And the plotholes... oh dear god the plotholes!
Seriously I've been giving this season a chance, but I'm getting to the point where I'm going to drop it if things don't pick up, there has been one good episode (the bank episode), all the others have been retreads of previous nuWho episodes, only not as good.
Opposition: we passed Australia's 'spook's charter' on PURPOSE
Hawking: Higgs boson in a BIG particle punisher could DESTROY UNIVERSE
Snowden shouldn't be extradited to US if he testifies about NSA spying, says Swiss gov
What happens in Europe, doesn't stay in Europe: US giants accused of breaking EU privacy pact
'Apple is terrified of women’s bodies and women’s pleasure' – fresh tech sex storm
iPhone user shamegasm: 'I beg of you', delete sex app from my purchase list
Spanish village of 'Kill the Jews' votes for rebrand
Nintendo says sorry, but there will be NO gay marriage in Tomodachi Life ... EVER
Win XP holdouts storm eBay and licence brokers, hiss: Give us all your Windows 7
I NEVER DONE BITCOIN, says bloke fingered by new Newsweek
Yes: You CAN use your phone as a satnav while driving – appeals court
Re: Not in the UK.....
A family friend got done for "drunk driving" and lost his licence for twelve months because he was sleeping in the drivers seat of his car, with the keys in his pocket.
Seriously, he knew he'd had too much to drink, so decided to sleep it off in the car, cops rolled up, tested him, and busted him.
Yes. the law is stupid.
Google coughs up $6.8m for FREE BUSING for San Francisco youth
US can't get its hands on Navy hacker Victor Faur, aka SirVic
Those NSA 'reforms' in full: El Reg translates US Prez Obama's pledges
Remember when SimCity ABSOLUTELY HAD to be online? Not any more – fancy that!
My point is that only an idiot would 'review' something that he couldn't actually review.
I suggest you look up "fit for purpose" in retail law... They sold a product that *didn't work*, people are well within their rights to give a bad review on a product that doesn't work. Simple as that.
It's suppose to work *out of the box*, not three days after they take your money. Gamers need to stop letting companies get away with this "launch trouble" bollocks.
Honestly the online requirement wasn't even the worst part of the game for me. No, there were problems that stood head and shoulders above that little chestnut. The fact it ran like a three legged retarded chipmunk chief among them, along side the dumbed down gameplay, the terrible traffic AI, and the plainly stupid nature of the "sims" that went to the nearest workplace/house during each cycle and were basically identical NPCs (despite the fact we were promised *individuals*), etc.
All problems that Haemimont and Kalypso, companies less than a tenth the size of EA solved with Tropico 4.
I really regret spending my money on the game, and it's soured me on a franchise I've played for over twenty years, and I doubt I'll ever by another Simcity game.
NSA refuses to deny spying on members of Congress
Oz Government: TPP papers will stay secret
DON'T PANIC: No FM Death Date next month, minister confirms
Apple supplier's '11-hours-a-day' toilers have '1 day off a month'
Interesting facts, now, as in 2013, is the time when the lowest percentage of human beings are in bondage ever.
Now for the depressing part, it's also the time of the greatest raw number of slaves in human history. Almost thirty million, and that's a conservative estimate, only counting 'recognised' slaves, such as sex slaves and those in enforced servitude.
Is Australia backing away from 'fair use' proposals?
Typical. It seems like the Content Mafia is intent on shooting themselves in the foot. They fail to see that a fair copyright regime, not the current monster that is in place, will help them more than hurt them, and that by clinging to the idea of expanding at all costs they are simply making more and more enemies. The more they tighten their grip the more people will rebel.
Bloke named 'human' demands 'COPSLIE' licence plate
Singaporeans THANK government for BANNING IaaS site
Thought you didn't need to show ID in the UK? Wrong
I honestly don't get the full on hate for 'ID cards'. Honestly I'd love if Australia brought out a Federal ID card. I recently became legally blind and had to hand in my drivers licence... coz you know can't drive anymore.
Trust me, you really, really, miss having access to the defacto ID card that is a drivers licence. Passports just aren't as easy to carry around (if you've got a current one, which I don't), and other ID is hit and miss if it will be accepted, and even when it is it's generally not worth as 'much' as a drivers licence.
Try opening a bank account recently without a drivers licence? It's hellish.
I can understand people not wanting to have a mandatory ID scheme in place, especially those that grew up under dictatorships, but honestly an optional government recognised ID would be worth it's weight in gold. Hell they could even offer one that had all your different government 'permits' (drivers, truck, firearms, etc.) all on the same card.
Locked-up crims write prison software that puts squeeze on grub supplier
A post-Snowden US had better not SQUEAL about Chinese cyber-spying
In a meeting with a woman? For pity's sake don't read this
Drone owners told: stay out of bushfire skies
Swedish teen's sex video fine slashed: Unwilling co-star girlfriend furious
Re: Really?
Why shouldn't people be free to make private tapes?
I'll tell you a secret that I've discovered after many years of life... people are vindictive jerks. There are enough horror stories about 'revenge porn', leaked nudes, etc. out and about for people to maybe exercise some restraint and think "hmm maybe I shouldn't make a video of myself engaging in a sexual act with this person I've known for a few months".
Wanna sell a phone in New York? Better have a receipt
Brazil's anti-NSA prez urged to SNATCH keys to the internet from America
I can't wait for the idiots to crawl out of the woodwork screaming "MERICA INVENTED THE INTERNETS!!! IT'S OURS!!! GET OFF IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT!!!" with more spelling mistakes of course.
Nevermind that when 99% of people online think of the "Internet" they are actually thinking about the World Wide Web which was invented by Sir Tim Berners-Lee, a British man, while working in Switzerland, who like a 'dirty commie' refused to patent his invention...
But never mind that of course.
Shadowy drug fans threaten FBI agents, vow to 'avenge' Silk Road shutdown
And I thought PETA had the market cornered on own goals. I mean seriously what a bunch of idiots.
I'm a firm believe that the so-called "War on Drugs" is nothing but a massive waste of money and the problem would be better tackled by legalising the less harmful drugs (pot for example) and taxing the ever loving hell out of it, while putting money into treatment programs and focusing on the more destructive drugs and those that sell them(heroin, meth, etc).
From a practical perspective it makes sense, you free up resources to handle the really dangerous stuff at the same time as you introduce a new revenue stream (something more than a few countries desperately need) to pay for treatment programs.
But threatening police isn't a way to do it, it anti-productive and makes the job of the sane people working slowly, within the system, to legalise some drugs all the harder.
Disclaimer: I haven't smoked pot or taken any illegal substances in the last fifteen years.
Billionaire dumps Apple stock because Steve Jobs was 'really awful' guy
Hollywood: How do we secure high-def 4K content? Easy. Just BRAND the pirates
Re: May work if pople want high quality
High end people will always buy legit media to support yhe high end hardware they have bought
Ha! You don't know some of the people I know then. I know people on $200-300k a year who have massive pirate movie/music/game collections and wouldn't purchase a DVD if it was 1 cent.
When will they learn... There are people out there in the wilds of the web that see any security system as a challenge, a big bunch of them don't care about piracy or anything of the like, they just want to beat it. Honestly it's like big business enjoys waving a red flag at the cryptogeek bull.
TWELFTH-CENTURY TARDIS turns up in Ethiopia
NSA using Firefox flaw to snoop on Tor users
Of course everyone using Tor is a sex offender, terrorist, or international criminal! Why would a law abiding citizen care about the government reading their communications... It's not like supposedly democratic governments are using flying killbots to execute their own citizens without regard to due process...
Oh wait...