* Posts by Jon 85

13 publicly visible posts • joined 17 Jul 2009

The Register and Australia-New Zealand

Jon 85
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I love The Register and want to have its babies.

Hackers hijack internet voting system in Washington DC

Jon 85

Paper and pencils

Technology is not always the answer.

Aussie election results: Firewall wobbles

Jon 85

Steve Fielding may yet sneak back in...

But with the Greens holding the balance of power in their own right, he would be irrelevant, and with both the Tories and Greens opposed, the filter is indeed dead.

Aussie opposition will scrap firewall

Jon 85
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No but Labor won't have the numbers in the Senate

The Greens will almost certainly have the balance of power in the Senate and they are long-standing opponents of this nonsense, so Labor simply won't be able to get the legislation through.

Steve Jobs morphs into Darth Vader

Jon 85
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The skyline of Shenzen looks remarkably like Sydney. They must have ripped it off the Matrix.

Oz customs search lappies and mobes for smut

Jon 85

Last year?

I cleared customs at Sydney airport last Sunday and I certainly didn't see any question on the card about pornography.

This is complete nonsense though. If I hadn't already abandoned the Labor Party due to their mandatory internet filtering policy, I would have done so for this outrage.

Domain registrar follows Google out of China

Jon 85

this is a business decision

GoDaddy runs a high-volume automated registrar platform. The new registration rules for .cn make it simply uneconomic for them to continue selling them.

Mad Aus gov accuses Sydney hacks of hacking

Jon 85

But spin is all the NSW government is good at

If they've lost the ability to do that then things really are bad. Time for NSW to be abolished, I say. Send in the troops and run it from Canberra.

Iranian net slows to a crawl before planned protests

Jon 85

Australia next

So, this sounds pretty much like what Monsignor (sorry, Minister) Conroy has planned for us with his 'clean feed' nonsense...

HP ordered to pay £200m in interim damages ruling

Jon 85

That should help...

...take the sting out of the loss Sky were forced to take on their ITV stake...

China may reverse citizen ban on domain registration

Jon 85

That's simply not true

All you need to register a domain name in .com.au or .net.au is an ABN - a business tax registration number. You are able to do so as a sole trader, trading under your own name. The actual policy doesn't even require an ABN but the practice among registrars is to require one as it allows them to automate their systems.

The normal turnaround time for registering one of these names is a matter of seconds.

I don't know where you get the idea that *they* pick one of three submitted for you. That's just nonsense.

By 'US entry', I presume you mean like a .com? Well they take seconds to register as well. You can even register one through an Australian registrar.

If you actually mean a .us name, which is the actual US country code, then you need to be able to demonstrate a 'nexus' (such as a trading relationship) with the United States. And there have been recent examples of .us names being deleted where this nexus information was shown to be false.

Aussie net filtering goes into reverse

Jon 85

Nothing new here

A friend of mine was working as a teacher in a high school in Sydney way back in the late 90s - the net filtering software they used back then was blocking access to the NSW Department of Education website because it deemed to mention 'sex education'. Glad to see things have moved on in the last decade.

Child protection groups undermine Aussie Firewall

Jon 85

@Fred 6 - yes, but...

While I agree that Conroy is seriously out of his depth, I'm not sure that's such a bad thing to some extent. God help us if we ever get a politician in charge of internet policy that actually understands what they're doing...imagine the damage they could cause!!!